DynamicNetworkSimulation / simulation.py
# External Dependencies:
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import exponential
import scipy.stats
from scipy import Infinity
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix

# From Python stdlib:
from heapq import heappush, heappop, heapify # https://docs.python.org/3/library/heapq.html
import bisect
import csv
import os

from empirical_distribution_outdegree import sample_outdegree, sample_empirical_outdegree

This algorithm generates a network according to a preferential attachment mechanism with fitness and aging. It uses the continuous-time branching process (CTBP) formulation of Garavaglia2019 that grows a tree which is finally collapsed into a graph. Every node in the tree is a stochastic process with jump times generated by update_fn, dependent on the in-degree and age of the node. When the tree is fully generated, it can be collapsed into a graph as described in Garavaglia2019. To do this correctly birth order should be kept for each node. This is a list of nodes ordered by the earliest upcoming birth times in the tree.

The python implementation uses a number of optimizations that greatly improve speed on large graphs:
- A heap (with Heapq) is used to maintain the birth order. TreeNode implements __lt__ to do a sorted insert into the heap. This makes the algorithm scale loglinear O(nlog(M)) in the number of edges M.

class TreeNode:
    # __slots__ saves us a lot of RAM when the graph is very large.
    # Otherwise there is the overhead of Dict: ~100B per graph edge or tree node.
    # See: https://book.pythontips.com/en/latest/__slots__magic.html
    __slots__ = ("graph_idx", "arrival_time", "stationary", "rescaled", "next_arrival", "fitness", "pa_b", "num_children")
    def __init__(self, graph_idx, fitness, pa_b, arrival_time=0.0, stationary=0.0, rescaled=0.0, num_children=0):
        self.graph_idx = graph_idx # The graph node this node belongs to in the collapsed tree
        self.arrival_time = arrival_time # When was the node created (in (calendar) rescaled time)
        self.stationary = stationary # Current stationary time (age without age effect)
        self.rescaled = rescaled # Rescaled time of the process (age in calender time)
        self.fitness = fitness # fitness
        self.pa_b = pa_b    # the b parameter in the preferential attachment fucntion "ak + b"
        self.num_children = num_children # Number of children in the BP tree.
    def update(self, t, rescaled):
        self.stationary = t
        self.next_arrival = self.arrival_time + rescaled
    def __lt__(self, other):
        # Required for heapq.heapify()
        return self.next_arrival < other.next_arrival

Returns the appropriate rate function out of 8 possible options.
Note that if fitness is disabled, all eta's will be 1, so they will not break the method.

@param: pa: (a,b) preferential attachment parameters (f(k)=ak + b). If None, no Preferential Attachment is used.
@param: age: (G_mu, G_sigma) lognormal rescaling . If None, no Age is used

@returns the rate function
def get_rate_function(pa_a=1, age=(1, 1)):

    if age is None:
        if pa_a is None:
            def inner_fn(k, t, eta, pa_b):
                rate = eta
                dt = np.random.exponential(scale=rate ** -1)
                t_new = t + dt

                return t_new, t_new
            def inner_fn(k, t, eta, pa_b):
                rate = (pa_a*k + pa_b) * eta
                dt = np.random.exponential(scale=rate ** -1)
                t_new = t+dt
                return t_new, t_new

    else: # apply age rescaling
        """This function uses the preferential attachment function to calculate
        a jump time for the branching process. The rate depends on stationary time t, degree k, and fitness eta.
        Aging function G(t) gives a time rescaled version of the process (Garavaglia2019, section 1.9).
        # scipy version of LogNormal distribution uses a different parameterization. See:
        # https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.stats.lognorm.html
        #log_normal = scipy.stats.lognorm(G_sigma, scale=scipy.exp(G_mu))
        log_normal = scipy.stats.lognorm(age[1], scale=np.exp(age[0]))

        if pa_a is None:
            def inner_fn(k, t, eta, pa_b):
                # next event, no pa
                rate = eta
                dt = np.random.exponential(scale=rate ** -1)
                t_new = t + dt
                if t_new <= 1.0:
                    rescaled = log_normal.ppf(t_new)
                    rescaled = Infinity

                return t_new, rescaled
            def inner_fn(k, t, eta, pa_b):
                # next birth event with pa
                rate = (pa_a*k + pa_b) * eta
                dt = np.random.exponential(scale=rate ** -1)
                t_new = t+dt

                #print("params", k, t, eta, pa_b)
                #print("time and rate", t_new, rate)

                # rescale aging effect
                if t_new <= 1.0:
                    rescaled = log_normal.ppf(t_new)
                    rescaled = Infinity
                return t_new, rescaled
    return inner_fn

class BirthOrder:
    maintains the birth order of the nodes in the BP tree.

