import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import torch import os import random from .constant import CHART_TO_HEAD_MAP, UNIQ_CHART_HEADS from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap SINGLE_PLOT_TIGHT_LAYOUT_REC = [0, 0.2, 1.0, 1.0] SINGLE_PLOT_TEXT_LOC = [0.5, 0.05] MAX_SENT_CAPTION = 2 MAX_TEXT_CAPTION = 400 COLOR_PALETTES = [ ['#a6cee3','#1f78b4','#b2df8a','#33a02c','#fb9a99','#e31a1c','#fdbf6f','#ff7f00','#cab2d6'], ['#e41a1c','#377eb8','#4daf4a','#984ea3','#ff7f00','#ffff33','#a65628','#f781bf','#999999'], ['#8dd3c7','#bebada','#fb8072','#80b1d3','#fdb462','#b3de69','#fccde5','#d9d9d9'], ['#d0d1e6','#a6bddb','#74a9cf','#3690c0','#0570b0','#045a8d','#023858'], ['#ccece6','#99d8c9','#66c2a4','#41ae76','#238b45','#006d2c','#00441b'], ['#d4b9da','#c994c7','#df65b0','#e7298a','#ce1256','#980043','#67001f'] ] def unscale_conts(cont_preds, scale_preds, tab_shape=None, scale_eps=1.00001, scale_exponent=10): if tab_shape is not None: row_counts = tab_shape['row'] col_counts = tab_shape['col'] cont_values = [] for bidx, (all_cont_pred) in enumerate(cont_preds): #Can only generate as far as we have predictions available. if tab_shape is not None: rows = min(row_counts[bidx], all_cont_pred.size(0)) cols = min(col_counts[bidx], all_cont_pred.size(1)) else: rows = all_cont_pred.size(0) cols = all_cont_pred.size(1) cont_pred = all_cont_pred[:rows, :cols, :].clone() scale_pred = scale_preds[bidx].clone() if len(scale_pred.shape) == 1: scale_pred = scale_pred.view(1, -1) cont_dims = cont_pred.size(-1) #Reverse offseting. Increment from first point if cont_dims * 2 == scale_pred.size(-1): for dim in range(cont_dims): mindim = dim * 2 rngdim = mindim + 1 min_scale = scale_pred[:rows, mindim] rng_scale = scale_pred[:rows, rngdim] #scale_min_rng = (bsz, 2) min_scale = min_scale[:,None] rng_scale = rng_scale[:,None] #Perform scaling cont_pred[:,:,dim] = cont_pred[:,:,dim] * rng_scale + min_scale else: # for cidx in range(1, cont_pred.size(1)): # cont_pred[:, cidx, :] += cont_pred[:, cidx - 1, :] for cidx in range(1, cont_pred.size(2)): cont_pred[:, :, cidx] += cont_pred[:, :, cidx - 1] min_scale = scale_pred[:rows, 0] rng_scale = scale_pred[:rows, 1] #scale_min_rng = (bsz, 2) min_scale = min_scale.view(-1,1,1) rng_scale = rng_scale.view(-1,1,1) cont_pred = cont_pred * rng_scale + min_scale cont_values.append(cont_pred) return cont_values def unscale_scales(scale_logits, tab_shape=None, scale_eps_min=1.100001, scale_eps_rng=1.100001, scale_exponent=10): if tab_shape is not None: row_counts = tab_shape['row'] scale_values = [] for bidx, logits in enumerate(scale_logits): if tab_shape is not None: rows = int(row_counts[bidx]) logits = logits[:rows, :] base = torch.ones_like(logits) * scale_exponent scale_pred = torch.pow(base, logits) dims = scale_pred.size(-1) min_dims = [i for i in range(dims) if (i % 2) == 0] rng_dims = [i for i in range(dims) if (i % 2) == 1] scale_pred[:,min_dims] -= scale_eps_min scale_pred[:,rng_dims] -= scale_eps_rng scale_pred = torch.abs(scale_pred) scale_values.append(scale_pred) return scale_values def prepare_mpl(x): chart_types = x.get('chart_type') chart_idx = x.get('chart_idx') if chart_idx is None and chart_types is None: raise ValueError("Provide one") scale_tens_list = x['scale']['inputs_embeds'] cont_tens_list = x['continuous']['inputs_embeds'] #if tab_shape not available, it must be from dataset tab_shape = x.get('shape') if tab_shape is not None: tab_shape = tab_shape['counts'] else: attn_mask = x['continuous']['attention_mask'].sum(-1) num_cols = torch.max(attn_mask, dim=-1).values.cpu().tolist() num_rows = torch.where(attn_mask > 0, 1, 0).sum(-1).cpu().tolist() tab_shape = {} tab_shape['row'] = num_rows tab_shape['col'] = num_cols scale_values = unscale_scales(scale_tens_list, tab_shape=tab_shape) cont_values = unscale_conts(cont_tens_list, scale_values, tab_shape=tab_shape) #Convert into a list chart_list = [] for idx, values in enumerate(cont_values): chart_dict = {} if chart_types is not None: ct = chart_types[idx] chart_dict['chart_type'] = ct chart_dict['head_type'] = CHART_TO_HEAD_MAP[ct] elif chart_idx is not None: ct_idx = chart_idx[idx] chart_dict['head_type'] = UNIQ_CHART_HEADS[ct_idx] else: raise if chart_dict['head_type'] == 'categorical': assert values.size(-1) == 1, f"invalid shape for categorical data, {values.shape}" values = torch.reshape(values, [values.size(0), values.size(1)]) chart_dict['values'] = values.cpu().tolist() elif chart_dict['head_type'] == 'point': assert values.size(-1) == 2, f"invalid shape for point data, {values.shape}" x_val = values[:,:,0].cpu().tolist() y_val = values[:,:,1].cpu().tolist() chart_dict['values'] = {'x': x_val, 'y': y_val} elif chart_dict['head_type'] == 'boxplot': assert values.size(-1) == 5, f"invalid shape for boxplot data, {values.shape}" chart_dict['values'] = values.cpu().tolist() chart_list.append(chart_dict) return chart_list def create_bar_chart(x_data, text, f_name, xhat_data=None, bar_width=0.75, step=None): if xhat_data is not None: _create_bar_chart_double(x_data=x_data, xhat_data=xhat_data, text=text, f_name=f_name, bar_width=bar_width, step=step) else: _create_bar_chart_single(x_data=x_data, text=text, f_name=f_name, base_width=bar_width, step=step) def _create_bar_chart_single(x_data, text, f_name, base_width=0.25, flip_thres=4, step=None): recon_values = x_data['values'] _ = plt.figure() plt.figure(facecolor='white') #Remove repeats between categorical and series names text['categorical'] = [s for s in text['categorical'] if 'unnamed' not in s] text['series_name'] = [s for s in text['series_name'] if s not in text['categorical'] and 'unnamed' not in s] text['axis_titles'] = [s for s in text['axis_titles'] if s not in text['categorical'] and 'unnamed' not in s] #clip by number of available categorical values max_cat = min(len(text['categorical']), len(recon_values[0])) max_series = min(len(text['series_name']), len(recon_values)) if step is None: cidx = random.choice(range(len(COLOR_PALETTES))) cmap = COLOR_PALETTES[cidx] else: cmap = COLOR_PALETTES[step % len(COLOR_PALETTES)] #Manually remove if max_cat <= 1 or max_series <= 1: return if max_series == 1: bar_width = base_width ticks = [r for r in range(max_cat)] else: bar_width = base_width / max_series #ticks = [r + bar_width for r in range(max_cat)] ticks = [r + base_width / 3 for r in range(max_cat)] label_count = 0 max_label_len = 0 for idx, (y, label)in enumerate(zip(recon_values, text['series_name'])): if idx > max_series: break color = cmap[idx % len(cmap)] y = y[:max_cat] if idx == 0: br1 = np.arange(len(y)) else: br1 = [x + bar_width for x in br1] label = text['series_name'][idx] if 'unnamed' in label: label = None else: label_count += 1 if len(label) > max_label_len: max_label_len = len(label) if max_cat > flip_thres: plt.barh(br1, y, height=bar_width, label=label, color=color) else:, y, width=bar_width, label=label, color=color), y, width=bar_width, label=label) rotation = 0 fontsize = 'small' wrap = True if max_cat > flip_thres: rotation = 30 wrap = False fontsize=8 categorical_labels = text['categorical'][:max_cat] max_cat_label_len = max(len(c) for c in categorical_labels) if max_cat > flip_thres: plt.yticks(ticks, categorical_labels, wrap=wrap, fontsize=fontsize) else: plt.xticks(ticks, categorical_labels, wrap=wrap, fontsize=fontsize, rotation=rotation) if max_series > 1 and label_count > 0: if max_label_len <= 5: #Short legend box on the right plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1,1), loc="upper left") elif max_label_len >= 40: #Long legend box should be put