import MultiFetch from './MultiFetch'; import EventEmitter from 'eventemitter3'; const EVENT_NAMES = { 'loadsource': 'onLoadSource', 'data': 'onData', 'newURL': 'onNewURL', 'start': 'onStart' } export default class Tracker extends MultiFetch { constructor(worker, privacy, extensionfilter=[]) { super(worker); this.privacy = privacy; this.extensionfilter = extensionfilter; this.is_track_allow = true; this.eventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); this.rootElement = document; this.eventFn = { onEvent: data => { this.eventEmitter.emit(, Object.assign(data, {timestamp: + new Date()}), false) } } this.metadata = { description: [], keywords: [], anonym: null, privacy: privacy }; this.links = []; this.lastURL = ''; this.original_url = ''; this.debug = true; this.events_debug = false; this.startswith_denylist = []; this.startswith_allowlist = []; this.pos_2nd_denylist = []; this.header_clone = null; this.is_logged_in = false; this.is_content_allowed = true; // WARNING: this must remain null after fully fetch the first DOM // because of syncing issues. If the variable is null, it is not // possible to know if the location.pathname is or not allowed. this.is_sm_path_allowed = null; } /** * [start the tracker] * @return {[type]} [description] */ start(){ this.lastURL = location.pathname; this.original_url = this.get_unhashed_href(); this.onStart(delay => { this.eventEmitter.emit(EVENT_NAMES.start, delay, false) }); // and any time that the locationchange // unnecessary as the dom also changes! // window.addEventListener('locationchange', function(event){ // console.log('locationchange'); // //eventEmitter.emit(EVENT_NAMES.start, delay, false) // this.onStart(delay => { // this.eventEmitter.emit(EVENT_NAMES.start, delay, false) // }); // }.bind(this)); } /** * turn on the private mode on the tracker * @param {[type]} b [description] */ set_private_mode(b) { this.privacy['private_mode'] = b; } /** * get_privacy flags * @return {[type]} [description] */ get_privacy(){ return this.privacy; } /** * [_getHead return header of HTML-Dom] * @return {String} */ _getHead(){ this.header_clone = document.querySelectorAll('head')[0].cloneNode(true); this.header_clone = this._clean_embedded_scripts(this.header_clone, 'script:not([src]),svg,style,noscript'); return this.header_clone.outerHTML; } /** * Setup the credentials for the logged user (if any) */ reset_credentials(){ // is social media path allowed this.is_sm_path_allowed = this.get_is_sm_path_allowed(location.pathname); if (this.debug) console.log('IS ALLOWED', location.pathname, this.is_sm_path_allowed); } /** * [isAllow returns if the path is allowed in social media platforms] * @param {Location} [the location element to analyze the url] * @return {Boolean} [if it is allow according to social media platforms rules] */ get_is_sm_path_allowed(path){ if (!this.is_logged_in) { return true; } if (!path.endsWith('/')){ path = path + '/'; } return this._get_is_sm_path_allowed(path); } /** * Reimplemente this method to adjust the controls in each Tracker */ _get_is_sm_path_allowed(path){ for (let i in this.startswith_denylist) { if (path.startsWith(this.startswith_denylist[i])){ return false; } } for (let i in this.startswith_allowlist) { if (path.startsWith(this.startswith_allowlist[i])){ return true; } } if (this.pos_2nd_denylist.length > 0){ let path_2nd = path.split('/')[2]; for (let i in this.pos_2nd_denylist) { if (path_2nd == this.pos_2nd_denylist[i]){ return false; } } } return true; } /** * [is_allowed_by_lists returns if the path is allowed in social media platforms] * @param {path} [the location element to analyze the url] * @return {Boolean} [if it is allow according to different lists in the background] */ is_allowed_by_lists(path){ return true; } /** * [is_url_change check if the url has changed] */ is_url_change(){ return this.original_url != this.get_unhashed_href(); } /** * [checkURL check if url changed and search in dom if find some elements they not allowed and set this.allow] */ checkURL(){ if(this.lastURL!==location.pathname){ this.lastURL = location.pathname this.eventEmitter.emit(EVENT_NAMES.newURL, true, false) } } /** * get the value of a paraemeter in the parameters of an url * @param {str} that contains the url paramesters, e.g. ?id=000&var=x * @param {str} name of the parameter that the value is being looked for * @return {str} the value of the partameter */ findGetParameter(params, parameterName) { var tmp = []; var items = params.substr(1).split("&"); for (var index = 0; index < items.length; index++) { tmp = items[index].split("="); if (tmp[0] === parameterName) { return decodeURIComponent(tmp[1]); } } return null; } /** * [rebuild and href without hash] * @return href without hashes */ get_unhashed_href() { return location.protocol+'//'+ location.hostname+ (location.port?":"+location.port:"")+ location.pathname+ (""); } /** * [fetchMetaData fetch and search meta-data] */ fetchMetaData(){ let metadata = this.getMetadata(); this.updateMetaData(metadata); } /** * get the metadata from the file * @return {object} the metadata of the html */ getMetadata(){ let metas = this._getElements(['head meta[name="description"]', 'head meta[name="keywords"]'], undefined, {setTracked: false}); let metadata = { description: [], keywords: [] }; for (let meta of metas) { let name = meta.getAttribute('name'); let content = meta.getAttribute('content'); if(metadata.hasOwnProperty(name)) { metadata[name].push(content); } } return metadata; } /** * [updateMetaData update the meta data and fire the event handler for update] * @param {Object} [data={}] [the data must have the property description or keywords] */ updateMetaData(data={}){ let result = {}; if(data.hasOwnProperty('description')){ this.metadata['description'] = this.metadata['description'].concat(data['description']); result['description'] = this.metadata['description'].join(','); } if(data.hasOwnProperty('keywords')){ this.metadata['keywords'] = this.metadata['keywords'].concat(data['keywords']); result['keywords'] = this.metadata['keywords'].join(','); } if (data.hasOwnProperty('anonym')){ result['anonym'] = data['anonym']; } else { result['anonym'] = this.metadata['anonym']; } if (data.hasOwnProperty('privacy_flags')){ result['privacy_flags'] = data['privacy_flags']; } else { result['privacy_flags'] = this.metadata['privacy_flags']; } if (data.hasOwnProperty('privacy')){ result['privacy'] = data['privacy']; } else { result['privacy'] = this.metadata['privacy']; } if (this.debug) console.log('======Emit Event: onData (METADATA) ======='); if (this.debug) console.log(result); this.eventEmitter.emit(, {meta: result}, false); } /** * [_setBorder set borderColor] * @param {[type]} target [description] * @param {String} [color='red'] [description] */ _setBorder(target, color='red'){ if(this.events_debug) target.setAttribute("style", "border:2px solid "+color+" !important;"); } /** * [_getElements search and return elements and set tracking class] * @param {Array} querys [default: []] * @param {[type]} target [default: document] * @param {Object} options [default: {color: 'red', setBorder: true, setTracked: true, ignoreTracked: false, notSearch: '.tracked', addClass: 'tracked'}] * @return {Array} bucket */ _getElements(querys=[], target=document, options={}){ console.assert(Array.isArray(querys), 'querys is no array'); console.assert(querys.length!=0, 'querys empty'); // console.log('querys', querys); let bucket = []; options = Object.assign({}, {color: 'red', setBorder: true, setTracked: true, ignoreTracked: false, filter: ':not(.tracked)', addClass: 'tracked'}, options); for (let query of querys) { if(!options.ignoreTracked) query += options.filter; // console.log(target, query); let elements = target.querySelectorAll(query); let length = elements.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { if(options.setTracked && options.addClass.length>0) elements[i].classList.add(options.addClass); if(options.setBorder) this._setBorder(elements[i], options.color); bucket.push(elements[i]); }//for i }//for query return bucket; } /** * [return all matches from regex] * @param {RegExp} regex * @param {String} text * @return {Array} */ getAllMatches(regex, text){ if (regex.constructor !== RegExp) { throw new Error('not RegExp'); } var res = []; var match = null; if ( { while (match = regex.exec(text)) { res.push(match[0]); } } else { if (match = regex.exec(text)) { res.push(match[0]); } } return res; } /** * [fetch all links from documentElement, filtered by the extensionfilter] * @param {String} [dom=''] * @return {Array<string>} */ _getSourceLinks(dom=''){ let tags = this.getAllMatches(/<\b(link|meta|script|img|video)(.*?)\>/gi, dom); let attr = this.getAllMatches(/\"(.*?)\"/g, tags.join(' ')); let a = this.getAllMatches(/("(.*?)\")/gi, attr.join(' ')); var links = []; for (let v of a) { v = v.replace(new RegExp('"', 'g'), ''); if(v.indexOf('/')>=0 && v.indexOf('.')>=0 && ( (this.extensionfilter.length == 1 && this.extensionfilter[0] == 'ALL') || this.extensionfilter.includes(v.split('.').pop()) ) ){ links.push(v); }//if }//for return links; } /** * [seach the parent element] * @param {Node} node * @param {String} selector * @param {String} [stop_selector='body'] [description] * @return {Node|null} */ _findParentElement(node, selector, stop_selector = 'body') { try { var parent = node.parentNode; while (true) { if (parent.matches(stop_selector)) break; if (parent.matches(selector)) break; parent = parent.parentNode; // get upper parent and check again } if (parent.matches(stop_selector)) parent = null; // when parent is a tag 'body' -> parent not found return parent; } catch (e) { console.log(node); console.log(e); } } /** * [return the parent element * handling selector with array or strings * ] * @param {Node} node * @param {String|Array} selector * @param {String} stop_selector * @return {String|Array} */ getParentElement(node, selector, stop_selector){ if(typeof selector == 'string'){ return this._findParentElement(node, selector, stop_selector); }else if(Array.isArray(selector)){ for (let str of selector) { node = this._findParentElement(node, str, stop_selector); } return node; } } /** * [getFavicon return object with meta data strings] * @return {Object} [description] */ getFavicon(){ return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { if(this.favicon==null){ let link = this._getElements(['link[rel="icon"]', 'link[rel="shortcut