import EventEmitter from 'eventemitter3'; import URLFilter from './core/URLFilter'; const EVENT_NAMES = { 'event': 'onEvent', 'focusTabCallback': 'onFocusTabCallback', 'focusTab': 'onFocusTab', 'extendPrivateMode': 'onExtendPrivateMode', 'tabContent': 'onTabContent', 'tabRemove': 'onTabRemove', 'tab': 'onTab', 'tabUpdate': 'onTabUpdate', 'disconnectPopup': 'onDisconnectPopup', 'connectedPopup': 'onConnectedPopup' } class Tab { constructor() { this.allow = true; this.disabled = false; } setState(name, boolean){ this[name] = boolean; } getState(name){ return this[name]; } } /** * Chrome 91 BUG PATCH (2021.07.05): a bug that do not let reading the tabs * when they are being created, or when the focus changes. this function is a * wrapper with a tempoorized, * Sources: * * */ const ChromeWrapper = { chromeTabsQuery: function (params, callback) { chrome.tabs.query(params, tabs => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { setTimeout(function () { console.log( "##############################################################", "ChromeWrapper.chromeTabsQuery re-called (Patch for Chrome 91).", "##############################################################"); ChromeWrapper.chromeTabsQuery(params, callback) }, 100); // arbitrary delay } else { callback(tabs) } }) } } export default class Extension { /** * [constructor] * @param {Object} urlFilter [instance of URLFilter] * @param {Boolean} privateMode [default: false] * @param {Boolean} changeIcon [default: true] * @param {Array} extensionfilter [default: []] */ constructor(urlFilter, privateMode=false, changeIcon=true, extensionfilter=[]){ this.urlFilter = urlFilter; this.changeIcon = changeIcon; this.tabs = {}; this.privateMode = privateMode; this.extensionfilter = extensionfilter; this.activWindowId = 0; this.event = new EventEmitter(); this.default_private_time_ms = 15*60*1000; this.prev_active_tab = -1; this.active_tab = -1; this._onContentMessage = this._onContentMessage.bind(this); this._onTabUpdate = this._onTabUpdate.bind(this); this._onTabRemove = this._onTabRemove.bind(this); this._onActiveWindows = this._onActiveWindows.bind(this); this._onActivatedTab = this._onActivatedTab.bind(this); this._onTab = this._onTab.bind(this); this._onHighlightedWindows = this._onHighlightedWindows.bind(this); this._onDisconnectPopup = this._onDisconnectPopup.bind(this); this._onConnectPopup = this._onConnectPopup.bind(this); this.getAllTabsIds = this.getAllTabsIds.bind(this); this.pending_private_time_answer = false; this.debug = false; } /** * [_onActiveWindows listenen the active windowId for check the active tab] */ _onActiveWindows(windowId){ if (this.debug) console.log('-> _onActiveWindows'); this.event.emit(EVENT_NAMES.focusTab, null, false); if(windowId>0) this.activWindowId = windowId; } /** * [_onConnectedPopup listen when the extension popup is open] */ _onConnectPopup(externalPort){ if (this.debug) console.log('-->_onConnectPopup:', externalPort); if ( == "extension_popup"){ externalPort.onDisconnect.addListener(this._onDisconnectPopup); this.event.emit(EVENT_NAMES.connectedPopup); } if (this.debug) console.log('<--_onConnectPopup:'); } /** * [_onDisconnectPopup listen when the extension popup is closed] */ _onDisconnectPopup(externalPort){ if (this.debug) console.log('-->_onDisconnectPopup:', externalPort); if ( == "extension_popup"){ externalPort.onDisconnect.removeListener(this._onDisconnectPopup); this.event.emit(EVENT_NAMES.disconnectPopup); } if (this.debug) console.log('<--_onDisconnectPopup'); } /** * _onHighlightedWindows listen when a tab is highlighed * @param {[type]} highlightInfo [description] * @return {[type]} [description] */ _onHighlightedWindows(highlightInfo){ if (this.debug) console.log('_onHighlightedWindows'); this.event.emit(EVENT_NAMES.focusTab, null, false); } /** * [getAllTabsIds return all tabs] * @param {Object} query [default: {}] * @param {Boolean} onlyId [default: true] * @return {Promise} */ getAllTabsIds(query={}, onlyId=true){ return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ // Chrome 91 (Bug Fix): Using ChromeWrapper instead of // xbrowser.tabs.query ChromeWrapper.chromeTabsQuery(query, tabs => { if(onlyId){ resolve( => }else{ resolve(tabs) } }); }); } /** * [setPrivateMode disable // enable privateMode] * @param {Boolean} b */ setPrivateMode(b){ if (this.privateMode != b) { this.notifyPrivateMode(); } this.privateMode = b; this.resetPublicImage(); //this.setImage(!this.privateMode); } /** * displayPrivateTimePopup