on the top plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0, 1, 1, 0), loc="lower left", mode="expand", ncol=1) elif max_cat_label_len >= 40: #Long categorical labels mean it must be put on the top if max_label_len < 10 and label_count < 4: plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0, 1, 1, 0), loc="lower left", mode="expand", ncol=label_count) else: plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0, 1, 1, 0), loc="lower left", mode="expand", ncol=1) elif label_count >= 4: #Lots of labels, put on the right plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1,1), loc="upper left") else: if max_label_len > 20 or max_cat_label_len > 40: ncol = 1 else: ncol = label_count plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0, 1, 1, 0), loc="lower left", mode="expand", ncol=ncol) if len(text['axis_titles']) > 0: axis_title1 = text['axis_titles'][0].split('.')[0] if max_cat > flip_thres: plt.xlabel(axis_title1) else: plt.ylabel(axis_title1) #Only keep first 3 sentences caption = text['caption'].replace('\n','') caption = '.'.join(caption.split('.')[:MAX_SENT_CAPTION])[:MAX_TEXT_CAPTION] s = SINGLE_PLOT_TEXT_LOC plt.figtext(s[0], s[1], caption, wrap=True, horizontalalignment='center') plt.tight_layout(rect=SINGLE_PLOT_TIGHT_LAYOUT_REC) plt.savefig(fname=f_name) plt.close() def _create_bar_chart_double(x_data, xhat_data, text, f_name, bar_width=0.25, step=None): # Create original plot original_values = x_data['values'] plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) # row 1, column 2, count 1 #Pick horizontal or horizontal based on xticks #plt.title('Original') if step is None: cidx = random.choice(range(len(COLOR_PALETTES))) cmap = COLOR_PALETTES[cidx] else: cmap = COLOR_PALETTES[step % len(COLOR_PALETTES)] #plt.xlabel('x-axis') if len(text['axis_titles']) > 0: axis_title1 = text['axis_titles'][0].split('.')[0] if len(text['categorical']) > 5: plt.xlabel(axis_title1) else: plt.ylabel(axis_title1) if len(original_values) == 1: bar_width = 0.75 ticks = [r for r in range(len(original_values[0]))] else: bar_width = 0.75 / len(original_values) ticks = [r + bar_width for r in range(len(original_values[0]))] for idx, y in enumerate(original_values): color = cmap[idx % len(cmap)] if idx == 0: br1 = np.arange(len(y)) else: br1 = [x + bar_width for x in br1] label = text['series_name'][idx] if 'unnamed' in label: label = None if len(text['categorical']) > 5: plt.barh(br1, y, height=bar_width, label=label, color=color) else:, y, width=bar_width, label=label, color=color) rotation = 0 wrap = True fontsize = 'small' if len(text['categorical']) > 5: rotation = 30 wrap = True fontsize = 8 cat_labels = [c for c in text['categorical'] if 'unnamed' not in c] if len(cat_labels): if len(text['categorical']) > 5: plt.yticks(ticks[:len(cat_labels)], cat_labels, wrap=wrap, fontsize=fontsize) else: plt.xticks(ticks[:len(cat_labels)], cat_labels, wrap=wrap, fontsize=fontsize, rotation=rotation) if len(original_values) > 1: plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1,1), loc="upper left") # Create reconstruction plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) #plt.title('Reconstruction') if len(text['axis_titles']) > 0: axis_title1 = text['axis_titles'][0].split('.')