import LocalstoreDB from './LocalstoreDB'; // import SourceCache from './SourceCache'; export default class CacheHandler { /** * [constructor * - create instance of FileHandler * - create instance of LocalstorageHandler * ] * @param {Number} projectId */ constructor(projectId=''){ this.debug = false; this.DEFAULTCONTENT = {}; = new LocalstoreDB({objectStoreName: 'cachehandler_'+projectId, defaultContent: {}}); //if (this.debug) console.log('-: CacheHandler.constructor() - ', 'objectStoreName: ', 'cachehandler_' + projectId, ' ',; // this.source = new SourceCache(projectId); this.content = {}; = 'id'; this.typeofId = 'string'; this.ids = []; this.DELAY = 500; this.last = 0 this.timeouts = {}; } /** * [initialize the content] * @return {Promise} */ init(){ return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { this.content = await; //if (this.debug) console.log('-: CacheHandler.init() - ', 'this.content:', this.content); resolve(); } catch (e) { reject(e) } }); } /** * [getIds return list of ids] * @return {Array} */ getIds(){ return Object.keys(this.content).map(nr => parseInt(nr, 10)) } /** * [is check if id exist] * @param {Number} id * @return {Boolean} */ is(id){ console.assert(typeof id == this.typeofId, 'id is ', typeof id) return this.content.hasOwnProperty(id.toString()); } /** * [add // add nur content] * @param {Object} props [default: {}] * @param {Integer} now [time as number] * @param {Boolean} [inspect=false] [if the inspect is false the props will be not validate] */ add(props={}, now, inspect=false){ let id = props[]; //if (this.debug) console.assert(typeof id == this.typeofId, 'id is not '+this.typeofId, typeof id); //if (this.debug) console.log(' -: CacheHandler.add()', id); if(!{ // console.log('Set %s default value', id, this.DEFAULTCONTENT); this.content[id] = this.DEFAULTCONTENT; }else{ this.content[id] = props; } return this.update(props, now, inspect); } /** * [get return the content] * @return {Object} this.content */ get(){ return this.content; } /** * [getOnly return the content of id. If the content not exist, than will be return the default content] * @param {Number} id * @return {Object} */ getOnly(id){ console.assert(typeof id == this.typeofId, 'id is not number') if({ return this.content[id]; }else{ //if (this.debug) console.log(, 'Content from id '+id+' not found'); return this.DEFAULTCONTENT } } /** * [update // update the content of id and save it in the storage] * @param {Object} props [default: {}] * @param {Integer} now [time as number] * @return {Promise} */ update(props={}, now=+new Date(), force=false){ return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { let id = props[]; console.assert(typeof id == this.typeofId, 'id is '+ typeof id) try { this.content[id] = Object.assign({}, this.content[id], props); // do big update if 5 seconds have passed // ii might be unnecessary let bigUpdate = Math.round(+ new Date() / 1000)%5==0; // console.log(Object.keys(props).length == 2 , props.hasOwnProperty('duration') , this.timeouts.hasOwnProperty(id) , this.timeouts[id], bigUpdate); // if(!force && Object.keys(props).length == 2 && props.hasOwnProperty('duration') && this.timeouts.hasOwnProperty(id) && this.timeouts[id].timeout==null && !bigUpdate){ // console.log('update duration'); //, true, false); // }else if(!force && Object.keys(props).length == 2 && props.hasOwnProperty('elapsed') && this.timeouts.hasOwnProperty(id) && this.timeouts[id].timeout==null && !bigUpdate){ //if (this.debug) console.log('-: CacheHandler.update() - Update elapsed');, true, false); }else if(Object.keys(props).length > 2 || bigUpdate || force){ //if (this.debug) console.log('-: CacheHandler.update() - props: ', props); if(this.timeouts.hasOwnProperty(id) && this.timeouts[id].timeout!=null){ clearTimeout(this.timeouts[id].timeout); this.timeouts[id].resolve(); this.timeouts[id].resolve = resolve }else{ this.timeouts[id] = { timeout: null, resolve: resolve } } this.timeouts[id].timeout = setTimeout(()=>{ let merge = Object.assign(typeof now == 'boolean' && now == false? {}: {timestamp: now}, this.content[id], {[]: id} ); this.timeouts[id].timeout = null this.timeouts[id].resolve() }, this.DELAY) } } catch (err) { reject(err); } }); } /** * [del delete the content of id] * @param {Number} id */ del(id){ return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { if({ // if(this.content[id].hasOwnProperty('source')){ // let urls = this.content[id] => e.url) // } delete this.content[id]; await; resolve(); }else{ console.log(, 'Id '+id+' not found in content'); } } catch (err) { reject(err) } }); } }