import FacebookTracker from './addon/FacebookTracker'; import YouTubeTracker from './addon/YouTubeTracker'; import TwitterTracker from './addon/TwitterTracker'; import InstagramTracker from './addon/InstagramTracker'; import DomainTracker from './addon/DomainTracker'; import URLTracker from './addon/URLTracker'; import GoogleTracker from './addon/GoogleTracker'; import AppleTracker from './addon/AppleTracker'; import DenylistTracker from './addon/DenylistTracker'; import PrivateModeTracker from './addon/PrivateModeTracker'; import Tracker from './Tracker'; import DomDetector from './DomDetector'; const DOMAIN_SET = new Set(['instagram', 'skype', 'xing', 'linkedin', 'twitch', 'tumblr', 'pinterest', 'flickr', 'wechat', 'viber', 'vk', 'whatsapp', 'telegram' ]); const YOUTUBE_SET = new Set(['studio', 'artists', 'creatoracademy']); const TWITTER_SET = new Set(['ads', 'analytics', 'help']); const URL_SET = new Set(['soscisurvey']); export default class ContentHandler { /** * [constructor] */ constructor(){ // probably not used = null; this.allow = false; this.isSend = false; this.isListeningToBackend = false; // this value gets overwritten in the init this.default_private_time_ms = 15*60*1000; // initialized only once this.browser = window.hasOwnProperty('chrome') ? chrome : browser; this.param = null; this.DELAY = 1000; this.debug = false; this.onBackendMessage = this.onBackendMessage.bind(this); this.click_recorder = this.click_recorder.bind(this); this.contextmenu_recorder = this.contextmenu_recorder.bind(this); this.focus_counter = this.focus_counter.bind(this); this.scroll_counter = this.scroll_counter.bind(this); // needs to be initialized, if restarting this.clear(); this.display_notification = false; // Maximum size of the HTML in bytes (45MB) this.blob_limit = 45*1024*1024; } /** * initialize the data * @return {[type]} [description] */ init_data(){ return { createData: new Date(), content: [], source: [], events: [], meta: Object.assign({ description: '', keywords: '' }), favicon: '', count: 0, startTime: this.startTime, landing_url: window.location.href, content_url: '', hostname: location.protocol + '//' + location.hostname, page_load_time: window.performance.timing.domContentLoadedEventEnd-window.performance.timing.navigationStart, unhashed_url: this.get_unhashed_href(), clicks: this.clicks, clicks_counter: 0, rightclicks: this.contextmenu_clicks, rightclicks_counter: 0, scrolls: this.scrolls } } /** * count clicks in the page * @return {[type]} [description] */ click_recorder () { this.clicks.push(+new Date); this.sendMessage({ clicks: this.clicks, clicks_counter: this.clicks.length }); } /** * count right clicks in the page * @return {[type]} [description] */ contextmenu_recorder () { this.contextmenu_clicks.push(+new Date); this.sendMessage({ rightclicks: this.contextmenu_clicks, rightclicks_counter: this.contextmenu_clicks.length, }); } /** * count focuses in the page * @return {[type]} [description] */ focus_counter () { this.focuses += 1; this.sendMessage({ focuses: this.focuses }); } /** * count scrolls in the page * @return {[type]} [description] */ scroll_counter (e) { this.scrolls += 1; if (!this.is_scroll_timed) { this.is_scroll_timed = true; setTimeout(()=> this.send_scroll(), 500) } } send_scroll () { this.sendMessage({ scrolls: this.scrolls }); this.is_scroll_timed = false; } /** * [return specific tracker for the current page] * @return {[type]} [description] */ _getTracker(privacy){ let hostname_parts = location.hostname.split('.'); if (hostname_parts.length > 1) { let str = hostname_parts[hostname_parts.length - 2]; if (privacy.only_domain){ if (this.debug) console.log('DomainTracker'); return DomainTracker; } else if (privacy.only_url){ if (this.debug) console.log('URLTracker'); return URLTracker; } if (privacy.full_deny){ if (this.debug) console.log('DenylistTracker'); return DenylistTracker; } if (privacy.private_mode){ if (this.debug) console.log('PrivateModeTracker'); return PrivateModeTracker; } else if(str.endsWith('facebook')){ if (this.debug) console.log('FacebookTracker'); return DomainTracker; } else if(str.endsWith('youtube')){ if (hostname_parts.length > 2 && YOUTUBE_SET.has(hostname_parts[hostname_parts.length - 3])) { return DomainTracker; } else { if (this.debug) console.log('YouTubeTracker'); return URLTracker; } } else