[0] if len(text['categorical']) > 5: plt.xlabel(axis_title1) else: plt.ylabel(axis_title1) recon_values = xhat_data['values'] #clip by number of available categorical values clip_val = min(len(text['categorical']), len(recon_values[0])) for idx, (y, label)in enumerate(zip(recon_values, text['series_name'])): color = cmap[idx % len(cmap)] #label = [l for l in label if 'unnamed' not in l] if 'unnamed' in label: label = None y = y[:clip_val] if idx == 0: br1 = np.arange(len(y)) else: br1 = [x + bar_width for x in br1][:clip_val] if len(text['categorical']) > 5: plt.barh(br1, y, height=bar_width, label=label, color=color) else:, y, width=bar_width, label=label, color=color) rotation = 0 wrap = True fontsize = 'small' if clip_val > 5: rotation = 30 wrap = True fontsize = 8 if len(text['categorical']) > 5: plt.yticks(ticks[:clip_val], text['categorical'][:clip_val], wrap=wrap, fontsize=fontsize) else: plt.xticks(ticks[:clip_val], text['categorical'][:clip_val], wrap=wrap, fontsize=fontsize, rotation=rotation) if len(recon_values) > 1: plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1,1), loc="upper left") #Add caption #plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2) plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.8]) #Only keep first 3 sentences caption = text['caption'].replace('\n','') caption = '.'.join(caption.split('.')[:MAX_SENT_CAPTION])[:MAX_TEXT_CAPTION] plt.figtext(0.5, 0.9, caption, wrap=True, horizontalalignment='center') # space between the plots plt.savefig(fname=f_name) plt.close() def create_scatter(x_data, text, f_name, xhat_data=None, bar_width=0.25, step=None): if xhat_data is not None: _create_scatter_double(x_data=x_data, xhat_data=xhat_data, text=text, f_name=f_name, step=step) else: _create_scatter_single(x_data=x_data, text=text, f_name=f_name, step=step) def _create_scatter_single(x_data, text, f_name, markersize=4, step=None): x_values = x_data['values']['x'] y_values = x_data['values']['y'] fig = plt.figure() plt.figure(facecolor='white') if step is None: cidx = random.choice(range(len(COLOR_PALETTES))) cmap = ListedColormap(COLOR_PALETTES[cidx]) else: cmap = ListedColormap(COLOR_PALETTES[step % len(COLOR_PALETTES)]) #Remove repeats between categorical and series names text['series_name'] = [s for s in text['series_name'] if 'unnamed' not in s] label_count = 0 max_label_len = 0 if len(x_values[0]) == 1: return for idx, (x, y, label) in enumerate(zip(x_values, y_values, text['series_name'])): if 'unnamed' in label: label = None else: label_count += 1 if len(label) > max_label_len: max_label_len = len(label) plt.scatter(x, y, cmap=cmap, label=label, s=markersize) if len(x_values) > 1 and label_count > 0: if max_label_len <= 5: #Short legend box on the right plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1,1), loc="upper left") elif max_label_len >= 40: #Long legend box should be put on the top plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0, 1, 1, 0), loc="lower left", mode="expand", ncol=1) elif label_count >= 4: #Lots of labels, put on the right plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1,1), loc="upper left") else: if max_label_len > 20: ncol = 1 else: ncol = label_count plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0, 1, 1, 0), loc="lower left", mode="expand", ncol=ncol) if len(text['axis_titles']) > 0: axis_title1 = text['axis_titles'][0].split('.')[0] plt.xlabel(axis_title1) if len(text['axis_titles']) > 1: axis_title2 = text['axis_titles'][1].split('.')[0] plt.ylabel(axis_title2) #Only keep first 3 sentences caption = text['caption'].replace('\n','') caption = '.'.join(caption.split('.')[:MAX_SENT_CAPTION])[:MAX_TEXT_CAPTION] s = SINGLE_PLOT_TEXT_LOC plt.figtext(s[0], s[1], caption, wrap=True, horizontalalignment='center') plt.tight_layout(rect=SINGLE_PLOT_TIGHT_LAYOUT_REC) plt.savefig(fname=f_name) plt.close() def _create_scatter_double(x_data, xhat_data, text, f_name, step=None): if step is None: cidx = random.choice(range(len(COLOR_PALETTES))) cmap = ListedColormap(COLOR_PALETTES[cidx]) else: cmap = ListedColormap(COLOR_PALETTES[step % len(COLOR_PALETTES)]) x_values = x_data['values']['x'] y_values = x_data['values']['y'] plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) if len(text['axis_titles']) > 0: axis_title1 = text['axis_titles'][0].split('.')