icon"]'], undefined, {setTracked: false}); if(link.length==1){ link = link[0].getAttribute("href"); if(typeof link == 'string' && link.length>0){ this.favicon = await this._fetchURL(link); resolve(this.favicon); }else{ resolve(false) } }else{ resolve(false) } }else{ resolve(this.favicon) } } catch (e) { reject(e) } }); } /** * [deliver list of hash numbers from urls] * @return {Array<number>} */ fetchHASHLinks(){ let e = document.querySelectorAll('a[href]'); let urls = []; for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++) { //let hash = this._getHashCode(e[i].getAttribute("href").replace(new RegExp('^http(s)?:\/\/', 'g'), '')); // if(!this.links.includes(hash)){ // this.links.push(hash); // } let hash = e[i].getAttribute("href").replace(new RegExp('^http(s)?:\/\/', 'g'), ''); urls.push(hash); } return urls; } /** * [deliver list of urls] * @return {Array<number>} */ getLinks(){ let e = document.querySelectorAll('a[href]'); let urls = []; for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++) { urls.push(e[i].getAttribute("href")); } return urls; } /** * [return element without embedd js, css, etc] * @return {Promise} */ _clean_embedded_scripts(target, selectors='script:not([src]),svg,style'){ var r = target.querySelectorAll(selectors); for (var i = (r.length-1); i >= 0; i--) { if(r[i].getAttribute('id') != 'a'){ r[i].parentNode.removeChild(r[i]); } } return target; } /** * [return element without detected sensitive information] * @return {Promise} */ _clean_sensitive_content_elements(target){ return target; } __getDom(){ var tclone = document.documentElement.cloneNode(true); // clean unnecessary scripts tclone = this._clean_embedded_scripts(tclone); // clean sensitive information tclone = this._clean_sensitive_content_elements(tclone); return tclone; } /** * _getDom dom as string * @return {string} */ _getDom(){ return this.__getDom().outerHTML; } /** * [return dom as string] * @return {Promise} */ getDom(){ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { resolve(this._getDom()); }); } /** * [return all sources from dom] * @param {String} dom * @return {Promise} Array<object> */ fetchSource(dom){ return new Promise(async (resolve, reject)=>{ try { let source = await this.fetch(this._getSourceLinks(dom)); source = source.filter(e => => { this.urls2data[e.url].new = false; delete; return e; }); // this.eventEmitter.emit(, {source: source}, false) const CHUNKSIZE = 50; let sources = [].concat.apply([],,i) => { return i%CHUNKSIZE ? [] : [source.slice(i,i+CHUNKSIZE)]; })) for (var i = 0; i < sources.length; i++) { this.eventEmitter.emit(, {source: sources[i]}, false) } } catch (err) { reject(err) } }) } /** * [fetch favicon and run the event listener] * @return {Promise} */ fetchFavicon(){ return new Promise(async (resolve, reject)=>{ try { let favicon = await this.getFavicon(); this.eventEmitter.emit(, {favicon: favicon}, false) resolve(); } catch (err) { reject(favicon) } }) } /** * [fetch all hash links and run the event listener] * @return {[type]} [description] */ fetchLinks(){ return new Promise(async (resolve, reject)=>{ try { //this.fetchHASHLinks(); this.eventEmitter.emit(, {}, false); resolve(); } catch (err) { reject(err) } }); } /** * [fetch the html content and run the event listener] * @return {Promise} */ fetchHTML(timeout=750){ return new Promise(async (resolve, reject)=>{ if (this.debug) console.log('fetchHTML: ' + new Date()); // sometimes the content is updated before the url, the timeout here // makes the code wait for the updates in the url. This is not ideal, // but I don't see other way. Even if one could capture popstate and // pushstate eventss (which is not working in the extension), the // problem would persist: the content was modified first and then the // url! setTimeout( async function() { if (this.debug) console.log('timeout: FetchHTML'); // reset the credentials before anything else, this will turn on/off // different flags for the creation of the DOM this.reset_credentials(); // check if the URL has changed if (this.is_url_change()){ if (this.debug) console.log('======Emit Event: newURL ======='); this.eventEmitter.emit(EVENT_NAMES.newURL, { html: false, }, false); resolve(false); // if the URL has not changed } else { // if the tracker notices that the content is private, it will return // false instead, this is used to control what to send on the bottom var html = await this.getDom(); // if is it ok to track the current address, and some html was // recovered, then send the data if (html && this.is_sm_path_allowed && this.is_allowed_by_lists(location.pathname) && this.is_content_allowed){ if (this.debug) console.log('======Emit Event: onData (DATA) ======='); // if the content is blocked send an empty html, and notified the backend // to turn off the icon } else { if (this.debug) console.log('======Emit Event: onData (DISALLOW) ======='); html = '<EMPTY>'; } this.eventEmitter.emit(, { html: html, is_sm_path_allowed: this.is_sm_path_allowed, is_content_allowed: this.is_content_allowed, is_allowed_by_lists: this.is_allowed_by_lists(location.pathname), create: (new Date()).toJSON() }, false); resolve(true) } }.bind(this), timeout); }); } /** * [onStart] * @param {Function} fn */ onStart(fn){ fn(1000); } }