    Has methods to get nodes from different graphidx
    def __init__(self):
        self.birth_order = []

    def non_empty(self) -> bool:
        return len(self.birth_order) > 0
    def add(self, node):
        bisect.insort(self.birth_order, node)
    def bulk_add(self, nodes):
        for node in nodes:
            bisect.insort(self.birth_order, node)
    def get_number_of_root_nodes(self):
        # TODO make this a maintained state variable
        root_nodes = set()
        for node in self.birth_order:
            if node.graph_idx not in root_nodes:
        return len(root_nodes)

    def pop_next_n_distinct_root_nodes(self, n):
        returns the next n distinct root nodes in the birth order.
        If there are less than n distinct root nodes, returns all of them.
        root_nodes_yielded = set()
        nodes = []
        for node in self.birth_order:
            if node.graph_idx not in root_nodes_yielded:
                if len(nodes) == n:
        for node in nodes:
        return nodes
class BranchingProcess:
    def __init__(self, pa_function, fitness=[], degree=[], pa_b=[]):
        self.fitness = fitness
        self.degree = degree
        self.pa_b = pa_b
        self.birth_order = BirthOrder()

        self.graph_edges = [] # edges in the collapsed graph
        self.graph_nodes = [] # nodes in the collapsed graph
        self.pa_function = pa_function

    def alive(self):
        return self.birth_order.non_empty()

    def seed(self):
        root = self.create_bp_node(0, arrival_time=0.)
    Generate a graph
    - optional
    @param save_to = (fp: str, name: str)
    @param debug = False; whether to store and print extra information about the simulation.
    def generate(self, save_to=None, debug=False):

        if save_to:
            assert len(save_to) == 2, "to save graph, pass save_to=(filepath, name)"

        if debug:
            all_individiuals = []
        N = len(self.degree)
        #initalize the root (this is a dummy node)
        # Main loop of the algorithm. Grow the graph by N nodes.
        for n in range(N):
            # print("birthorder", [(x.graph_idx, round(x.next_arrival,2)) for x in self.birth_order.birth_order])
            if debug: 

            # get the M collapsed nodes the new root connects to.
            if self.alive():
                # out degree
                M = self.degree[n]
                # get the M collapsed nodes the new root connects to.
                # if there are less than M nodes, connect to all of them.
                to_connect_to = self.birth_order.pop_next_n_distinct_root_nodes(M)
                # print([(x.graph_idx, round(x.next_arrival,2)) for x in to_connect_to])
                # print("birthorder", [(x.graph_idx, round(x.next_arrival,2)) for x in self.birth_order.birth_order])
                # the collapsed-node arrival time is the arrival time of its last out-degree child
                name_node_arrival_time = to_connect_to[0].next_arrival
                return False

            # events that need to be rescheduled after the new node is added
            to_be_rescheduled = []

            # Add the new node to collapsed graph registry
            self.graph_nodes.append((n, name_node_arrival_time))

            for parent in to_connect_to:
                # The algorithm stops if all nodes in the branching tree have died out.
                """ A new node is added as child to a BP node with the earliest arrival time.
                After adding the child, both parent and child calculate new arrival times and update the birth order heap.

                # Create a child node whose birth time is based on the stationary time of the name node.
                child = self.create_bp_node(n, arrival_time=name_node_arrival_time)

                # Update the stationary time of parent and child nodes and update the birth order.
                # Only alive nodes are added to the birth order (i.e. stationary time < 1)
                # t is the stationary time, ts is the rescaled stationary time.
                t, ts = self.pa_function(k=child.num_children, t=child.stationary, eta=child.fitness, pa_b=child.pa_b)
                child.update(t, ts)
                if ts < Infinity: # If rescaled time reaches Infinity the node died.
                parent.num_children += 1
                t, ts = self.pa_function(k=parent.num_children, t=parent.stationary, eta=parent.fitness, pa_b=parent.pa_b)
                parent.update(t, ts)
                if ts < Infinity: # If rescaled time reaches Infinity the node died.
                if debug:
                    all_individiuals.append((child.graph_idx, parent.next_arrival, child.fitness, child.pa_b, child.arrival_time))
                # Add the corresponding edge in the collapsed graph.
                self.graph_edges.append((child.graph_idx, parent.graph_idx))

            # add the birth events for all children and parents
            # print('reschedule', [(r.graph_idx, round(r.next_arrival,2)) for r in to_be_rescheduled])
        if save_to:
            name = save_to[1]
            fp = save_to[0]

        if debug:
            # store the all individual diagnostic
            print("==========DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT============")
            print(f"In total, there were {len(all_individiuals)} born.")
            print(f"From the inital out_degrees, we expected {sum(self.degree)}")
            print(f"There were {len(self.graph_edges)} edges.")
            # filename = f"{name}_all_individuals.csv"
            # print(f"Saving a log of all individuals to {filename} in {fp}")
            # header = ["name_node", "actual birth time", "fitness", "PA_B", "stored birth time"]
            # with open(os.path.join(fp,filename), "w", newline="") as f:
            #    writer = csv.writer(f)
            #    writer.writerow(header)
            #    writer.writerows(all_individiuals)
            # print("=======================================")

        # the simulation was succesfull
        return True
    def create_bp_node(self, graph_idx, arrival_time=0.0):
        """Create a new branching process node, corresponding to node graph_idx in the collapsed graph"""
        return TreeNode(
    def as_sparse(self):
        """ Return the collapsed graph as a sparse matrix"""
        edges = self.graph_edges
        if len(edges) == 0:
            return coo_matrix((0, 0))
        i, j, t = zip(*edges)
        ones = [1 for _ in i]
        N = len(self.graph_nodes)
        return coo_matrix((ones, (i, j)), shape=(N, N))

    def save_edges(self, path):
        """Save edges to csv"""
        with open(path, 'w', newline="") as f:
            writer = csv.writer(f)
            for edge in self.graph_edges:

    def save_nodes(self, path):
        """Save nodes to csv"""
        with open(path, 'w', newline="") as f:
            writer = csv.writer(f)
            for node in self.graph_nodes:

Generate a graph from scratch. All @pre's are asserted in code, so method is reasonably robust.

