import numpy as np import os import csv from collections import OrderedDict import networkx as nx import matplotlib.pyplot as plt class GraphAnalysis: ''' class for analyzing dynamic network. - load network from nodes and edgesf iles - calculate dynamic feature matrix - plot degree distribution - plot network growth over time ''' def __init__(self, id, fp = "\\output\\", verbose=False): # whether to log self.verbose = verbose = id self.fp = fp # graph representation self.edges = {} # dict edges {node : (set of adjacent nodes)} self.nodes = OrderedDict() # OrderedDictionary of form {node : time} filepath_edges = os.path.join(fp, str(id) + "_edges.csv") filepath_nodes = os.path.join(fp, str(id) +"_nodes.csv") with open(filepath_nodes, 'r') as f: self.load_nodes(f) with open(filepath_edges, 'r') as f: self.load_edges(f) ''' get so-called scaled timesteps such that each timestep has the same number of nodes arriving ''' def get_scaled_timesteps(self, a, up_to): number_of_nodes_per_step = int(up_to / a) # number of nodes arriving per timestep time_max = list(self.nodes.items())[up_to-1][1] # total running time stamps = [] # timestamps indicating arrival of last node for timestep for i in range(a): # get the timestamp of the arrival of the last node succes = False j = 0 while not succes: # ceiling of i/number_of_nodes_per_step that is in nodes. try: s = float(self.nodes[str((i*number_of_nodes_per_step)+j)]) stamps.append(s) succes = True except KeyError: j += 1 stamps.append(time_max) return stamps ''' calculates feature matrix from Cai2021 @param a: number of rows; timeinterval @param b: number of column; @param save: whether to save the matrix as csv @param up_to: cutoff node, i.e. if consider only part of the network evolution. @return a x b matrix of floats. ''' def calculate_feature_matrix(self, a=3, b=4, fp="", save=False, name=None, up_to=None, scaled_timesteps=True, normalize=True): if up_to is None: up_to = len(self.nodes) assert up_to <= len(self.nodes), "up_to parameter larger than number of nodes" matrix = np.zeros((a, b)) if scaled_timesteps: time_bounds = self.get_scaled_timesteps(a, up_to) else: time_max = list(self.nodes.items())[up_to-1][1] # total running time time_bounds = [i*(time_max / len(matrix)) for i in range(len(matrix)+1)] node_groups = self.set_node_groups(up_to, len(matrix[0])) # fill the matrix for each row for i in range(len(matrix)): matrix[i] = self.get_matrix_row(node_groups, time_bounds[i], time_bounds[i+1]) if self.verbose: print("all matrix rows are calculated") if normalize: self.normalize_matrix(matrix) if save: if name is None: # use default name self.save_matrix_to_csv(matrix, node_groups, fp, "_matrix") else: self.save_matrix_to_csv(matrix, node_groups, fp, name) return matrix ''' calculate added edges ''' def get_matrix_row(self, node_groups, t_start, t_end): new_nodes = [] # find which nodes were added in timestep for n, t in self.nodes.items(): # TODO optimize this iteration by storing some sort of iterator t = float(t) if t >= t_start: if t <= t_end: new_nodes.append(n) else: break row = np.zeros(len(node_groups)) # update matrix for n in new_nodes: for v in self.edges[n]: for i, group in node_groups.items(): if v in group: row[i] += 1 # average out values, the matrix represents the average number of degrees a cell in the node group has received. for i, group in node_groups.items(): if len(group) != 0: row[i] = row[i] / len(group) else: if self.verbose: print(" Group size of 0! ") return row ''' normalize matrix by dividing every element in matrix by sum over all. ''' def normalize_matrix(self, matrix): total = sum(sum(matrix[i]) for i in range(len(matrix))) for i in range(len(matrix)): for j in range(len(matrix[i])): matrix[i][j] = matrix[i][j] / total if self.verbose: print("matrix has been normalized") ''' set the node_groups to self.node_groups (G_j) ''' def set_node_groups(self, up_to, group_amount): degree_sequence = {} # calculate the degree sequence untill the "up_to" for n in list(self.nodes.keys())[:up_to]: if n in self.edges: degree_sequence[n] = len(self.edges[n]) for v in self.edges[n]: # since OrderedDict and PA only connects backwards, all v's already in degree_sequence if v in degree_sequence: degree_sequence[v] += 1 else: degree_sequence[v] = 1 else: self.edges[n] = set() degree_sequence[n] = 0 # get a sorted degree-sequence degrees = list(degree_sequence.values()) degrees.sort() # calculate the empirical CDF (F_T in Weiting Cai) empirical_cdf = {} n = len(degrees) prev = 0 empirical_cdf[0] = 0 for v in degrees: if v > prev: empirical_cdf[v] = empirical_cdf[prev] + 1/n prev = v else: empirical_cdf[prev] += 1/n assert abs(empirical_cdf[degrees[-1]] - 1) < 0.00001 empirical_cdf[degrees[-1]] = 0.999999999 # last cannot be >= 1 by overflow node_groups = {i : set() for i in range(group_amount)} for node, degree in degree_sequence.items(): i = group_amount - 1 - ((empirical_cdf[degree]) // (1/group_amount)) node_groups[i].add(node) if self.verbose: print("node_groups are set") return node_groups ''' populate self.nodes from file ''' def load_nodes(self, file, up_to=None): if not up_to is None: assert isinstance(up_to, int) and up_to > 0, "up_to should be positive integer" reader = csv.reader(file) counter = 0 for node in reader: # node is stored as name_node : timestamp self.nodes[node[0]] = float(node[1]) counter += 1 if self.verbose: print(f"loaded all {counter} nodes") ''' populate self.edges from file. ''' def load_edges(self, file): reader = csv.reader(file) # we add the root manually as it has no originating edges self.edges['0'] = set() counter = 0 for edge in reader: # edge in file is stored as node1, node2, timestamp if edge[0] in self.edges: self.edges[edge[0]].add(edge[1]) else: self.edges[edge[0]] = set((edge[1],)) if self.verbose: counter += 1 if counter % 1_000_000 == 0: # print update every million edges print(f"++ loaded {counter} edges ") if self.verbose: print(f"Loaded edges") def save_matrix_to_csv(self, matrix, node_groups, fp, post_script): with open(os.path.join(fp, + post_script + ".csv"), "w", newline="") as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerow([len(group) for group in node_groups.values()]) for row in matrix: writer.writerow(row) ''' Set self.G to the networkx.Graph() object representation ''' def set_graph_representation(self): self.G = nx.Graph() for node in self.nodes.keys(): self.G.add_node(node) for u in self.edges.keys(): for v in self.edges[u]: self.G.add_edge(u, v) # remove self loops if self.G.has_edge('0', '0'): self.G.remove_edge('0', '0') ''' gets the networkx.Graph object representation, if it does not exist, creates it. ''' def get_graph_representation(self): if hasattr(self, 'G'): return self.G else: self.set_graph_representation() return self.G ''' plot degree distribution ''' def plot_tail_degree_distribution(self, loglog=True, title=None, save=False, show=True): assert (not save) or not title is None, "need title to save" assert save or show, "neither saving nor showing, what u want?" # from DegreeDistributions.DegreeDistributions import DegreeDistribution distr = DegreeDistribution(self.get_graph_representation() ,tail=True) plt.scatter(x=distr.keys(), y=distr.values(), color='red') if loglog: plt.yscale("log") plt.xscale("log") if not title is None: plt.title(title) if save: plt.savefig(self.fp + title+"_degrees.png") print(f"Saved {title}_degrees.png") if show: else: plt.clf() ''' plot the size over time. @pre's are checked, so method is reasonably robust. optional params: @title: string - title of the plot @save: bool - if True, save as @title.png @pre: title != None @fit_exp: bool - if True, an exponential curve, OLS fit of y = a*exp(bx) ''' def plot_size_over_time(self, title=None, save=False, fit_exp = False, show = True, log=False): assert (not save) or not title is None, "need title to save" assert save or show, "neither saving nor showing, what u want?" cumulative_growth = {} prev = 0 cumulative_growth[prev] = 0 for time in self.nodes.values(): if time in cumulative_growth: cumulative_growth[time] += 1 else: assert prev <= time, "not ordered; what the fuck" cumulative_growth[time] = 1 + cumulative_growth[prev] prev = time plt.scatter(x=cumulative_growth.keys(), y=cumulative_growth.values()) legend = ["Population size over time"] # fit the exponential curve y = a*exp(bx) if fit_exp: logY = [np.log(i) for i in cumulative_growth.values() if i > 0][10:] x = [ [i,] for i in cumulative_growth.keys()][10:] from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression reg = LinearRegression().fit(x, logY) a = np.exp(reg.intercept_) b = reg.coef_[0] x_range = np.linspace(x[9][0], max(cumulative_growth.keys()), num=100) y_pred = [a*np.exp(b*n) for n in x_range] plt.plot(x_range, y_pred, color="red") legend.append(f"fit of y = a*exp(bx) with a = {a}, b = {b}") if not title is None: plt.title(title) if log: plt.yscale("log") if save: plt.savefig(self.fp + title+"_growth.png") print(f"Saved {title}_growth.png") if show: else: plt.clf()