send a message indicating that a popup should appear * @param {Boolean} */ async displayPrivateTimePopup(){ this.pending_private_time_answer = true; // send a message // Chrome 91 (Bug Fix): Using ChromeWrapper instead of // xbrowser.tabs.query ChromeWrapper.chromeTabsQuery({active: true}, function(tabs){ for (let tab of tabs) { try{ xbrowser.tabs.sendMessage(, { action: "popup_private_time", display: true }, function(response) { if(xbrowser.runtime.lastError) { if (this.debug) console.log('displayPrivateTimePopup: No front end tab is listening.'); } }.bind(this)); } catch (e){ console.log('caught'); } } }.bind(this)); } /** * removePrivateTimePopup send a message indicating that the popup should be hidden * @param {Boolean} */ async removePrivateTimePopup(){ this.pending_private_time_answer = false; // send a message to all tabs let tabs = await this.getAllTabsIds({}, false); if(tabs.length>0){ for (let tab of tabs) { try{ xbrowser.tabs.sendMessage(, {action: "popup_private_time", display: false}, function(response) { if(xbrowser.runtime.lastError) { if (this.debug) console.log('removePrivateTimePopup: No front end tab is listening.'); } }.bind(this)); } catch (e){ console.log('caught'); } } } } /** * initFrontent send a message asking to initialize the frontend tracking * @param {Boolean} */ async initAllTabs(){ if (this.debug) console.log('-> initAllTabs()'); // send a message to all tabs let tabs = await this.getAllTabsIds({}, false); if(tabs.length>0){ for (let tab of tabs) { try{ xbrowser.tabs.sendMessage(, { action: "init" }, function(response) { if(xbrowser.runtime.lastError) { if (this.debug) console.log('OnInit: No front end tab is listening.'); } }.bind(this)); } catch (e){ console.log('caught'); } } } } /** * removePrivateTimePopup send a message indicating that the popup should be hidden * @param {Boolean} */ async notifyPrivateMode(){ // send a message to all tabs let tabs = await this.getAllTabsIds({}, false); if(tabs.length>0){ for (let tab of tabs) { try{ xbrowser.tabs.sendMessage(, { action: "private_mode", private_mode: this.privateMode, tab_disabled: this.tabs[].getState('disabled') }, function(response) { if(xbrowser.runtime.lastError) { if (this.debug) console.log('notifyPrivateMode: No front end tab is listening.'); } }.bind(this)); } catch (e){ console.log('caught'); } } } } /** * [setImage set black or full color image] * @param {Boolean} b [default: false] */ setImage(b=false){ // console.log('before', b); // console.log(this.privateMode); if(this.privateMode) b = false; else if(!this.privateMode && !this.changeIcon) b = true; // console.log('after', b); xbrowser.browserAction.setIcon({path: b? 'images/on.png': 'images/off.png'}); } /** * [resetPublicMode apropiately reset to public image] * @param {Boolean} b */ async resetPublicImage(){ let activeTabIds = await this.getActiveTabIds(); if(activeTabIds.length>0){ for (let id of activeTabIds) { //this.resetImage(tabs[0].id); if (this.tabs.hasOwnProperty(id)) { // console.log('allow:', this.tabs[id].getState('allow')) // console.log('disabled:', this.tabs[id].getState('disabled')) // console.log('is_sm_path_allowed:', this.tabs[id].getState('is_sm_path_allowed')) // console.log('is_content_allowed:', this.tabs[id].getState('is_content_allowed')) // console.log('only_domain:', this.tabs[id].getState('only_domain')) // console.log('only_url:', this.tabs[id].getState('only_url')) // console.log('private_mode:', this.privateMode) this.setImage(this.tabs[id].getState('allow') && !this.tabs[id].getState('disabled') && this.tabs[id].getState('is_sm_path_allowed') && this.tabs[id].getState('is_content_allowed') && !this.tabs[id].getState('only_domain') && !this.tabs[id].getState('only_url') && !this.privateMode); } else { this.setImage(this.privateMode); } } } } /** * [getActiveTabIds return list of active tabs] * @return {Promise} Array */ getActiveTabIds(){ return new Promise(async (resolve, reject)=>{ try { let tabs = (await this.getAllTabsIds({}, false)) if(this.activWindowId>=1) tabs = tabs.filter(e => e.windowId == this.activWindowId && e.highlighted == true); resolve( =>; } catch (e) { reject(e) } }); } /** * [_onActivatedTab * run eventlistener if activated new Tab * parameter: * tabId: Number * ] */ _onActivatedTab(activeInfo){ //on switch the active tabs between one window if (this.debug) console.log('_onActivatedTab'); this.prev_active_tab = this.active_tab; this.active_tab = activeInfo.tabId; if (this.pending_private_time_answer){ this.displayPrivateTimePopup(); } this.event.emit(EVENT_NAMES.focusTabCallback, activeInfo.tabId, false); if(!this.tabs.hasOwnProperty(activeInfo.tabId)){ this.event.emit(EVENT_NAMES.focusTabCallback, null, false); this.setImage(false); }else{ this.resetPublicImage(); } } /** * [_onTab * run eventlistener if create new Tab * parameter: * tabId: Number * ] */ _onTab(tab){ this.tabs[] = new Tab() this.event.emit(,, false); } /** * [_onTabRemove * run eventlistener EVENT_NAMES.tabRemove for new content * parameter: * tabId: Number * ] */ _onTabRemove(tabId){ if(!this.privateMode && this.tabs.hasOwnProperty(tabId)) this.event.emit(EVENT_NAMES.tabRemove, tabId, false); } /** * [_onTabUpdate * run eventlistener EVENT_NAMES.tabUpdate for new content * parameter: * tabId: Number * openerTabId: Number * ] */ _onTabUpdate(tabId, info, tab){ //if (this.debug) console.log('-> Extension._onTabUpdate'); if(!this.privateMode && this.tabs.hasOwnProperty(tabId) && info.hasOwnProperty('status') && info.status == 'complete' && tab.hasOwnProperty('title') && tab.hasOwnProperty('url')){ if (this.debug) console.log('==== Emit Event: onTabUpdate ===='); this.event.emit(EVENT_NAMES.tabUpdate, { tabId: tabId, openerTabId: tab.hasOwnProperty('openerTabId')? tab.openerTabId: this.prev_active_tab, tab: tab}, false); }//if //if (this.debug) console.log('<- Extension._onTabUpdate'); } /** * [_onContentMessage * * run eventlistener EVENT_NAMES.tabContent for new content * parameter: * tabId: Number * url: String * title: String * html: String * source: Array * links: Array * meta: String * count: Number * * run eventlistener EVENT_NAMES.event for new event * tabId: Number * event: Array * ] */ async _onContentMessage(msg, sender, sendResponse){ if (this.debug) console.log('-> _onContentMessage'); if(msg==='ontracking'){ if (this.debug) console.log('# ontracking'); let domain = this.urlFilter.get_location(; const url_rule = await this.urlFilter.is_allow(domain); this.tabs[].setState('allow', url_rule != 'full_deny' || url_rule == 'full_allow'); this.tabs[].setState('webtrack_off', this.urlFilter.is_track_off(domain)); this.tabs[].setState('only_domain', url_rule == 'only_domain'); this.tabs[].setState('only_url', url_rule == 'only_url'); //assume it is allowed this.tabs[].setState('is_sm_path_allowed', true); this.tabs[].setState('is_content_allowed', true); let r = { extensionfilter: this.extensionfilter, pending_private_time_answer: this.pending_private_time_answer, default_private_time_ms: this.default_private_time_ms, privacy: { only_domain: this.tabs[].getState('only_domain'), only_url: this.tabs[].getState('only_url'), full_deny: !this.tabs[].getState('allow'), webtrack_off: this.tabs[].getState('webtrack_off'), private_mode: this.privateMode, tab_disabled: this.tabs[].getState('disabled') } } sendResponse(r); } else if (msg.hasOwnProperty('private_time')){ if (this.debug) console.log('The user has requested more private time: ', msg.private_time); this.event.emit(EVENT_NAMES.extendPrivateMode, msg.private_time); this.removePrivateTimePopup(); this.pending_private_time_answer = false; sendResponse(false); } else if(!this.tabs.hasOwnProperty( || this.tabs[].getState('disabled')){ if (this.debug) console.log('# tab disabled'); if ( == this.active_tab){ this.setImage(false); } sendResponse(false); // background controls }else if(!this.tabs[].getState('disabled') && this.tabs.hasOwnProperty({ if(typeof msg.content[0].html == 'boolean' && msg.content[0].html == false && == this.active_tab){ this.setImage(false); sendResponse(false); }else { // if the property indicated that is allow to not track the content // then update the indicator, otherwise assume that it is allowed let is_sm_path_allowed = true; if (msg.content[0].hasOwnProperty('is_sm_path_allowed')){ is_sm_path_allowed = msg.content[0].is_sm_path_allowed; } this.tabs[].setState('is_sm_path_allowed', is_sm_path_allowed); let is_content_allowed = true; if (msg.content[0].hasOwnProperty('is_content_allowed')){ is_content_allowed = msg.content[0].is_content_allowed; } this.tabs[].setState('is_content_allowed', is_content_allowed); // update the indicator if this the active tab is the one sending the content // the DOM of a non active tab could be changing in the background if ( == this.active_tab){ //this.setImage(is_sm_path_allowed && is_content_allowed); this.resetPublicImage(); } // even if the content is blocked, the