import Tracker from '../Tracker'; export default class TwitterTracker extends Tracker{ constructor(worker, privacy, extensionfilter=[]){ super(worker, privacy); this.extensionfilter = extensionfilter; this.onStart = this.onStart.bind(this); this.is_allowed = null; this.allow = false; this.twitter_debug = false; this.twitter_debugEvents = false; this.selectors = { root: ['#stream-items-id'], allow: ['#stream-items-id'], articels: ['article'],//#['#stream-items-id li > .tweet'], likeButton: ['.ProfileTweet-actionList .js-actionFavorite'], commentDialog: { wrapper: ['#global-tweet-dialog'], id: ['#global-tweet-dialog-body .tweet'], content: ['#tweet-box-global'], submitButton: ['.tweet-button > .EdgeButton'] }, retweetDialog: { wrapper: ['#retweet-tweet-dialog'], id: ['#retweet-tweet-dialog-body .tweet'], content: ['#retweet-with-comment'], submitButton: ['.RetweetDialog-footer .tweet-button > .EdgeButton'] }, tweetstormDialog:{ wrapper: ['#Tweetstorm-dialog'], id: ['#Tweetstorm-dialog #Tweetstorm-tweet-box-0 .tweet'], content: ['.TweetstormDialog-tweet-box.initialized .RichEditor-scrollContainer .tweet-box'], submitButton: ['.modal-footer .SendTweetsButton'], newTweetButton: ['.modal-footer .js-add-tweet'] }, permalinkOverlay:{ wrapper: ['#permalink-overlay-dialog', '#permalink-overlay'], content: ['#permalink-overlay-dialog .permalink-tweet-container .tweet'], comment: { text: ['.inline-reply-tweetbox-container .RichEditor-scrollContainer .tweet-box'], submitButton: ['.tweet-button > .EdgeButton'] } }, svg_home_activated: 'nav a svg g path[d="M22.58 7.35L12.475 1.897c-.297-.16-.654-.16-.95 0L1.425 7.35c-.486.264-.667.87-.405 1.356.18.335.525.525.88.525.16 0 .324-.038.475-.12l.734-.396 1.59 11.25c.216 1.214 1.31 2.062 2.66 2.062h9.282c1.35 0 2.444-.848 2.662-2.088l1.588-11.225.737.398c.485.263 1.092.082 1.354-.404.263-.486.08-1.093-.404-1.355zM12 15.435c-1.795 0-3.25-1.455-3.25-3.25s1.455-3.25 3.25-3.25 3.25 1.455 3.25 3.25-1.455 3.25-3.25 3.25z"]', svg_home_deactivated: 'nav a svg g path[d="M22.46 7.57L12.357 2.115c-.223-.12-.49-.12-.713 0L1.543 7.57c-.364.197-.5.652-.303 0 .243-.03.356-.09l.815-.44L4.7 19.963c.214 1.215 1.308 2.062 2.658 2.062h9.282c1.352 0 2.445-.848 2.663-2.087l1.626-11.49.818.442c.364.193.82.06 1.017-.304.196-.363.06-.818-.304-1.016zm-4.638 12.133c-.107.606-.703.822-1.18.822H7.36c-.48 0-1.075-.216-1.178-.798L4.48 7.69 12 3.628l7.522 4.06-1.7 12.015z"]', //svg_maintweet_protected: ':not(article) svg g path[d="M19.75 7.31h-1.88c-.19-3.08-2.746-5.526-5.87-5.526S6.32 4.232 6.13 7.31H4.25C3.01 7.31 2 8.317 2 9.56v10.23c0 1.24 1.01 2.25 2.25 2.25h15.5c1.24 0 2.25-1.01 2.25-2.25V9.56c0-1.242-1.01-2.25-2.25-2.25zm-7 8.377v1.396c0 .414-.336.75-.75.75s-.75-.336-.75-.75v-1.396c-.764-.3-1.307-1.04-1.307-1.91 0-1.137.92-2.058 2.057-2.058 1.136 0 2.057.92 2.057 2.056 0 .87-.543 1.61-1.307 1.91zM7.648 7.31C7.838 5.06 9.705 3.284 12 3.284s4.163 1.777 4.352 4.023H7.648z"]', //svg_tweet_protected: 'article svg g path[d="M19.75 7.31h-1.88c-.19-3.08-2.746-5.526-5.87-5.526S6.32 4.232 6.13 7.31H4.25C3.01 7.31 2 8.317 2 9.56v10.23c0 1.24 1.01 2.25 2.25 2.25h15.5c1.24 0 2.25-1.01 2.25-2.25V9.56c0-1.242-1.01-2.25-2.25-2.25zm-7 8.377v1.396c0 .414-.336.75-.75.75s-.75-.336-.75-.75v-1.396c-.764-.3-1.307-1.04-1.307-1.91 0-1.137.92-2.058 2.057-2.058 1.136 0 2.057.92 2.057 2.056 0 .87-.543 1.61-1.307 1.91zM7.648 7.31C7.838 5.06 9.705 3.284 12 3.284s4.163 1.777 4.352 4.023H7.648z"]', svg_tweet_protected: 'article svg g path[d="M19.75 7.31h-1.88c-.19-3.08-2.746-5.526-5.87-5.526S6.32 4.232 6.13 7.31H4.25C3.01 7.31 2 8.317 2 9.56v10.23c0 1.24 1.01 2.25 2.25 2.25h15.5c1.24 0 2.25-1.01 2.25-2.25V9.56c0-1.242-1.01-2.25-2.25-2.25zm-7 8.377v1.396c0 .414-.336.75-.75.75s-.75-.336-.75-.75v-1.396c-.764-.3-1.307-1.04-1.307-1.91 0-1.137.92-2.058 2.057-2.058 1.136 0 2.057.92 2.057 2.056 0 .87-.543 1.61-1.307 1.91zM7.648 7.31C7.838 5.06 9.705 3.284 12 3.284s4.163 1.777 4.352 4.023H7.648z"]', svg_tweet_promoted: 'article svg g path[d="M20.75 