Note that the super-criticality condition is NOT checked. 

# required arguments
@param N    - size of the final graph

# optional arguments
@param pa   - preferential attachment parameters
        - pa = None: no prefferential attachment is used
        - pa = (a, b): corresponds to preferential attachment sequence f_k = a*k + b
            @pre: a, b > 0
@param fitness  - fitness parameter(s)
        - fitness = None: no fitness is used (= setting fitness to 1 for each vertex)
        - fitness = l: an exponentially distributed fitness with mean = 1/l is used/
            @pre: l > 0
        - fitness = (min, tau): a powerlaw distributed fitness.
            @pre: min > 0 AND tau > 1
@param aging
        - aging = None: no aging effect is used
        - aging = (mu, sigma): lognormal aging rescaling
            @pre: sigma > 0
def simulator_from_parameters(N=100,sample_outdegree_method=sample_outdegree, pa=None, fitness=None, aging=None):
    description = f"N={N}, "
    # Sample the degree sequence
    node_degree = sample_outdegree_method(N)

    # Sample the fitness sequence
    if fitness is None:
        # No fitness: use a constant fitness of 1.
        description += f"Fitness=None, "
        node_fitness = [1.0 for i in range(N)]
    elif isinstance(fitness, (int, float)):
        # use Exponential fitness
        assert fitness > 0, "exponential parameter has to be larger than 0"

        description += f"Fitness=Exponential(lambda={fitness}), "
        node_fitness = list(scipy.stats.expon.rvs( scale=1/fitness, size=N))

    # this is a very ugly way of doing this but I am not refactoring the code.
    elif len(fitness) == 3:
        assert fitness[0] == "uniform", "error in parameters for fitness"
        assert fitness[1] < fitness[2], "bounds for uniform fitness are incorrect."

        description += f"Fitness=Uniform({fitness[0]},{fitness[1]}), "
        node_fitness = list(scipy.stats.uniform.rvs(fitness[1], scale=(fitness[2] - fitness[1]), size=N))
        description += f"Fitness=Powerlaw(min={fitness[0]}, τ={fitness[1]}), "
        # Use power-law fitness.
        # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17882907/python-scipy-stats-powerlaw-negative-exponent
        # This results in P(x) = x^-τ, with τ = opts.fitness

        assert fitness[1] > 1 and fitness[0] > 0, "incorrect powerlaw fitness parameters"

        xmin = fitness[0]
        def powerlaw(r):
            # fitness[1] is the negative exponent!
            return xmin * (1-r) ** (-1/(fitness[1]-1))
        node_fitness = [powerlaw(r) for r in np.random.rand(N)]
    if aging is None:
        description += f"Aging=None, "
        assert aging[1] > 0, "σ in lognomral aging cannot be negative"
        # Use the pa function with lognormal aging
        description += f"Aging=LogNormal(μ={aging[0]}, σ={aging[1]}), "

    if pa is None:
        # No pa: a = 0, b_node = 1/m_i, then the effect cancels out
        description += f"PA=None."
        nodes_pa_b = [1/node_degree[i] for i in range(N)]
        assert (pa[0] > 0 and pa[1] > 0), "In f_k = a*k + b. a,b > 0"
        # No fitness: use a constant fitness of 1.
        description += f"PA=({pa[0]}*k + {pa[1]})."

        # distribute the PA_b parameter over the number of nodes
        nodes_pa_b = [pa[1]/node_degree[i] for i in range(N)]
        pa = pa[0]

    # get_rate_function selects the appropriate rate function
    rate_fn = get_rate_function(pa, aging)

    # Create a CTBP
    ctbp = BranchingProcess(rate_fn, fitness=node_fitness,degree=node_degree, pa_b=nodes_pa_b)
    return ctbp
if __name__=="__main__":

    # ctbp = simulator_from_parameters(N=20000, sample_outdegree_method=sample_empirical_outdegree, fitness=0.7, aging=(2, 1))
    ctbp = simulator_from_parameters(N=20000, sample_outdegree_method=sample_empirical_outdegree, fitness=0.7) 
    # ctbp = simulator_from_parameters(N=2000, sample_outdegree_method=sample_empirical_outdegree, fitness=(0.5, 2.1), aging=(2, 1))
    # ctbp = simulator_from_parameters(N=1000, sample_outdegree_method=sample_empirical_outdegree, pa=(2, 3), fitness=(0.5, 2.1), aging=(2, 1))
    if ctbp.generate(debug=False):