[0] plt.xlabel(axis_title1) if len(text['axis_titles']) > 1: axis_title2 = text['axis_titles'][1].split('.')[0] plt.ylabel(axis_title2) for idx, (x,y, label) in enumerate(zip(x_values, y_values, text['series_name'])): if 'unnamed' in label: label = None plt.scatter(x, y, cmap=cmap, label=label) if len(x_values) > 1: plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1,1), loc="upper left") x_values = xhat_data['values']['x'] y_values = xhat_data['values']['y'] plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) #plt.title('Reconstruction') if len(text['axis_titles']) > 0: axis_title1 = text['axis_titles'][0].split('.')[0] plt.xlabel(axis_title1) if len(text['axis_titles']) > 1: axis_title2 = text['axis_titles'][1].split('.')[0] plt.ylabel(axis_title2) for idx, (x,y, label) in enumerate(zip(x_values, y_values, text['series_name'])): if 'unnamed' in label: label = None plt.scatter(x, y, cmap=cmap, label=label) if len(x_values) > 1: plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1,1), loc="upper left") #Add caption #plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2) plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.8]) #Only keep first 3 sentences caption = text['caption'].replace('\n','') caption = '.'.join(caption.split('.')[:MAX_SENT_CAPTION])[:MAX_TEXT_CAPTION] plt.figtext(0.5, 0.9, caption, wrap=True, horizontalalignment='center') # space between the plots plt.savefig(fname=f_name) plt.close() def create_boxplot(x_data, text, f_name, xhat_data=None, step=None): if xhat_data is not None: create_boxplot_double(x_data=x_data, xhat_data=xhat_data, text=text, f_name=f_name) else: _create_boxplot_single(x_data=x_data, text=text, f_name=f_name) def _create_boxplot_single(x_data, text, f_name): fig = plt.figure() plt.figure(facecolor='white') text['categorical'] = [s for s in text['categorical'] if 'unnamed' not in s] recon_values = x_data['values'] clip_val = min(len(text['categorical']), len(recon_values[0])) #Manually remove if clip_val <= 1: return plt.boxplot(recon_values[0][:clip_val], labels=text['categorical'][:clip_val]) if len(text['axis_titles']) > 0: axis_title = text['axis_titles'][0].split('.')[0] plt.ylabel(axis_title) #Only keep first 3 sentences caption = text['caption'].replace('\n','') caption = '.'.join(caption.split('.')[:MAX_SENT_CAPTION])[:MAX_TEXT_CAPTION] s = SINGLE_PLOT_TEXT_LOC plt.figtext(s[0], s[1], caption, wrap=True, horizontalalignment='center') plt.tight_layout(rect=SINGLE_PLOT_TIGHT_LAYOUT_REC) # space between the plots plt.savefig(fname=f_name) plt.close() def create_boxplot_double(x_data, xhat_data, text, f_name): # Create original plot original_values = x_data['values'] plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) # row 1, column 2, count 1 #plt.title('Original') if len(text['axis_titles']) > 0: plt.ylabel(text['axis_titles'][0]) plt.boxplot(original_values[0], labels=text['categorical']) # Create reconstruction plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) #plt.title('Reconstruction') if len(text['axis_titles']) > 0: axis_title = text['axis_titles'][0].split('.')[0] plt.ylabel(axis_title) plt.ylabel(axis_title) recon_values = xhat_data['values'] clip_val = min(len(text['categorical']), len(recon_values[0])) plt.boxplot(recon_values[0][:clip_val], labels=text['categorical'][:clip_val]) #Add caption #plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2) plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.8]) #Only keep first 3 sentences caption = text['caption'].replace('\n','') caption = '.'.join(caption.split('.')