2H3.25C2.007 2 1 3.007 1 4.25v15.5C1 20.993 2.007 22 3.25 22h17.5c1.243 0 2.25-1.007 2.25-2.25V4.25C23 3.007 21.993 2 20.75 2zM17.5 13.504c0 .483-.392.875-.875.875s-.875-.393-.875-.876V9.967l-7.547 7.546c-.17.17-.395.256-.62.256s-.447-.086-.618-.257c-.342-.342-.342-.896 0-1.237l7.547-7.547h-3.54c-.482 0-.874-.393-.874-.876s.392-.875.875-.875h5.65c.483 0 .875.39.875.874v5.65z"]', svg_account_protected: 'div span svg g path[d="M19.75 7.31h-1.88c-.19-3.08-2.746-5.526-5.87-5.526S6.32 4.232 6.13 7.31H4.25C3.01 7.31 2 8.317 2 9.56v10.23c0 1.24 1.01 2.25 2.25 2.25h15.5c1.24 0 2.25-1.01 2.25-2.25V9.56c0-1.242-1.01-2.25-2.25-2.25zm-7 8.377v1.396c0 .414-.336.75-.75.75s-.75-.336-.75-.75v-1.396c-.764-.3-1.307-1.04-1.307-1.91 0-1.137.92-2.058 2.057-2.058 1.136 0 2.057.92 2.057 2.056 0 .87-.543 1.61-1.307 1.91zM7.648 7.31C7.838 5.06 9.705 3.284 12 3.284s4.163 1.777 4.352 4.023H7.648z"]', // assumes that the target is the tweet/comment //svg_proeet_favorite: ':not(article) svg g path[d="M12 21.638h-.014C9.403 21.59 1.95 14.856 1.95 8.478c0-3.064 2.525-5.754 5.403-5.754 2.29 0 3.83 1.58 4.646 2.73.814-1.148 2.354-2.73 4.645-2.73 2.88 0 5.404 2.69 5.404 5.755 0 6.376-7.454 13.11-10.037 13.157H12zM7.354 4.225c-2.08 0-3.903 1.988-3.903 4.255 0 5.74 7.034 11.596 8.55 11.658 1.518-.062 8.55-5.917 8.55-11.658 0-2.267-1.823-4.255-3.903-4.255-2.528 0-3.94 2.936-3.952 2.965-.23.562-1.156.562-1.387 0-.014-.03-1.425-2.965-3.954-2.965z"]', //svg_favorite: 'article svg g path[d="M12 21.638h-.014C9.403 21.59 1.95 14.856 1.95 8.478c0-3.064 2.525-5.754 5.403-5.754 2.29 0 3.83 1.58 4.646 2.73.814-1.148 2.354-2.73 4.645-2.73 2.88 0 5.404 2.69 5.404 5.755 0 6.376-7.454 13.11-10.037 13.157H12zM7.354 4.225c-2.08 0-3.903 1.988-3.903 4.255 0 5.74 7.034 11.596 8.55 11.658 1.518-.062 8.55-5.917 8.55-11.658 0-2.267-1.823-4.255-3.903-4.255-2.528 0-3.94 2.936-3.952 2.965-.23.562-1.156.562-1.387 0-.014-.03-1.425-2.965-3.954-2.965z"]', svg_favorite: 'svg g path[d="M12 21.638h-.014C9.403 21.59 1.95 14.856 1.95 8.478c0-3.064 2.525-5.754 5.403-5.754 2.29 0 3.83 1.58 4.646 2.73.814-1.148 2.354-2.73 4.645-2.73 2.88 0 5.404 2.69 5.404 5.755 0 6.376-7.454 13.11-10.037 13.157H12zM7.354 4.225c-2.08 0-3.903 1.988-3.903 4.255 0 5.74 7.034 11.596 8.55 11.658 1.518-.062 8.55-5.917 8.55-11.658 0-2.267-1.823-4.255-3.903-4.255-2.528 0-3.94 2.936-3.952 2.965-.23.562-1.156.562-1.387 0-.014-.03-1.425-2.965-3.954-2.965z"]', /**This is not enough!!!, the icon appears twice!!! an idea is two check for the content: .parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.innerText != '' **/ //svg_maintweet_retweet: ':not(article) svg g path[d="M23.77 15.67c-.292-.293-.767-.293-1.06 0l-2.22 2.22V7.65c0-2.068-1.683-3.75-3.75-3.75h-5.85c-.414 0-.75.336-.75.75s.336.75.75.75h5.85c1.24 0 2.25 1.01 2.25 2.25v10.24l-2.22-2.22c-.293-.293-.768-.293-1.06 0s-.294.768 0 1.06l3.5 3.5c.145.147.337.22.53.22s.383-.072.53-.22l3.5-3.5c.294-.292.294-.767 0-1.06zm-10.66 3.28H7.26c-1.24 0-2.25-1.01-2.25-2.25V6.46l2.22 2.22c. 0-1.06l-3.5-3.5c-.293-.294-.768-.294-1.06 0l-3.5 3.5c-.294.292-.294.767 0 1.06s.767.293 1.06 0l2.22-2.22V16.7c0 2.068 1.683 3.75 3.75 3.75h5.85c.414 0 .75-.336.75-.75s-.337-.75-.75-.75z"]', //svg_retweet: 'article svg g path[d="M23.77 15.67c-.292-.293-.767-.293-1.06 0l-2.22 2.22V7.65c0-2.068-1.683-3.75-3.75-3.75h-5.85c-.414 0-.75.336-.75.75s.336.75.75.75h5.85c1.24 0 2.25 1.01 2.25 2.25v10.24l-2.22-2.22c-.293-.293-.768-.293-1.06 0s-.294.768 0 1.06l3.5 3.5c.145.147.337.22.53.22s.383-.072.53-.22l3.5-3.5c.294-.292.294-.767 0-1.06zm-10.66 3.28H7.26c-1.24 0-2.25-1.01-2.25-2.25V6.46l2.22 2.22c. 0-1.06l-3.5-3.5c-.293-.294-.768-.294-1.06 0l-3.5 3.5c-.294.292-.294.767 0 1.06s.767.293 1.06 0l2.22-2.22V16.7c0 2.068 1.683 3.75 3.75 3.75h5.85c.414 0 .75-.336.75-.75s-.337-.75-.75-.75z"]' svg_retweet: 'svg g path[d="M23.77 15.67c-.292-.293-.767-.293-1.06 0l-2.22 2.22V7.65c0-2.068-1.683-3.75-3.75-3.75h-5.85c-.414 0-.75.336-.75.75s.336.75.75.75h5.85c1.24 0 2.25 1.01 2.25 2.25v10.24l-2.22-2.22c-.293-.293-.768-.293-1.06 