<?php $page_title = "Startsida"; include("includes/header.php"); // Create an object $task1 = new Tasks(); // Get the list $todoList= $task1->getTodoList(); ?> <h2> Att göra lista </h2> <form method="POST" action ="addTask.php"> <label for="taskName" > Lägg till ny sak att göra:</label><br> <input type="text" name="taskName" id="taskName"><br> <span style="color: red"> <?php if(isset($_SESSION['errorNamemsg'])){ echo $_SESSION['errorNamemsg']; } unset($_SESSION['errorNamemsg']); ?> </span><br> <label for="deadLine" > DeadLine:</label><br> <input type="date" name="deadLine" id="deadLine"><br> <span style="color: red"> <?php if(isset($_SESSION['errorDatemsg'])){ echo $_SESSION['errorDatemsg']; } unset($_SESSION['errorDatemsg']); ?> </span><br> <input class="addBtn" type="submit" value="Lägg till"> <br> </form> <ul class='todolist'> <?php foreach ($todoList as $todoKey => $todo ) { echo "<li>" . $todo['taskName'] . " ," ." Deadline: ". $todo['deadLine'] . "<a href='index.php?delete=$todoKey' style='padding: 8px; font-weight: bold; border-radius: 4px; border: none; background-color: #d11a2a; color: #f0ebd8; width: 100px; font-size: 0.8em; float: right; text-align:center; '> Klar </a> </li>"; } ?> </ul> <?php // delete a task by click on the delete button if(isset($_GET['delete'])){ $index = $_GET['delete']; // get the json file $file = file_get_contents('todolist.json'); // convert it to array $todoList = json_decode($file, true); // delete the element from the array unset($todoList[$index]); // save the array in json after re-index file_put_contents('todolist.json', json_encode(array_values($todoList), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); header("location: index.php"); } ?> <form method="POST" action='deleteAll.php'> <input type="submit" name ="deleteAll" value="Rensa" class="deleteAll" > </form> <?php include("includes/footer.php"); ?>