import LocalstoreDB from './LocalstoreDB'; import LocalExtensionStore from './LocalExtensionStore'; import CacheHandler from './CacheHandler'; import Inspector from './Inspector'; import LocalstorageHandler from './LocalstorageHandler'; export default class TabCache extends CacheHandler{ /** * [constructor * - create instance of FileHandler * - create instance of LocalstorageHandler * ] * @param {Number} projectId */ constructor(projectId, tabId, defaultContent={}) { super(); this.debug = false; // NO MORE INSPECTING //this.inspector = new Inspector() this.tabId = parseInt(tabId, 10); this.projectId = projectId; // this.config = {databaseName: this.getDBName(), objectStoreName: 'data', defaultContent: defaultContent, id: "nr"}; this.databases = new LocalstorageHandler('tabcache_databases_'+projectId, []); this.config = {databaseName: 'wt_project_'+projectId, objectStoreName: tabId, defaultContent: defaultContent, id: "nr"}; = new LocalExtensionStore(this.config); //if (this.debug) console.log('-: TabCache.constructor() - ', 'this.config: ', this.config, ' ',; = 'nr'; this.typeofId = 'number'; this.register = this.register.bind(this); } /** * [return name of tab in localstoredb] * @param {number|string} [tabId=this.tabId] * @param {number|string} [projectId=this.projectId] * @return {string} */ getDBName(tabId=this.tabId, projectId=this.projectId){ return 'wt_tab_'+projectId+'_'+tabId } /** * [initialization] * @return {Promise} */ init(){ //if (this.debug) console.log('-: TabCache.init()'); return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { if(this.tabId!=0){ //if (this.debug) console.log('-: TabCache.init() - this.tabId', this.tabId); if(this.databases.get().includes(this.getDBName(this.tabId))){ await super.init(); } } resolve(); } catch (e) { reject(e) } }); } /** * [list of open tabs] * @return {Array<string>} */ getTabs(){ return this.databases.get() } /** * [list of tab ids] * @return {Array<number>} */ getTabsIds(){ let list = this.getTabs(); let ids = []; for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { let path = list[i].split('_'); path = path.slice(1, path.length); if(path.length==3 && path[0] == 'tab' && parseInt(path[1], 10) == this.projectId){ ids.push(parseInt(path[2], 10)); } } return ids } /** * [delete the tab] * @param {number} [tabId=this.tabId] * @return {Promise} */ deleteTab(tabId=this.tabId){ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {{databaseName: 'wt_project_'+this.projectId, objectStoreName: tabId}) .then(()=>{ let tables = this.databases.get().filter((table)=> table!=this.getDBName(tabId)) this.databases.set(tables); resolve(); }).catch(reject) }); } /** * [getLength return the length of tab-ids] * @return {Number} */ getLength(){ return this.getIds().length } /** * [hasContent return the count of attributes] * @param {Number} id * @return {Number} */ hasContent(id){ if(!{ return false }else{ return Object.keys(this.getOnly(id)).length > 2; } } /** * [register add list or Number of TabIds] * @param {Number/Array} p */ register(p){ if(typeof p === 'number'){ if(! this.add({[]: p}, false, + new Date()); }else if(typeof p === 'object'){ for (let id of p){ if(! this.add({[]: id}); } } } /** * [clear delete the cache of id] * @param {Number} id */ clear(id){ try { return this.del(id); } catch (e) { console.log(, e); } } /** * [update // update the content of id and save it in the storage] * @param {Object} props [default: {}] * @param {Boolean} [inspect=false] [if the inspect is false the props will be not validate] * @return {Promise} */ async update(props={}, inspect=false){ return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { let id = props[]; console.assert(typeof id == this.typeofId, 'id is '+ typeof id) let newContent = Object.assign({}, this.content[id], props); // No more inspecting // if(inspect){ // await this.inspector.validatePage(newContent); // await super.update(props) // }else{ // await super.update(props) // } await super.update(props) resolve() } catch (err) { reject(err) } }) } /** * [add content] * @param {Object} [props={}] * @param {Boolean} [inspect=false] [if the inspect is false the props will be not validate] * @param {Integer} now [time as number] * @return {Promise} */ add(props={}, inspect=false, now){ return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { // console.clear(); // this.databases.set(this.databases.get().push(this.getDBName(this.tabId))); // NO MORE INSPECTING // if(inspect){ // await this.inspector.validatePage(props); // await super.add(props) // }else{ // await super.add(props, inspect, now) // } await super.add(props, inspect, now) let tables = this.databases.get() tables.push(this.getDBName(this.tabId)) this.databases.set(tables); resolve(); } catch (err) { reject(err) } }); } /** * [handling closing] */ close(){ if(typeof === 'function'){; } } }