if(str.endsWith('twitter')){ if (hostname_parts.length > 2 && TWITTER_SET.has(hostname_parts[hostname_parts.length - 3])) { if (this.debug) console.log('DomainTracker'); return DomainTracker; } else { if (this.debug) console.log('TwitterTracker'); return DomainTracker; } } else if(str.endsWith('instagram')){ if (this.debug) console.log('using URLTracker for InstagramTracker'); return URLTracker; } else if(str.endsWith('google')){ if (this.debug) console.log('GoogleTracker'); return GoogleTracker; } else if(str.endsWith('apple')){ if (this.debug) console.log('AppleTracker'); return AppleTracker; } } if (this.debug) console.log('Tracker'); return Tracker } /** * [get parameter from background] * @return {Promise<object>} */ _getParam(){ return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ if (this.debug) console.log('sendMessage("ontracking")'); this.browser.runtime.sendMessage('ontracking', (response) => { if(this.browser.runtime.lastError) { /*ignore when the background is not listening*/; // console.log(this.browser.runtime.lastError); } else { if (response.pending_private_time_answer){ this.display_notification = true; this.showNotification(); } } resolve(response); }); }); } /** * delete page in the background * @return {Promise<object>} */ deletePage(){ return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ if (this.debug) console.log('sendMessage("delete_page")'); this.browser.runtime.sendMessage('delete_page', (response) => { if(this.browser.runtime.lastError) { /*ignore when the background is not listening*/; } resolve(response); }); }); } /** * [rebuild and href without hash] * @return href without hashes */ get_unhashed_href() { let location = window.location; return location.protocol+'//'+ location.hostname+ (location.port?":"+location.port:"")+ location.pathname+ (""); } /** * [send message to the background] * @param {Object} [object={}] */ sendMessage(object={}){ this.count += 1; let type = null; if(object.hasOwnProperty('html')){ if (this.debug){ console.log('Count: ' + this.count); if(object['html']) { console.log('HTML length: ' + (object['html']).length); } } object = { //links: object['links'], content: [object], // the exact url associated to the content content_url: window.location.href, }; type = 'html'; } else if(object.hasOwnProperty('links')){ // object = {links:} // type = 'links'; } else if(object.hasOwnProperty('source')){ // object = {source:} // type = 'source'; } else if(object.hasOwnProperty('meta')){ object = {meta: Object.assign({description: '', keywords: '' }, object.meta)} type = 'meta'; } else if(object.hasOwnProperty('event')){ object = {events:[object])} type = 'event'; } object['count'] = this.count; // in firefox the domContentLoadedEventEnd is loaded only after the domContentLoadedEventEnd if (['page_load_time'] < -9999){['page_load_time'] = window.performance.timing.domContentLoadedEventEnd-window.performance.timing.navigationStart; } = Object.assign(, object); if (this.debug) console.log(; if (this.debug) console.log(; // console.log(; // if (now - this.last > this.DELAY) { // console.log(; // try { // console.log([0].html); // } catch (e){ // console.log('no content'); // } switch (type) { case 'html': let now = +new Date(); if (now - this.last > this.DELAY) { this.last = now; // console.log('sendMessage %s', this.count, object); try { if (this.debug) console.log('html: runtime.sendMessage(,...'); this.browser.runtime.sendMessage(, (response)=>{ if(this.browser.runtime.lastError) { /*ignore when the background is not listening*/; } if(response==undefined){ this.close(); } }); } catch(err){ if (err.message == "Extension context invalidated."){ console.log('Could not sendMessage. Did you reload the extension?'); } else { debugger; throw err; } } } break; default: if(>0){ // console.log('sendMessage %s', this.count, object); try{ if (this.debug) console.log('default: runtime.sendMessage(,...'); this.browser.runtime.sendMessage(, (response)=>{ if(this.browser.runtime.lastError) { /*ignore when the background is not listening*/; } if(response==undefined){ this.close(); console.log('Close'); } }); } catch(err){ if (err.message == "Extension context invalidated."){ console.log('Could not sendMessage. Did you reload the extension?'); } else { debugger; throw err; } } }else{ if (this.debug) console.log('waiting for