import { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from "next"; import { prisma } from "../../server/db"; import { appRouter } from "../../server/api/root"; interface MuxWebhookData { passthrough: string; playback_ids: { id: string }[]; id: string; video?: string; } interface MuxWebhookBody { data: MuxWebhookData; type: string; } export default async function muxWebhookHandler( req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse ): Promise<void> { //@ts-ignore // eslint-disable-next-line // const { method, body } = req; const { method } = req; const body = req.body as MuxWebhookBody; // const session = await getServerSession(req, res, authOptions); // console.log(session, "session"); switch (method) { case "POST": { // const { data, type } = body; // const typedBody = body as MuxWebhookBody; const { data, type } = body; console.log(`Event type: ${type}`); if (type === "video.asset.ready") { const input = { uuid: data.passthrough, playbackId: data.playback_ids[0]?.id || "", assetId:, }; const l_ = appRouter.lambda.createCaller({ session: null, prisma, }); try { // console.log("Calling hookContentUpdate with input:", input); const res_ = await l_.hookContentUpdate(input); console.log("hookContentUpdate result:", res_); // res.status(200).json({ data: { ...res_ } }); if ( { console.log(`Video asset for room ${} is ready.`); } } catch (err) { // ... rest of the error handling code } } else { // handle other event types } res.status(200).json({ data: { ...res } }); break; } default: res.setHeader("Allow", ["POST"]); res.status(405).end(`Method ${method || ""} Not Allowed`); } }