export default { modal: { success: 'Continue', abort: 'Abort', ok: 'ok' }, projects: { title: 'Projects', select: 'Select one project', nolist: 'Currently no projects are active. Please try it another time. Thank you!', notloaded: 'Webtrack could not connect to the server. Please try again later.', startTitle: 'Starten' }, loggin: { invitation: 'Please log in here with your ID.', placeholder: 'Your Id', error_id_length: 'Your ID length must be at least %s characters.', input_label: 'ID', submit: 'Login' }, project: { id_not_found: 'Your id was not found.', not_connected: 'Webtrack could not connect to the server. Please try again later', unavailable: { title: 'Unavailable', content: 'Project not available anymore' }, logout_title: 'Logout', logout: 'Do your really want to logout for this project <b>%s</b>?', startTitle: 'Start', schedule: { header: 'Schedule', block: 'Recording is currently disabled. Next date is the %date at %clock o\'clock', button: 'Recording schedule', footer: 'The records start every %days from %start to %end o\'clock' }, private_tab: { title: 'Private-Tab', on: 'Enabled', off: 'Disabled', onhelp: 'Enable the tab for the extension', offhelp: 'Disable the tab for the extension' }, private_mode: { title: 'Private-Mode', on: 'Enabled', off: 'Disabled', onhelp: 'Enable the extension', offhelp: 'Disenable the extension' }, send_data: { title: 'Send Data', question: 'Do you want send your data?', nodata: 'No sending data found', isdata: 'Send all data to the server', }, history: { title: 'History', open: 'Open History', close: 'Close History', choose_action: 'Choose an action', send_title: 'Send', delete_title: 'Delete', delete: 'Do your really want to delete this page?', table: { title: 'Title', time: 'Date', next: 'Next', previous: 'Previous' } } }, trackingHandler: { notification: { title: 'Thank you', message: 'The upload was successful', } }, requireUpdate: 'Please update your Browser!' }//{}