content...'); } } } close(){ this.domDetector.removeAllEventListener(); this.browser.runtime.onMessage.removeListener(this.onBackendMessage); window.removeEventListener("click", this.click_recorder); window.removeEventListener("contextmenu", this.contextmenu_recorder); window.removeEventListener("scroll", this.scroll_counter); window.removeEventListener("focus", this.focus_counter); this.isListeningToBackend = false; if (this.tracker && this.tracker.eventEmitter){ this.tracker.eventEmitter.removeAllListeners('onData'); this.tracker.eventEmitter.removeAllListeners('onStart'); } } closeOnData(){ if (this.tracker){ this.tracker.eventEmitter.removeAllListeners('onData'); } } openOnData(){ if (this.tracker){ this.tracker.eventEmitter.on('onData', data => { if (this.debug) console.log('onData: this.sendMessage'); this.sendMessage(data); }); } else { this.init(); } } onBackendMessage (message, sender, sendResponse) { if (this.debug) console.log(message); if (message.action == 'init'){ if (this.tracker==null){ this.init(); } sendResponse(true); } else if (message.action == 'private_mode'){ if (message.private_mode) { // This is not perfect: when the private mode is deactactivated // the tracker will not collect the content until the next page // when fixed the full battery of tests should be performed this.closeOnData(); this.tracker.set_private_mode(true); this.sendMessage({ meta: { privacy: this.tracker.get_privacy() }}); } else { if(!message.is_tab_disabled){ this.openOnData(); this.tracker.set_private_mode(false); this.tracker.fetchHTML(100).then(() => { //this.tracker.fetchFavicon(); this.tracker.fetchMetaData(); }) } } sendResponse(true); } else if (message.action == 'popup_private_time'){ if (this.debug) console.log('popup_private_time'); if (message.display){ this.showNotification(); } else { this.hideNotification(); } sendResponse(true); //return true; return Promise.resolve("Dummy response to keep the console quiet"); } } /** * [create the tracker and start the event listeners for fetching the data] */ createTracker(privacy){ if (this.debug) console.log('-> createTracker()') const Tracker = this._getTracker(privacy); this.tracker = new Tracker(5, privacy, this.param.extensionfilter); this.tracker.eventEmitter.on('onNewURL', () => { this.close(); this.clear(); // In case a new url is open from javascript, it is not possible to // recover the loading time['page_load_time'] = -9999; this.init(); }) this.openOnData(); this.tracker.eventEmitter.on('onStart', async delay => { // this.DELAY = delay; if (this.debug) console.log('onStart this.sendMessage'); try { this.sendMessage({ startTime: this.startTime, createData: new Date() }) if(await this.tracker.fetchHTML()){ //this.tracker.fetchFavicon(); this.tracker.fetchMetaData(); } } catch (err) { console.log(err); } finally { this.domDetector.onChange(() => { if (this.debug) console.log('Dom Change'); let blob_size = 0; if ( &&['content'] &&['content'].length > 0 &&['content'][0] &&['content'][0]['html']){ blob_size = new Blob([['content'][0]['html']]).size; } if (this.debug) console.log('Blob Size', blob_size / (1024*1024)); if (blob_size <= this.blob_limit){ // 500 millisecons are necessary as the content changes before // the url in pages like Facebook this.tracker.fetchHTML(500); } }, delay); } }); this.browser.runtime.connect({name:"content_handler_connection"}).onDisconnect.addListener(function(externalPort) { if (this.debug) console.log(externalPort); this.close(); this.clear(); if (this.init_timer){ clearTimeout(this.init_timer); } }.bind(this)); this.tracker.start(); } hideNotification() { /*create the notification bar div if it doesn't exist*/ let body = document.querySelector('body'); if (body){ let notification_window = body.querySelector('div #webtrack-notification-8888'); if (notification_window != null){ body.removeChild(notification_window.parentElement); this.display_notification = false; } } } // showNotification() { let height = 300; /*create the notification bar div if it doesn't exist*/ let body = document.querySelector('body'); if (body){ let notification = body.querySelector('div #webtrack-notification-8888'); if (notification == null){ let notification_window = this.get_notification_window(); notification_window.querySelector('#fifteen').addEventListener("click", function(){ this.request_more_private_time(this.default_private_time_ms); body.removeChild(notification_window); this.display_notification = false; }.bind(this)); notification_window.querySelector('#hour').addEventListener("click", function(){ this.request_more_private_time(60*60*1000); body.removeChild(notification_window); this.display_notification = false; }.bind(this)); notification_window.querySelector('#turnoff').addEventListener("click", function(){ this.request_more_private_time(-1); body.removeChild(notification_window); this.display_notification = false; }.bind(this)); body.prepend(notification_window); this.display_notification = true; } } } request_more_private_time(private_time){ return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ if (this.debug) console.log('sendMessage("private_time")', private_time); this.browser.runtime.sendMessage({'private_time': private_time}, (response) => { if(this.browser.runtime.lastError) { /*ignore when the background is not listening*/; } resolve(response); }); }); } get_notification_window(){ //#337ab7 var notification_window = document.createElement('div'); notification_window.innerHTML = ` <div id="webtrack-notification-8888" style="all: initial;width:100%; height: 100%; color: #000000; position: fixed; top:0; right:0; z-index: 100000; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);"> <div style="left: 50%; top: 40%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); width:410px; height:335px; border: 8px solid #0085bc; background-color: #FFFFFF; position: fixed; z-index: 100001; font: normal 12px arial;"> <div> <div style="float: left; margin-right: 10px"> <img style="width: 120px;" src="` + this.browser.extension.getURL('images/on.png') + `"> </div> <div style="margin-left: 15px"> <div style="display: block;font-size: 48px; color: #0085bc; font-weight: bold; padding-top:10px"> Webtrack </div> <div style="display: block; font-size: 16px; color: #0085bc; font-weight: bold;"> Schalten Sie den privaten Modus aus </div> </div> <div style="clear: both;"> </div> <div style="margin:15px; font-size: 14px;"> <div>Es sind 15 Minuten vergangen, seit Sie den privaten Modus aktiviert haben.</div> <br /> <div style="font-weight:bold;">Möchten Sie im privaten Modus weiter surfen?</div> </div> <div style="text-align: center; position: absolute; bottom: 10px; width: 100%;"> <div id="turnoff" style="background: #0085bc; border-radius: 5px; padding: 8px 16px; color: #ffffff; display: inline-block; font: normal bold 13px arial; text-align: center; margin-bottom: 5px; width: 350px; cursor: pointer;"> Nein, d.h. privater Modus wird ausgeschaltet. </div> <div id="fifteen" style="background: #0085bc; border-radius: 5px; padding: 8px 16px; color: #ffffff; display: inline-block; font: normal bold 13px arial; text-align: center; margin-bottom: 5px; width: 350px; cursor: pointer;"> Ja, ich brauche 15 Minuten mehr im privaten Modus. </div> <div id="hour" style="background: #0085bc; border-radius: 5px; padding: 8px 16px; color: #ffffff; display: inline-block; font: normal bold 13px arial; text-align: center; width: 350px; cursor: pointer;"> Ja, ich brauche 1 Stunde mehr im privaten Modus. </div> <div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>`; return notification_window; } /** * [clear the contenthandler] */ clear(){ this.tracker = null; this.init_timer = null; this.count = 0; this.domDetector = new DomDetector(); this.startTime = +new Date(); this.last = 0; this.clicks = []; this.contextmenu_clicks = []; this.scrolls = 0; this.focuses = 0; this.is_scroll_timed = false; = this.init_data(); } /** * [initalizate the contenthandler] */ async init(){ if (!this.isListeningToBackend){ window.addEventListener("click", this.click_recorder); window.addEventListener("contextmenu", this.contextmenu_recorder); window.addEventListener("scroll", this.scroll_counter); window.addEventListener("focus", this.focus_counter); this.browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener(this.onBackendMessage); this.isListeningToBackend = true; } try { this.param = await this._getParam(); if(typeof this.param == 'object' && !this.param.tab_disabled){ if(this.debug) console.log(this.param); this.default_private_time_ms = this.param.default_private_time_ms; this.createTracker(this.param.privacy); } } catch (e) { this.init_timer = setTimeout(()=> this.init(), 2000) console.log(e); } } }//class