0s-.294.768 0 1.06l3.5 3.5c.145.147.337.22.53.22s.383-.072.53-.22l3.5-3.5c.294-.292.294-.767 0-1.06zm-10.66 3.28H7.26c-1.24 0-2.25-1.01-2.25-2.25V6.46l2.22 2.22c. 0-1.06l-3.5-3.5c-.293-.294-.768-.294-1.06 0l-3.5 3.5c-.294.292-.294.767 0 1.06s.767.293 1.06 0l2.22-2.22V16.7c0 2.068 1.683 3.75 3.75 3.75h5.85c.414 0 .75-.336.75-.75s-.337-.75-.75-.75z"]', /** there is also the retweet with comment**/ // the username can be taken from here svg_lists_deactivated: 'nav svg g path[d="M19.75 22H4.25C3.01 22 2 20.99 2 19.75V4.25C2 3.01 3.01 2 4.25 2h15.5C20.99 2 22 3.01 22 4.25v15.5c0 1.24-1.01 2.25-2.25 2.25zM4.25 3.5c-.414 0-.75.337-.75.75v15.5c0 .413.336.75.75.75h15.5c.414 0 .75-.337.75-.75V4.25c0-.413-.336-.75-.75-.75H4.25z"]', svg_lists_activated: 'nav svg g path[d="M19.75 2H4.25C3.013 2 2 3.013 2 4.25v15.5C2 20.987 3.013 22 4.25 22h15.5c1.237 0 2.25-1.013 2.25-2.25V4.25C22 3.013 20.987 2 19.75 2zM11 16.75H7c-.414 0-.75-.336-.75-.75s.336-.75.75-.75h4c.414 0 .75.336.75.75s-.336.75-.75.75zm6-4H7c-.414 0-.75-.336-.75-.75s.336-.75.75-.75h10c.414 0 .75.336.75.75s-.336.75-.75.75zm0-4H7c-.414 0-.75-.336-.75-.75s.336-.75.75-.75h10c.414 0 .75.336.75.75s-.336.75-.75.75z"]', // the twitter id needs to be search in the .parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute('href'), e.g. "/username/status/995297509001048064/analytics" svg_maintweet_tweetid: 'a svg g path[d="M12 22c-.414 0-.75-.336-.75-.75V2.75c0-.414.336-.75.75-.75s.75.336.75.75v18.5c0 .414-.336.75-.75.75zm5.14 0c-.415 0-.75-.336-.75-.75V7.89c0-.415.335-.75.75-.75s.75.335.75.75v13.36c0 .414-.337.75-.75.75zM6.86 22c-.413 0-.75-.336-.75-.75V10.973c0-.414.337-.75.75-.75s.75.336.75.75V21.25c0 .414-.335.75-.75.75z"]', svg_maintweet_tweetid_regex: /.*status\/(\d+).*/, // the twitter id needs to be search in the .parentNode.getAttribute('href'), e.g. "/username/status/1176767347950084096" time_tweetid: 'a time', time_tweetid_regex: /.*status\/(\d+).*/ }; this.lastUrlPath = ''; this.values = []; this.elements = []; this.elementStrings = ''; this.tweetId2Element = {}; this.whoId2Element = {}; this.trendId2Element = {}; this.tweets_exist = false; this.header = null; this.sidebar_left = null; this.sidebar_right = null; this.startswith_denylist = ['/messages/', '/settings/', '/notifications/', '/login/', '/account/']; this.pos_2nd_denylist = ['bookmarks', 'signup', 'flow', 'notifications']; this.privacy_flags = { 'user_id': null, 'username': null, 'guest_id': null, 'email': null, 'is_logged_in': null, 'seen_protected_tweet': null, 'seen_promoted_tweet': null } this.logged_username = null; this.credentials = null; this.tweet_header_ids_captured = new Set(); this.tweet_header_ids_ignored = new Set(); this.tweet_ids_captured = new Set(); this.tweet_ids_ignored = new Set(); this.promoted_tweets_captured = new Set(); this.tweet_wo_id_seen = 0; } /** * [_getValues return values of articel] * @param {Object} target * @return {Array} */ _getValues(target){ let search = [ { name: 'articel-time', query: ['.tweet-timestamp'], default: undefined, filter: e => e.getAttribute('title') }, { name: 'articel-link', query: ['.tweet-timestamp'], default: undefined, filter: e => location.href.substring(0, location.href.length-1)+e.getAttribute('href') }, { name: 'articel-headertext', query: ['.tweet-text'], default: undefined, filter: e => e.textContent }, { name: 'articel-description', query: ['.TweetTextSize'], default: undefined, filter: e => e.textContent }, { name: 'articel-publisher-name', query: ['.FullNameGroup .fullname'], default: undefined, filter: e => e.textContent.match(/\b(\w*[A-Za-z0-9 äÄöÖüÜß]\w*)\b/g).join('') }, { name: 'articel-count-likes', query: ['.ProfileTweet-actionButton.js-actionFavorite .ProfileTweet-actionCountForPresentation'], default: undefined, filter: e => parseInt(e.textContent, 10) }, { name: 'articel-count-comments', query: ['.ProfileTweet-actionCountList .ProfileTweet-actionCount'], default: undefined, filter: e => parseInt(e.getAttribute('data-tweet-stat-count'), 10) } ], values = []; for (let s of search) { try { let value = s.default; for (let query of s.query) { var r = target.querySelectorAll(query); if(r.length>0){ r = r[0]; let data = s.filter(r); if(data!