# v4.1.0 * Loosen type requirements for the ink story fed into the constructor. # v4.0.0 * Uses v4.0.0 version of `ink-processor`. # v3.0.0 * Updates to the latest version of `ink-processor`. * Removes CJS builds, and now exclusively runs ESM. Also restricts it to Node 16 and up. # v2.2.0 * Updates to the latest version of `ink-processor`. * Updates `esbuild` to latest version. * Now generates Typescript typings. # v2.1.0 * Updates to v4 of hookstate. * Updates to latest version of `ink-processor`. # v2.0.1 * Ensures that the peerDependency of ink-hookstate relies on `2.0.0` and above for `ink-processor` # v2.0.0 * Mirrors `v2.0.0` of `ink-processor` * No longer defines manually a lot of the functions that pass through to the ink engine - instead, the engine's functions are reflected directly onto the hookstate controller. **This means that several functions have changed their names, hence the major version update.** # v1.3.0 * Mirrors `v1.4.0` of `ink-processor` * Updates example to use the new `hideOlderLines` function, and fix Typescript lint errors. # v1.2.0 * Added `reset` functionality from the engine, and in the example