var AWS = require('aws-sdk'); var AWSWrapper = require('./AWSWrapper'); module.exports = class IAMService extends AWSWrapper{ constructor(accessKeyId, secretAccessKey) { super(); //NeedPermisson IAMFullAccess this.prefix = 0; this.iam_user = Object.assign({}, {accessKeyId: accessKeyId, secretAccessKey: secretAccessKey}, this.DEFAUL_CONFIG); this.iam_config = new AWS.Config(this.iam_user); this.service = new AWS.IAM(this.iam_config); } /** * [initSQSUser create user with policy and access data] * @return {Promise} Object */ initSQSUser(){ return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { let data = await this._runService('listUsers'); let users = data.Users; try { var REQUIRE_USERS = { 'WRITEONLY_USER': { UserName: 'S3_WRITEONLY_USER'+(this.prefix===0? '': '_'+this.prefix), policy: { PolicyName: "S3_WRITEONLY"+(this.prefix===0? '': '_'+this.prefix), PolicyDocument: JSON.stringify({ Version: '2012-10-17', Statement: { "Sid": "VisualEditor0", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:PutObject" ], "Resource": "*" } }) }, accessKeyId: null, secretAccessKey: null, }, 'FULLRIGTH_USER': { UserName: 'S3_FULLRIGTH_USER'+(this.prefix===0? '': '_'+this.prefix), policy: { PolicyName: "S3_FULLRIGHT"+(this.prefix===0? '': '_'+this.prefix), PolicyDocument: JSON.stringify({ Version: '2012-10-17', Statement: { Effect: 'Allow', Action: [ "s3:*" ], Resource: '*' } }) }, accessKeyId: null, secretAccessKey: null, } }; } catch (e) { console.log(e); } try { for (let User in REQUIRE_USERS) { let u = REQUIRE_USERS[User]; if(!>v.UserName).includes(u.UserName)){ try { await this._runService('createUser', {UserName: u.UserName}); await this._runService('putUserPolicy', Object.assign({}, REQUIRE_USERS[User].policy, {UserName: u.UserName}) ); } catch (e) { reject(e) } } let data = await this._runService('createAccessKey', {UserName: u.UserName}); REQUIRE_USERS[User].accessKeyId = data.AccessKey.AccessKeyId; REQUIRE_USERS[User].secretAccessKey = data.AccessKey.SecretAccessKey; delete REQUIRE_USERS[User].policy }//for resolve(REQUIRE_USERS); } catch (e) { if(e.code === 'LimitExceeded'){ this.prefix += 1 this.initSQSUser().then(resolve).catch(reject); }else reject(e) } }); } }//class