[:MAX_SENT_CAPTION])[:MAX_TEXT_CAPTION] plt.figtext(0.5, 0.9, caption, wrap=True, horizontalalignment='center') # space between the plots plt.savefig(fname=f_name) plt.close() def create_recon_plots(x, x_hat, text_data, step, epoch_dir): if 'chart_data' in x: x = x['chart_data'] if 'chart_data' in x_hat: x_hat = x_hat['chart_data'] x_chart_data = prepare_mpl(x) xhat_chart_data = prepare_mpl(x_hat) for idx, (x_data, xhat_data, text) in enumerate(zip(x_chart_data, xhat_chart_data, text_data)): assert x_data['head_type'] == xhat_data['head_type'] f_name = os.path.join(epoch_dir, f"{step}-{idx}-{xhat_data['head_type']}.png") if x_data['head_type'] == 'categorical': create_bar_chart(x_data=x_data, xhat_data=xhat_data, text=text, f_name=f_name, step=step) elif x_data['head_type'] == 'point': create_line(x_data=x_data, xhat_data=xhat_data, text=text, f_name=f_name, step=step) else: create_boxplot(x_data=x_data, xhat_data=xhat_data, text=text, f_name=f_name, step=step) def create_line(x_data, text, f_name, xhat_data=None, bar_width=0.25, markersize=3, step=None): if xhat_data is not None: _create_line_double(x_data=x_data, xhat_data=xhat_data, text=text, f_name=f_name, markersize=markersize, step=step) else: _create_line_single(x_data=x_data, text=text, f_name=f_name, markersize=markersize, step=step) def _create_line_single(x_data, text, f_name, markersize=4, linewidth=2, step=None): x_values = x_data['values']['x'] y_values = x_data['values']['y'] fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.figure(facecolor='white') if step is None: cidx = random.choice(range(len(COLOR_PALETTES))) cmap = COLOR_PALETTES[cidx] else: cmap = COLOR_PALETTES[step % len(COLOR_PALETTES)] #Remove repeats between categorical and series names text['series_name'] = [s for s in text['series_name'] if 'unnamed' not in s] label_count = 0 max_label_len = 0 if len(x_values[0]) == 1: return for idx, (x, y, label) in enumerate(zip(x_values, y_values, text['series_name'])): if 'unnamed' in label: label = None else: label_count += 1 if len(label) > max_label_len: max_label_len = len(label) x, y = zip(*sorted(zip(x, y))) color = cmap[idx % len(cmap)] plt.plot(x, y, label=label, markersize=markersize, color=color, marker='o', linewidth=linewidth) if len(x_values) > 1 and label_count > 0: if max_label_len <= 5: #Short legend box on the right plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1,1), loc="upper left") elif max_label_len >= 40: #Long legend box should be put on the top plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0, 1, 1, 0), loc="lower left", mode="expand", ncol=1) elif label_count >= 4: #Lots of labels, put on the right plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1,1), loc="upper left") else: if max_label_len > 20: ncol = 1 else: ncol = label_count plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0, 1, 1, 0), loc="lower left", mode="expand", ncol=ncol) if len(text['axis_titles']) > 0: axis_title1 = text['axis_titles'][0].split('.')[0] plt.xlabel(axis_title1) if len(text['axis_titles']) > 1: axis_title2 = text['axis_titles'][1].split('.')[0] plt.ylabel(axis_title2) #Only keep first 3 sentences caption = text['caption'].replace('\n','') caption = '.'.join(caption.split('.')[:MAX_SENT_CAPTION])[:MAX_TEXT_CAPTION] s = SINGLE_PLOT_TEXT_LOC plt.figtext(s[0], s[1], caption, wrap=True, horizontalalignment='center') plt.tight_layout(rect=SINGLE_PLOT_TIGHT_LAYOUT_REC) plt.savefig(fname=f_name) plt.close() def _create_line_double(x_data, xhat_data, text, f_name, markersize=4, linewidth=2, step=None): x_values = x_data['values']['x'] y_values = x_data['values']['y'] fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) if step is None: cidx = random.choice(range(len(COLOR_PALETTES))) cmap = COLOR_PALETTES[cidx] else: cmap = COLOR_PALETTES[step % len(COLOR_PALETTES)] text['series_name'] = [s for s in text['series_name'] if 'unnamed' not in s] ## start from here... label_count = 0 max_label_len = 0 if len(x_values[0]) == 1: return if len(text['axis_titles']) > 0: axis_title1 = text['axis_titles'][0].split('.')