=null) value = data; } }//for values.push({name:, value: value}) } catch (err) { console.log(err); console.log(target, err.toString()); } }//for return values; } /** * [_setAllow check if url changed and search in dom if find some elements they not allowed and set this.allow] */ _setAllow(){ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { console.log(this.lastURL!==location.pathname, this.lastURL, location.pathname); if(this.lastUrlPath!==location.pathname){ setTimeout(() => { this.lastUrlPath = location.pathname console.log('?????????????????'); for (let query of this.selectors.allow) { let found = document.querySelectorAll(query+':not(.tracked)'); console.log('found', found); this.allow = !found.length>0 } console.log('ALLOW?', this.allow); resolve(this.allow); }, 2000) }else{ resolve(this.allow); } }); } get_is_content_allowed() { if (document.querySelector(this.selectors.svg_account_protected)){ return false; } return true; } /** * [_setEventLikeButton set like-events for un-/like buttons from articel] * @param {number} id */ _setEventLikeButton(id){ let likeButton = this._getElements(this.selectors.likeButton, this.tweetId2Element[id]); for (var i = 0; i < likeButton.length; i++) { likeButton[i].addEventListener('click', e => { let value = 'like'; if(e.srcElement.parentNode.parentNode.classList.contains('u-linkClean')) value = 'unlike'; this.eventFn.onEvent({ event: 'like', type: 'articel', values: this._getValues(this.tweetId2Element[id]).concat([ {name: 'like', value: value} ]) }) })//mouseover } } /** * [_eventListenComment listen the comment dialog and fire comment event if the user write some comment] */ _eventListenComment(){ let tweet = this._getElements(, document); if(tweet.length>0){ let id = tweet[0].getAttribute("data-tweet-id"); if(Object.keys(this.tweetId2Element).includes(id)){ let wrapper = this._getElements(this.selectors.commentDialog.wrapper, document, {setBorder: false})[0]; let content = this._getElements(this.selectors.commentDialog.content, wrapper)[0]; let submitButton = this._getElements(this.selectors.commentDialog.submitButton, wrapper)[0]; submitButton.addEventListener('click', e => { this.eventFn.onEvent({ event: 'comment', type: 'articel', values: this._getValues(this.tweetId2Element[id]).concat([ {name: 'comment', value: content.textContent} ]) }) }) }//if }//if } /** * [_eventListenComment listen the retweet dialog and fire retweet-event if the user write some new retweet] */ _eventListenRetweet(){ let tweet = this._getElements(, document); if(tweet.length>0){ let id = tweet[0].getAttribute("data-tweet-id"); if(Object.keys(this.tweetId2Element).includes(id)){ let wrapper = this._getElements(this.selectors.retweetDialog.wrapper, document, {setBorder: false})[0]; let content = this._getElements(this.selectors.retweetDialog.content, wrapper)[0]; let submitButtons = this._getElements(this.selectors.retweetDialog.submitButton, wrapper); for (var i = 0; i < submitButtons.length; i++) { submitButtons[i].addEventListener('click', e => { this.eventFn.onEvent({ event: 'retweet', type: 'articel', values: this._getValues(this.tweetId2Element[id]).concat([ {name: 'comment', value: content.textContent} ]) }) }) }//for }//if }//if } /** * [_eventListenTweetstorm listen the tweetstorm-dialog and fire event if the user write new threds] */ _eventListenTweetstorm(){ let tweet = this._getElements(, document); if(tweet.length>0){ let id = tweet[0].getAttribute("data-tweet-id"); if(Object.keys(this.tweetId2Element).includes(id)){ let wrapper = this._getElements(this.selectors.tweetstormDialog.wrapper, document, {setBorder: false})[0]; let content = this._getElements(this.selectors.tweetstormDialog.content, wrapper); let submitButton = this._getElements(this.selectors.tweetstormDialog.submitButton, wrapper)[0]; let