import ZipHandler from './ZipHandler'; import S3Service from './storage/aws/S3Service'; import CryptHandler from './CryptHandler'; export default class Transfer { constructor(url) { this.zipHandler = new ZipHandler('3rdpart/zip/', 'data.json'); this._storageDestation = false; this.MINI_TYPE = 'application/cryptzip'; this.server = url; this.defaultTraget = {url: url+'tracking/upload'} this.thirdDestation = null; this.DEFAULT_OPTION = { method: 'GET', headers:{ 'Accept': 'application/json' } } } /** * send an start installation message * @return {[type]} [description] */ async startInstallation(){ this.__ping_server('startInstallation'); } /** * send an end installation message * @return {[type]} [description] */ async endInstallation(){ this.__ping_server('endInstallation'); } /** * [__ping_server quick message to the serve] */ __ping_server(msg){ return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ this.jsonFetch(this.server+'client/' + msg) .then(projects => { resolve(true); }) .catch(err => { console.log(err); resolve(false); }) }); } /** * [setCert set certificate] * @param {String} cert */ setCert(cert){ this._cryptHandler = new CryptHandler(cert); } /** * [setTragetOption set the target options] * @param {Boolean} b [default: false] * @param {Object} options [default: this.defaultTraget] */ setTragetOption(b=false, options=this.defaultTraget){ this._storageDestation = b; this.options = options; } /** * [deliver specific third destination object who was required from the destination settings] * @return {S3Service} object */ getThirdDestation(){ if(this.thirdDestation==null){ switch (this.options.DESTINATION) { case 'aws': this.thirdDestation = new S3Service(this.options.WRITEONLY_ACCESSKEYID, this.options.WRITEONLY_SECRETACCESSKEY, this.options.BUCKET); break; default: } } return this.thirdDestation; } /** * [sendingData compress data-string to file and sending to the target-server] * @param {String} string * @param {Function} callbackStatus * @return {Promise} */ sendingData(string, callbackStatus){ return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ if(!this._storageDestation) this._direktSending(string, callbackStatus).then(resolve).catch(reject) else this._storageDestationSending(string, callbackStatus).then(resolve).catch(reject) }) } /** * [_direktSending compress data-string to zip file and sending to the server] * @param {String} string * @param {Function} callbackStatus * @return {Promise} */ _direktSending(string, callbackStatus){ // return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ // this.sendFile(this.options.url, 'page', new Blob([string], {type: "application/json"})).then(resolve).catch(reject); // }); // return this._fetch(url, options); return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ //var fd = new FormData(); //fd.append(type, blob); this._fetch(this.options.url, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: string }).then(resolve).catch(reject) }); } /** * [_direktSending compress data-string to zip file and sending to the server] * @param {String} string * @param {Function} callbackStatus * @return {Promise} */ _direktSending_old(string, callbackStatus){ return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ this.sendFile(this.options.url, 'page', new Blob([string], {type: "application/json"})).then(resolve).catch(reject); }); } /** * [_storageDestationSending compress and crypt data-string to cryptzip file and sending to the storage destination] * @param {String} string * @param {Function} callbackStatus * @return {Promise} */ _storageDestationSending(string, callbackStatus){ return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ let reader = new FileReader(); this.zipHandler.create(string).then(zipBlob => { reader.onload = () => { var r = this._cryptHandler.encrypt(reader.result); // <-- crypt data var blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(r)], {type: this.MINI_TYPE}); callbackStatus('compressed'); this.getThirdDestation().upload({ Body: blob }).then(resolve).catch(reject); } reader.readAsDataURL(zipBlob); }).catch(reject) }); } /** * [sendFile send the blob withe the typename to the url] * @param {String} url * @param {String} type * @param {Blob} blob * @return {Promise} */ sendFile(url, type, blob){ return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ var fd = new FormData(); fd.append(type, blob); this._fetch(url, { method: 'POST', body: fd }).then(resolve).catch(reject) }); } /** * [fileFetch get raw GET-request] * @param {String} url * @return {Promise} */ fileFetch(url){ return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ fetch(url).then(response => { if (!response.ok) throw response.statusText; let blob = response.blob(); resolve(new Response(blob).text()); }).catch(err => { //if (this.debug) console.log('Failed to Fetch File: ', url); reject({ message: 'fileFetch: ' + err.message, code: '500', nr: '-1', }) }); }); } /** * [jsonFetch create request with options] * @param {String} url * @param {Object} options [default: this.DEFAULT_OPTION] * @return {Promise} Object */ jsonFetch(url, options=this.DEFAULT_OPTION){ return this._fetch(url, options); } /** * [fetch json from response url and format it to the default json response] * @param {String} url * @param {Object} options * @return {Object} data */ _fetch(url, options){ return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ var res = null; fetch(url, options).then(response => { res = response; if (!response.ok) throw response.statusText; return response.json(); }) .then(d => { if(d.error != null){ reject({ message: d.error.message || '', code: d.error.code || '', nr: || '' }); }else { let authData = d.result.authData; var data = (typeof d.result==='object' && d.result.hasOwnProperty('data'))? d.result; resolve(data); } }).catch(err => { //if (this.debug) console.log('Failed to Fetch JSON: ', url); console.log(err); reject({ message: '_fetch: ' + err.message, code: '500', nr: '-1', }) }); }) } }//class