import os import csv # THIS NEEDS TO BE EXECUTED IN ENVIRONMENT WITH graph-tool # i.e. using conda activate graph-tool # or docker environment import graph_tool as gt import graph_tool.clustering as clust import graph_tool.topology as topol import graph_tool.centrality as central import graph_tool.correlations as correl import numpy as np from datetime import datetime def calc_static_features(name): start = print("%H:%M:%S"), f"calculating static features for {name}") G = gt.Graph() G.load(f"networks/{name}.graphml", fmt="graphml") row = [name] + list(degrees(G)) + list(clustering_and_triangles(G)) + [clust.global_clustering(G)[0], correl.assortativity(G, 'total')] + list(cores(G)) add_to_csv(row) def degrees(G): l = G.get_total_degrees([i for i in G.vertices()]) stats = np.mean(l), np.std(l), min(l), max(l), *list(np.quantile(l, [.125, .25, .5, .75, .875])) return stats def clustering_and_triangles(G): l = clust.local_clustering(G).get_array() stats = float(np.mean(l)), float(np.std(l)), min(l), max(l), *list(np.quantile(l, [.5, .6, .7, .8, .9])) d = G.get_total_degrees([i for i in G.vertices()]) t = [0.5*c*d*(d-1) for c,d in zip(l,d)] stats2 = np.mean(t), np.std(t), min(t), max(t), *list(np.quantile(t, [.5, .6, .7, .8, .9])) return stats + stats2 def cores(G): l = topol.kcore_decomposition(G).get_array() stats = np.mean(l), np.std(l), min(l), max(l), *list(np.quantile(l, [.25, .5, .75])) return stats def closeness(G): l = central.closeness(G).get_array() stats = np.mean(l), np.std(l), min(l), max(l), *list(np.quantile(l, [.25, .5, .75])) return stats def add_to_csv(row): fp = "./statistics.csv" with open(fp, "a", newline="") as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerow(row) if __name__ == '__main__': columns = ['avg deg', 'std deg', 'min deg', 'max deg', 'Q1 deg', 'Q2 deg', 'Q3 deg', 'Q4 deg', 'Q5 deg', 'avg clust', 'std clust', 'min clust', 'max clust', 'Q1 clust', 'Q2 clust', 'Q3 clust', 'Q4 clust', 'Q5 clust', 'avg tri', 'std tri', 'min tri', 'max tri', 'Q1 tri', 'Q2 tri', 'Q3 tri', 'Q4 tri', 'Q5 tri', 'transitivity', 'assortativity', 'avg core', 'std core', 'min core', 'max core', 'Q1 core', 'Q2 core', 'Q3 core' ] # check if static.csv exists, if not create it fp = "./statistics.csv" if not os.path.exists(fp): with open(fp, "w", newline="") as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerow(["Name",] + columns) # final list to be done names = [n.replace(".graphml", "") for n in os.listdir("networks/") if '.graphml' in n] for name in names: calc_static_features(name)