newTweetButton = this._getElements(this.selectors.tweetstormDialog.newTweetButton, wrapper)[0]; newTweetButton.addEventListener('click', () => setTimeout(()=>{ let newContent = this._getElements(this.selectors.tweetstormDialog.content, wrapper); content = content.concat(newContent); }, 500)) submitButton.addEventListener('click', e => { let values = this._getValues(this.tweetId2Element[id]), comments = => e.textContent).filter(e => e.length>0); for (var i = 0; i < comments.length; i++) values.push({name: 'comment-'+(i+1), value: comments[i]}) this.eventFn.onEvent({ event: 'retweet', type: 'articel', values: values }) }) }//if }//if } /** * [_eventListenPermalinkOverlay description] */ _eventListenPermalinkOverlay(){ let articels = this._getElements(this.selectors.permalinkOverlay.content, document); if(articels.length==1 && this._isPublic(articels[0])){ let id = articels[0].getAttribute("data-tweet-id"); this.tweetId2Element[id] = articels[0]; let wrapper = this._getElements(this.selectors.permalinkOverlay.wrapper, document)[0]; let content = this._getElements(this.selectors.permalinkOverlay.comment.text, wrapper)[0]; let submitButton = this._getElements(this.selectors.permalinkOverlay.comment.submitButton, wrapper)[0]; submitButton.addEventListener('click', e => { this.eventFn.onEvent({ event: 'comment', type: 'articel', values: this._getValues(this.tweetId2Element[id]).concat([ {name: 'comment', value: content.textContent} ]) }) }) }//if } /** * Setup the credentials for the logged user (if any) */ reset_credentials(){ this.is_logged_in = this._isLoggedTwitter(); if (this.is_logged_in){ this.credentials = this.get_credentials(); if (this.credentials != null) { try { this.logged_user_id = this.credentials.session.user_id; this.entity = this.credentials.entities.users.entities[this.logged_user_id]; this.logged_username = this.entity.screen_name; this.logged_fullname =; this.logged_guest_id = this.credentials.session.guestId; } catch( error) { this.logged_username = this.get_username(); } } else { this.logged_username = this.get_username(); } this.is_content_allowed = this.get_is_content_allowed(); }else{ this.is_content_allowed = true; } // is social media path allowed this.is_sm_path_allowed = this.get_is_sm_path_allowed(location.pathname); console.log('IS ALLOWED', location.pathname, this.is_sm_path_allowed); if(this.twitter_debug) { let style = ''; if (this.is_logged_in) { style += "border-top:7px solid green !important;"; } else { style += "border-top:7px solid red !important;"; } if (this.logged_username) { style += "border-right:7px solid green !important;"; } else { style += "border-right:7px solid red !important;"; } if (this.logged_fullname) { style += "border-bottom:7px solid green !important;"; } else { style += "border-bottom:7px solid red !important;"; } if (this.logged_guest_id) { style += "border-left:7px solid green !important;"; } else { style += "border-left:7px solid red !important;"; } if (this.is_sm_path_allowed) { style += "outline:7px solid blue !important;"; } else { style += "outline:7px solid red !important;"; } document.querySelector('a[aria-label]').setAttribute("style", style); } } /** * get the metadata from the file * @return {object} the metadata of the html */ getMetadata(){ let metadata = super.getMetadata(); let anonym = {}; if (this.logged_user_id) { anonym['user_id'] = this.logged_user_id; this.privacy_flags['user_id'] = true; } if (this.logged_username) { anonym['username'] = this.logged_username; this.privacy_flags['username'] = true; } if (this.logged_guest_id) { anonym['guest_id'] = this.logged_guest_id; this.privacy_flags['guest_id'] = true; } if (this.logged_fullname) { anonym['fullname'] = this.logged_fullname; this.privacy_flags['fullname'] = true; } metadata['anonym'] = anonym; metadata['privacy_flags'] = this.privacy_flags; return metadata; } /** Load the credentials from the script in twitter returns a dictionary with the credentials **/ get_credentials() { let scripts = document.querySelectorAll('body script[nonce]'); for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) { let sc = scripts[i].textContent.trim(); if (sc.startsWith('window.