import React from "react"; import { Fragment } from "react"; import { Menu, Transition } from "@headlessui/react"; import MoreIcon from "../moreInfo"; import TooltipBottom from "../../../utils/helpers/tooltipBottom"; import classNames from "../../../utils/helpers/className"; function MoreDropdown({ mobile }: { mobile?: boolean | undefined }) { const links = [ { href: "/account-settings", label: "About" }, { href: "/support", label: "Advertisers" }, { href: "/license", label: "Blog" }, { href: "/sign-out", label: "Developers" }, { href: "/sign-out", label: "Download Apps" }, { href: "/sign-out", label: "Gift Card" }, { href: "/sign-out", label: "IGDB" }, { href: "/sign-out", label: "Jobs" }, { href: "/sign-out", label: "Loot Cave - Merch Store" }, { href: "/sign-out", label: "Music on Twitch" }, { href: "/sign-out", label: "Partners" }, { href: "/sign-out", label: "Turbo" }, ]; const helpLegal = [ { href: "/sign-out", label: "Accessibility Statement" }, { href: "/sign-out", label: "Ad Choices" }, { href: "/sign-out", label: "Community Guidelines" }, { href: "/sign-out", label: "Cookie Policy" }, { href: "/sign-out", label: "Help" }, { href: "/sign-out", label: "Privacy Policy" }, { href: "/sign-out", label: "Safety Center" }, { href: "/sign-out", label: "Security" }, { href: "/sign-out", label: "Terms" }, ]; const mobileButtons = [ { href: "/sign-out", label: "Privacy Policy" }, { href: "/sign-out", label: "Cookie Policy" }, { href: "/sign-out", label: "Terms of Service" }, ]; const titles = [{ href: "/sign-out", label: "General" }]; const handleClick = (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => { e.preventDefault(); console.log("The link was clicked."); }; return ( <Menu> {({ open }) => ( <> <div className="relative flex"> <Menu.Button> {mobile ? ( <MoreIcon /> ) : ( <TooltipBottom text={<MoreIcon />} tip={"More"} opened={open} /> )} </Menu.Button> </div> {open && ( <div className={classNames( mobile ? "absolute z-[20] w-[12.23rem] translate-y-[6.25rem] translate-x-[5.50rem] rounded-md bg-[#1f1f23] shadow-lg" : "z-20 translate-y-[18.2rem] translate-x-[4.0rem] rounded-md", "absolute bg-[#1f1f23]" )} > <Transition as={Fragment} enter="transition ease-out duration-100" enterFrom="transform opacity-0 scale-95" enterTo="transform opacity-100 scale-100" leave="transition ease-in duration-75" leaveFrom="transform opacity-100 scale-100" leaveTo="transform opacity-0 scale-95" > <Menu.Items className="relative flex flex-col shadow-lg focus:outline-none" as="div" //onClick={handleClick} static > <Menu.Item> {mobile ? ( <span className="w-full whitespace-nowrap rounded-t-md px-4 py-2 text-[#adadb8]"> Help & Legal </span> ) : ( <span className="rounded-t-md pt-1 pl-3 text-[0.65rem] font-bold text-[#adadb8]"> GENERAL </span> )} </Menu.Item> {mobile ?, index) => ( <Menu.Item key={`mobileButton-${index}`} as="div" onClick={() => handleClick} > {({ active }) => ( <button onClick={() => handleClick} className={classNames( "group flex w-full items-center px-4 py-1 text-violet-400" )} > <a className="text-[0.55rem]">{link.label}</a> </button> )} </Menu.Item> )) :, index) => ( /* Use the `active` state to conditionally style the active item. */ <Menu.Item key={`mobileLink-${index}`} as="div" onClick={() => handleClick} className="flex items-start justify-center" > {({ active }) => ( <button onClick={() => handleClick} className={`${ active ? "rounded-sm border-0 border-transparent bg-[#3b3b44] text-red-400 ring-0 ring-transparent focus:outline-none focus-visible:border-0 focus-visible:outline-none focus-visible:ring-0" : " " } group flex w-[87%] items-start px-1 py-1 text-[#efeff1]`} > <a className="whitespace-nowrap text-[0.70rem] leading-4"> {link.label} </a> </button> )} </Menu.Item> ))} <div className={classNames( mobile ? "flex" : "hidden", " w-full flex-col items-center justify-center" )} > <div className="w-[82%] border-t-2 border-solid border-[#32343b] px-3 pt-1"></div> </div> <div className={classNames( mobile ? "flex flex-col items-start justify-center py-2 pl-4" : "hidden", "" )} > <a className="text-xs text-[#adadb8]">Build ID</a> <a className=" text-xs text-[#adadb8]">j1l8gan98</a> </div> <div className={classNames( mobile ? "hidden" : "border-t-1 border-red-500", "" )} > <div className={classNames( mobile ? "hidden" : "flex", " w-full flex-col items-center justify-center" )} > <div className="w-[82%] border-t-2 border-solid border-[#32343b] px-3 pt-1"></div> </div> <Menu.Item> <span className=" rounded-t-md pt-1 pl-3 text-[0.65rem] font-bold text-[#adadb8]"> HELP & LEGAL </span> </Menu.Item> {, index) => ( /* Use the `active` state to conditionally style the active item. */ <Menu.Item key={`mobileLegal-${index}`} as="div" onClick={() => handleClick} className="flex items-start justify-center" > {({ active }) => ( <button onClick={() => handleClick} className={`${ active ? "rounded-sm border-0 border-transparent bg-[#3b3b44] text-red-400 ring-0 ring-transparent focus:outline-none focus-visible:border-0 focus-visible:outline-none focus-visible:ring-0" : " " } group flex w-[87%] items-start px-1 py-1 pr-8 text-[#efeff1]`} > <a className="whitespace-nowrap text-[0.70rem] leading-4"> {link.label} </a> </button> )} </Menu.Item> ))} </div> </Menu.Items> </Transition> </div> )} </> )} </Menu> ); } export default MoreDropdown;