metainformation is sent in order to // keep track of the precursors msg = Object.assign(msg, { unhashed_url: msg.unhashed_url, title: }) msg.tabId =; if (this.debug) console.log('==== Emit Event: onTabContent ===='); this.event.emit(EVENT_NAMES.tabContent, msg, false); sendResponse(true); if (this.debug) console.log('==== Event emitted: onTabContent ===='); } // return true; }else{ debugger; if (this.debug) console.log('Private mode: ', this.privateMode); sendResponse(false); } if (this.debug) console.log('<- _onContentMessage'); return true; } /** * [setTabPrivate set tab disabled] * @param {Boolean} boolean [default: false] * @param {Promise} */ setTabPrivate(boolean=false){ return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) =>{ try { let tabId = (await this.getAllTabsIds({}, false)).filter(e => e.windowId == this.activWindowId && e.highlighted == true)[0].id; this.tabs[tabId].setState('disabled', boolean); if(boolean){ this.event.emit(EVENT_NAMES.focusTabCallback, null, false); this.setImage(false); } resolve() } catch (e) { reject(e) } }); } /** * [isTabPrivate return state disable of active tab] * @return {Promise} Boolean */ isTabPrivate(){ return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) =>{ try { let tabId = (await this.getAllTabsIds({}, false)).filter(e => e.windowId == this.activWindowId && e.highlighted == true)[0].id; if (tabId && this.tabs[tabId]) { if (this.debug) console.log(tabId); resolve(this.tabs[tabId].getState('disabled')) }else{ resolve(false); } } catch (e) { reject(e) } }); } /** * [start load content] * @return {Promise} */ start(){ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { xbrowser.tabs.onCreated.addListener(this._onTab);; xbrowser.tabs.onRemoved.addListener(this._onTabRemove); xbrowser.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(this._onTabUpdate); xbrowser.runtime.onMessage.addListener(this._onContentMessage); xbrowser.tabs.onActivated.addListener(this._onActivatedTab); xbrowser.runtime.onConnect.addListener(this._onConnectPopup); // function logURL(requestDetails) { // console.log("Loading: " + requestDetails.url); // } // console.log('!!!!!!!!!!!!start!!'); // xbrowser.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.addListener(logURL, { // urls: ["*"] // }); // function logResponse(responseDetails) { // console.log('responseDetails'); // console.log(responseDetails); // } // xbrowser.webRequest.onCompleted.addListener( // logResponse, // {urls: ["*"]} // );{}, window => { if(>0) this._onActiveWindows( // if(>0) console.log('Change activWindowId %s',; }) xbrowser.tabs.onHighlighted.addListener(this._onHighlightedWindows); this.getAllTabsIds().then(tabIds => { for (let id of tabIds){ this.tabs[id] = new Tab() } }); resolve(); }); } /** * [remove all listener from eventemitter3 instance] */ stop(){ if (this.debug) console.log('-> Extension.stop()'); this.tabs = {}; xbrowser.tabs.onCreated.removeListener(this._onTab);; xbrowser.tabs.onRemoved.removeListener(this._onTabRemove); xbrowser.tabs.onUpdated.removeListener(this._onTabUpdate); xbrowser.runtime.onMessage.removeListener(this._onContentMessage); xbrowser.tabs.onActivated.removeListener(this._onActivatedTab); // xbrowser.runtime.onConnect.removeListener(this._onConnectPopup); // xbrowser.runtime.onConnect.removeListener(this._onDisconnectPopup); // xbrowser.tabs.onHighlighted.removeListener(this._onHighlightedWindows); this.setImage(false); delete this } /** * [create browser notification] * @param {String} [title='title'] * @param {String} [message='mycontent'] * @param {function} [onClose=()=>{}] */ createNotification(title='title', message='mycontent', onClose=()=>{}){ chrome.notifications.create( 'name-for-notification', { type: 'basic', iconUrl: 'images/on.png', title: title, message: message }, onClose ) } /** * [create browser notification (it does not smoothly in firefox)] * @param {String} [title='title'] * @param {String} [message='mycontent'] * @param {function} [onClose=()=>{}] */ notifyUser(){ chrome.notifications.create( 'name-for-notification', { type: 'basic', iconUrl: 'images/on.png', title: "Webtrack reminder", message: "15 minutes have passed!" // , // contextMessage: "It's about time...", // eventTime: + 10000, // buttons: [{ // title: "Yes, get me there", // iconUrl: "images/on.png" // }, { // title: "Get out of my way", // iconUrl: "images/off.png" // } // ] }, function(id) { let myNotificationID = id; console.log(myNotificationID); }); } }//()