[0] plt.xlabel(axis_title1) if len(text['axis_titles']) > 1: axis_title2 = text['axis_titles'][1].split('.')[0] plt.ylabel(axis_title2) for idx, (x,y, label) in enumerate(zip(x_values, y_values, text['series_name'])): if 'unnamed' in label: label = None else: label_count += 1 if len(label) > max_label_len: max_label_len = len(label) x, y = zip(*sorted(zip(x, y))) color = cmap[idx % len(cmap)] plt.plot(x, y, label=label, markersize=markersize, color=color, marker='o', linewidth=linewidth) if len(x_values) > 1 and label_count > 0: if max_label_len <= 5: #Short legend box on the right plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1,1), loc="upper left") elif max_label_len >= 40: #Long legend box should be put on the top plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0, 1, 1, 0), loc="lower left", mode="expand", ncol=1) elif label_count >= 4: #Lots of labels, put on the right plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1,1), loc="upper left") else: if max_label_len > 20: ncol = 1 else: ncol = label_count plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0, 1, 1, 0), loc="lower left", mode="expand", ncol=ncol) if len(text['axis_titles']) > 0: axis_title1 = text['axis_titles'][0].split('.')[0] plt.xlabel(axis_title1) if len(text['axis_titles']) > 1: axis_title2 = text['axis_titles'][1].split('.')[0] plt.ylabel(axis_title2) # Reconstruction x_values = xhat_data['values']['x'] y_values = xhat_data['values']['y'] plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) #plt.title('Reconstruction') if len(text['axis_titles']) > 0: axis_title1 = text['axis_titles'][0].split('.')[0] plt.xlabel(axis_title1) if len(text['axis_titles']) > 1: axis_title2 = text['axis_titles'][1].split('.')[0] plt.ylabel(axis_title2) for idx, (x,y, label) in enumerate(zip(x_values, y_values, text['series_name'])): if 'unnamed' in label: label = None x, y = zip(*sorted(zip(x, y))) color = cmap[idx % len(cmap)] plt.plot(x, y, label=label, markersize=markersize, color=color, marker='o', linewidth=linewidth) label_count = 0 max_label_len = 0 if len(x_values) > 1 and label_count > 0: if max_label_len <= 5: #Short legend box on the right plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1,1), loc="upper left") elif max_label_len >= 40: #Long legend box should be put on the top plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0, 1, 1, 0), loc="lower left", mode="expand", ncol=1) elif label_count >= 4: #Lots of labels, put on the right plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1,1), loc="upper left") else: if max_label_len > 20: ncol = 1 else: ncol = label_count plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0, 1, 1, 0), loc="lower left", mode="expand", ncol=ncol) #Add caption #plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2) plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.8]) #Only keep first 3 sentences caption = text['caption'].replace('\n','') caption = '.'.join(caption.split('.')[:MAX_SENT_CAPTION])[:MAX_TEXT_CAPTION] plt.figtext(0.5, 0.9, caption, wrap=True, horizontalalignment='center') # space between the plots plt.savefig(fname=f_name) plt.close() def create_single_plot(x, text_data, save_dir, step): if 'chart_data' in x: x = x['chart_data'] x_data_mpl = prepare_mpl(x) for idx, x_data in enumerate(x_data_mpl): f_name = os.path.join(save_dir, f"{step}-{idx}-{x_data['head_type']}.png") text = text_data[idx] if x_data['head_type'] == 'categorical': create_bar_chart(x_data, text, f_name, step=step) elif x_data['head_type'] == 'point': create_line(x_data, text, f_name, step=step) elif x_data['head_type'] == 'boxplot': create_boxplot(x_data, text, f_name, step=step) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid chart type given: {x_data['head_type']}") plt.close()