__INITIAL_STATE__')) { try { //window.__INITIAL_STATE__ let mid_index = sc.indexOf(';'); let initial_state = sc.substring(sc.indexOf('{'), mid_index); return JSON.parse(initial_state); // // extractin important parts from the json // let user_id = initial_state['session']['user_id']; // let guestId = initial_state['session']['guestId']; // let user_json = initial_state['entities']['users']['entities'][user_id]; // user_json['user_id'] = user_id; // //window.__META_DATA__ // let meta = sc.substring(mid_index).substring( // sc.substring(sc.indexOf('{'), // sc.indexOf(';'))); // meta = JSON.parse(meta); // user_json['is_logged_in'] = meta["isLoggedIn"]; // return user_json; } catch (error){ console.log(error); } } } return null; } /** * return true if user is logged in twitter * @return {boolean} true if user is logged */ get_username(){ //document.documentElement.querySelectorAll('script,link,svg,style'); //var navs = document.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('nav'); //var navs = document.documentElement.querySelectorAll('nav a[aria-label="Profile"]'); //document.querySelector('head link[hreflang]') var svg = document.documentElement.querySelector( this.selectors.svg_lists_deactivated); if (svg){ return svg.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.pathname.split('/')[1]; } else { var svg = document.documentElement.querySelector(this.selectors.svg_lists_activated); if (svg){ return svg.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.pathname.split('/')[1]; } } return null; } /** * return true if user is logged in twitter * @return {boolean} true if user is logged */ _isLoggedTwitter(){ //document.documentElement.querySelectorAll('script,link,svg,style'); //var navs = document.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('nav'); //var navs = document.documentElement.querySelectorAll('nav a[aria-label="Profile"]'); var svgs = document.documentElement.querySelectorAll( this.selectors.svg_home_deactivated); if (svgs && (svgs.length > 0)){ this.privacy_flags['is_logged_in'] = true; return true; } else { var svgs = document.documentElement.querySelectorAll( this.selectors.svg_home_activated); if (svgs && (svgs.length > 0)){ this.privacy_flags['is_logged_in'] = true; return true; } } return false; } /** * [_isPublic checks if element is for the public oder private] * @param {Object} target [DomElement] * @return {Boolean} */ _isPublic(target){ // if the user is not logged in, the content is public for sure if (!this.is_logged_in){ return true; } return !this._isProtected(target); } /** * [_isPublic checks if element is for the public oder private] * @param {Object} target [DomElement] * @return {Boolean} */ _isProtected(target){ // if the protected svg appear in the tweet, the content is private if (target.querySelector(this.selectors.svg_tweet_protected)) { this.privacy_flags['seen_protected_tweet'] = true; return true; } else { return false; } } /** * [_isPublic checks if element is for the public oder private] * @param {Object} target [DomElement] * @return {Boolean} */ _isPromoted(target){ // if the protected svg appear in the tweet, the content is private if (target.querySelector(this.selectors.svg_tweet_promoted)) { this.privacy_flags['seen_promoted_tweet'] = true; return true; } else { return false; } } /** * [_isHeaderTweet checks if element is the one open (header Tweet) ] * @param {Object} target [DomElement] * @return {Boolean} */ _isHeaderTweet(target){ if (target.hasChildNodes()){ // Hackish way to detect the header if(target.children[0].childElementCount > 2) { return true; } } return false; } /** * [_getHeaderId get the tweet header id from the location bar] * @param {Object} target [DomElement] * @return {int} */ _getHeaderId(article){ var match = location.pathname.match(this.selectors.time_tweetid_regex); if (match != null){ return match[1]; } return null; } /** * [_getPromotedId get the tweet header id from the location bar] * @param {Object} target [DomElement] * @return {int} */ _getPromotedId(article){ var _anchor = article.querySelector('a[role=link]'); if (_anchor != null){ return _anchor.getAttribute('href'); } return 'default_promoted_id'; } /** * [_getId looks for an href that contains the id of the element] * @param {Object} target [DomElement] * @return {int} */ _getId(article){ try { var times = article.querySelectorAll(this.selectors.time_tweetid); if (times.length > 0){ return times[0].parentNode.getAttribute('href').match(this.selectors.time_tweetid_regex)[1]; } else { var svgs = article.querySelectorAll(this.selectors.svg_maintweet_tweetid); if (svgs.length > 0){ return svgs[0].parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute('href').match(this.selectors.svg_maintweet_tweetid_regex)[1]; } } } catch(error) { console.log(error); console.log('Unexpected error getting Twitter ID in TwitterTracker'); } return null; } /** * [_getPublicArticels start tracking an article] */ trackArticle(id, article, category){ let cloned = article.cloneNode(true); cloned.classList.add(category); this.tweetId2Element[id] = cloned; } /** * [_getPublicArticels return elements of public articels] * @return {Array} true if at least one article was found */ addPublicArticles(){ let articles = document.querySelectorAll('article'); for (var i = 0; i < articles.length; i++) { //let id = articles[i].getAttribute('data-tweet-id'); let id = this._getId(articles[i]); let header_id = this._getHeaderId(); if ((i == 0) && (header_id != null) && !this._isProtected(articles[i])) { this.tweet_header_ids_captured.add(header_id); this.trackArticle(header_id, articles[i], 'header-not-protected'); if(this.twitter_debug) articles[i].setAttribute("style", "border:3px solid cyan !important;"); } else if ((i == 0) && (header_id != null) && this._isProtected(articles[i])) { this.tweet_header_ids_ignored.add(header_id); if(this.twitter_debug) articles[i].setAttribute("style", "border:3px solid yellow !important;"); } else if (this._isPromoted(articles[i])) { this.promoted_tweets_captured.add(promoted_id); let promoted_id = this._getPromotedId(articles[i]); this.trackArticle(promoted_id, articles[i], 'promoted'); if(this.twitter_debug) articles[i].setAttribute("style", "border:3px solid blue !important;"); } else if(id && !this._isProtected(articles[i])) { this.tweet_ids_captured.add(id); this.trackArticle(id, articles[i], 'not-protected'); if(this.twitter_debug) articles[i].setAttribute("style", "border:3px solid green !important;"); } else if(id) { this.tweet_ids_ignored.add(id); // This does not seem to be a public tweet if(this.twitter_debug) articles[i].setAttribute("style", "border:3px solid red !important;"); } else { this.tweet_wo_id_seen += 1; // This does not seem to be a tweet at all (no id) if(this.twitter_debug) articles[i].setAttribute("style", "border:6px solid magent !important;"); } } if (this.twitter_debug) console.log('Articles Found: ' + articles.length); // return True if at lest one article was found (regardless it being public/private) return articles.length > 0; } /** * [_getPublicArticels return elements of public articels] * @return {Array} true if at least one article was found */ addPublicArticlesIfLoggedOut(){ let articles = document.querySelectorAll('#stream-items-id li > .tweet'); let counter = 0; for (var i = 0; i < articles.length; i++) { let id = articles[i].getAttribute('data-tweet-id'); if (id != null) { this.trackArticle(id, articles[i], 'logged-out'); counter += 1; } } return articles.length > 0; } /** * [_getId looks for a user id to follow] * @param {Object} target [DomElement] * @return {int} */ _getWhoId(article){ try { var _clone = article.cloneNode(true); var _anchor = article.querySelector('a[href]'); if (_anchor){ return _anchor.getAttribute('href'); } } catch(error) { console.log(error); console.log('Unexpected error getting Who ID in TwitterTracker'); } return null; } /** * [_getPublicArticels return elements of public articels] * @return {Array} true if at least one article was found */ addWhoToFollow(){ let who = document.querySelectorAll('div[data-testid="primaryColumn"] div[data-testid="UserCell"]') let counter = 0; for (var i = 0; i < who.length; i++) { //let id = who[i].getAttribute('data-tweet-id'); let id = this._getWhoId(who[i]); if (id != null) { //if (this.twitter_debug) console.log('ID detected: ' + id); this.whoId2Element[id] = who[i].cloneNode(true); counter += 1; } } if (this.twitter_debug) console.log('WhoToFollow: ' + who.length); if (this.twitter_debug) console.log('WhoToFollow correct: ' + counter); // return True if at lest one article was found (regardless it being public/private) return who.length > 0; } /** * [_getId looks for a user id to follow] * @param {DomElement} target [DomElement] * @return {string} the element */ _getTrendId(target){ try { var _clone = target.cloneNode(true); var hashtag = target.querySelector('div[dir=ltr]'); if (hashtag){ return hashtag.innerText; } } catch(error) { console.log(error); console.log('Unexpected error getting Trend ID in TwitterTracker'); } return null; } /** * add trends * @return number of trends */ addTrends(){ let trend = document.querySelectorAll('div[data-testid="primaryColumn"] div[data-testid="trend"]'); let counter = 0; for (var i = 0; i < trend.length; i++) { //let id = trend[i].getAttribute('data-tweet-id'); let id = this._getTrendId(trend[i]); if (id != null) { //if (this.twitter_debug) console.log('ID detected: ' + id); this.trendId2Element[id] = trend[i].cloneNode(true); counter += 1; } } if (this.twitter_debug) console.log('Trend: ' + trend.length); if (this.twitter_debug) console.log('Trend correct: ' + counter); // return True if at lest one article was found (regardless it being public/private) return trend.length > 0; } /** * [assembleDom with the existent html] * @return {String} */ assembleDom(){ var tweet_strings = ''; var counter = 0; for (var key in this.tweetId2Element) { if (this.tweetId2Element.hasOwnProperty(key)){ this.tweetId2Element[key].setAttribute('webtrack-tweet-id', key); tweet_strings += this.tweetId2Element[key].outerHTML; counter += 1; } } if(counter == 0){ if (this.twitter_debug) console.log('No public tweets/replies found'); } if (this.twitter_debug) console.log('Sending ' + counter + ' tweets'); return '<html tweet_header_ids_captured="' + this.tweet_header_ids_captured.size + '" tweet_header_ids_ignored="' + this.tweet_header_ids_ignored.size + '" tweet_ids_captured="' + this.tweet_ids_captured.size + '" tweet_ids_ignored="' + this.tweet_ids_ignored.size + '" promoted_tweets_captured="' + this.promoted_tweets_captured.size + '" tweet_wo_id_seen="' + this.tweet_wo_id_seen + '" ><head></head><body><h1>Tweets</h1><div class="tweets">' + tweet_strings + '</div></body></html>'; } /** * [return element without embedd js, css, etc] * @return {Promise} */ _clean_embedded_scripts(target, selectors='script:not([src]),svg,style'){ return super._clean_embedded_scripts(target, selectors + ',noscript'); } /** * [return dom as string] * @return {Promise} */ getDom(){ //if (this._isNotLoggedTwitter()){ // return super.getDom(); //} else { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let found = this.addPublicArticles(); this.tweets_exist = found || this.tweets_exist; if (this.tweets_exist){ if (this.twitter_debug) console.log('assembling dom'); resolve(this.assembleDom()); } else if (this.tweets_exist == false) { if (this.twitter_debug) console.log('No tweets were found'); // just send the entire html resolve("<html><head></head><body><h1>No Tweets Found</h1></body></html>"); } }); //} } /** * [onStart on start event] * @param {Function} fn */ onStart(fn){ setTimeout(() => { if (this.twitter_debug) console.log('START!!!!'); fn(1000); }, 500); } }//class