frontispiece / apps / frontispiece-editor / dist / config.toml
# Title Screen Configuration
# You can create your title screen from within your ink story, and have a lot more
# flexibility on exactly what is shown for each screen. But if you want something simple,
# you can use the built-in one. It'll show a title, a subtitle, and a start button.
showTitleScreen = false
title = "This is an Ink Story"
subtitle = "Smaller text here"

# Sets the favicon for the web page. Will dfault to "assets/favicon.png".
favicon = "assets/favicon.png"

# Want to start with a background color or a background image? Put it here!
# If you just want to start with a background color though I suggest you change
# the body's background color in `style.css`
# bg = "#000

# The text on the start button.
startButton = "Begin"

# Story Configuration

# should we advance one line at a time, or until the next choice? 
# If the former, clicking anywhere on the game will advance the game by one line.
oneline = false

# If set, this clears the screen after every choice, instead of producing a long logbook
clearAfterChoice = false

# if set, the story will scroll to the beginning of the first new line as the lines appear
# generally recommended to be set to true, unless you are planning on aggressively hiding lines
# for your story.
scrollAfterAdvance = true

# only relevant if oneline is set to true, this will start hiding lines, making sure that
# there is a maximum number of lines visible on screen at once.
# Setting it to 0 or below implies no maximum.
maxVisibleLines = 0