<?php get_header(); ?> <div class="home-info"> <?php if( have_posts()){ while( have_posts()) { the_post(); if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) { // check if the post has a Post Thumbnail assigned to it. $thumbnail_url = get_the_post_thumbnail_url('', 'post-thumbnails'); ?> <div class="page-img-wrapper"> <img alt="'" src='<?php echo $thumbnail_url; ?>'> </div> <?php } ?> <p class=""> <?php the_content(); ?> </p><br> <?php } } ?> </div> <?php // appear only if about page with staff category if (is_page('About')) { query_posts('category_name=Staff'); echo "<h1 class='staff-heading'>More About Palm</h1>"; if ( have_posts() ) { while ( have_posts() ) { the_post(); ?> <article class='staff'> <?php if( has_post_thumbnail() ) { // check if the post has a Post Thumbnail assigned to it. $thumbnail_url = get_the_post_thumbnail_url('', 'post-thumbnails'); }?> <div class="img-wrapper"> <img alt ="" src='<?php echo $thumbnail_url; ?>'> </div> <?php ?> <div class='staff-info'> <?php the_title();?> <?php the_content() ?> </div> </article> <?php } } } ?> <?php get_footer(); ?>