import { type NextPage } from "next"; import Head from "next/head"; import { signIn, signOut, useSession } from "next-auth/react"; import Navbar from "../components/navbar/navbarParent"; import { api } from "../utils/api"; import { useEffect, useState } from "react"; import Sidebar from "../components/sidebar/sidebarParent"; import { CategoryButton } from "../components/cards/categoryCard"; import { baseCategories } from "../utils/helpers/categories"; import CategoryCards from "../components/cards/categoryCards"; import classNames from "../utils/helpers/className"; import { CarouselTwo } from "../components/spotlightSliderTwo"; import SuggestedStreamers from "../components/suggestedStreamer"; import { useUser } from "../hooks/useUser"; import userToUserProfile from "../utils/helpers/userToUserProfile"; import { User } from "@prisma/client"; import { simFollowing } from "../utils/helpers/user"; import { UserSchema } from "../types/user"; import Link from "next/link"; import { useRoomDataContext } from "../utils/context/RoomDataContext"; // import { determineFollowing } from "../utils/helpers/determineFollowing"; // import { isDataEqual } from "../utils/helpers/isDataEqual"; import router, { useRouter } from "next/router"; import UserContent from "../components/userContent"; import { isAdmin } from "../utils/helpers/admin.ts"; import Image from "next/image"; import Bandaid from "../components/bandaid"; type RoomDataSchema = { userData: UserSchema; roomId?: string; streamerId?: string; }; type FollowingType = { id: string; followerId: string; followingId: string; createdAt: Date; }[]; const Home: NextPage = () => { // const hello = api.example.hello.useQuery({ text: "from tRPC" }); const { data: user, status } = useSession(); const [userProfile_, setUserProfile_] = useState<null | UserSchema>(null); const [user_, setUser_] = useState<User | null>(null); const [expand, setExpand] = useState(false); const [searchTab, setSearchTab] = useState(false); const [opened, setOpened] = useState(false); const userP = useUser(); const userProfile = userToUserProfile(userP); const userEmail = user?.user?.email; const [roomId, setRoomId] = useState(""); // const [roomData_, setRoomData_] = useState<RoomDataSchema | null>(null); const [initUserDbData, setInitUserDbData] = useState<UserSchema | null>(null); // const [uploadId, setUploadId] = useState<string | null>(null); // const [uploadUrl, setUploadUrl] = useState<string | null>(null); // const [errorMessage, setErrorMessage] = useState<string | null>(null); const dbProfileQuery = api.lambda.getUserInfo.useQuery({ email: userEmail || "", }); // const [allUsers, setAllUsers] = useState<UserSchema[] | null>(null); const { roomData, setRoomData, userData, setUserData } = useRoomDataContext(); const [allowedUsers, setAllowedUsers] = useState<string[]>([]); const [allowed, setAllowed] = useState(false); // const updateFollowingMutation = api.lambda.updateFollowing.useMutation(); // const [isFollowing, setIsFollowing] = useState(userData.following.includes(; // const [isAllowed, setIsAllowed] = useState(false); const allowedAdminEmails = [ "", "", ]; const allowedUsers_ = [ "", "", "", "", ]; // const addDemoUsersMutation = api.lambda.addDemoUsers.useMutation(); const userList = api.lambda.fetchAllUsers.useQuery(); // const [count, setCount] = useState(0); // const router = useRouter(); // console.log(, ""); // console.log(userProfile_, "userProfile_"); // const allowedUsers = [ // "", // "", // // add more allowed users here // ]; const isAllowedUser = (email: string) => { return allowedUsers_.includes(email); }; // const checkIfAdmin = () => { // return isAdmin(user?.user?.email); // }; const checkIfAdmin = () => { if (!user?.user?.email) { return false; } return allowedAdminEmails.includes(; }; const handleAdminPage = async () => { if (checkIfAdmin()) { await router.push("/admin"); } else { alert("You do not have access to the admin page."); } }; // const handleAdminPage = () => { // router.push('/admin'); // }; const handleLogin = async (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => { e.preventDefault(); console.log("logging in"); await signIn("google"); }; if ( && && !initUserDbData && !userProfile_ ) { setInitUserDbData((prev) => { if (!prev && { return { id:, name: || "", email: || "", following: || [], followers: || [], image: || "", }; } if (!prev || ! || !dbProfileQuery) return null; return { id:, name:, email:, following:, image: prev.image, }; }); } console.log("allUsers",; // Inside home page component useEffect(() => { if (!allowedUsers) { setAllowedUsers(allowedUsers_); } setRoomData((prev: RoomDataSchema | null) => { if (!prev) { return null; } return { ...prev, // Reset the properties related to the selected stream selectedVideoId: undefined, assetId: undefined, assetUrl: undefined, playbackId: undefined, playbakUrl: undefined, streamerId: undefined, streamerInfo: undefined, setUserProfile_, }; }); }, []); useEffect(() => { console.log("allowed", allowed); if (user?.user) { setUser_({ id:, name: || "", email: || "", // Add any other properties you need for the chat functionality } as User); if ( user && user.user && && isAllowedUser( ) { console.log("allowed"); setAllowed(true); } if ( user && user.user && && !isAllowedUser( ) { console.log("notallowed"); setAllowed(false); } } else { return; } }, [user, allowed]); useEffect(() => { console.log("firing", userProfile_, initUserDbData); const arr: FollowingType = []; const data_ = => { arr.push({ id:, followerId:, followingId: user?.user?.id || "", createdAt: new Date(), }); }); data_; if (!userProfile_ || !initUserDbData) { if (userProfile_ === null) { if ( initUserDbData && initUserDbData.following && userProfile_ === null && user && user.user && ) { setUserProfile_({ id: user?.user?.id, name: user?.user?.name || "", email: user?.user?.email || "", following: initUserDbData.following || [], image: user?.user?.image || "", }); console.log(; //set context setUserData({ id: user?.user?.id, name: user?.user?.name || "", email: user?.user?.email || "", following: initUserDbData.following || [], image: user?.user?.image || "", }); //set context setRoomData({ userData: { id: user?.user?.id, name: user?.user?.name || "", email: user?.user?.email || "", following: initUserDbData.following || [], image: user?.user?.image || "", }, setUserProfile_, // roomId, }); console.log("all set"); // return setUserProfile_(initUserDbData); } // console.log(updatedFollowing); return; } } }, [user_, userProfile_, initUserDbData]); useEffect(() => { console.log(searchTab); if (searchTab) { setOpened(true); } else { setOpened(false); } }, [searchTab]); const handleClick = (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => { e.preventDefault(); console.log("The link was clicked."); setSearchTab((prev) => !prev); }; const mobileSearchProps = { opened: opened, handleClick: handleClick, searchTab: searchTab, setSearchTab: setSearchTab, }; console.log("userCheck", user?.user); console.log("userCheck", user?.user?.email); console.log(isAllowedUser(user?.user?.email || "")); console.log("allowed", allowed); return ( <div className="scrollbar-hide"> <Head> <title>My Twitch clone</title> <meta name="description" content="my twitch app" /> <link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" /> </Head> <main> {user && user.user && allowed ? ( <div className=" min-w-screen flex min-h-screen flex-1 flex-col bg-[#0e0e10] text-base scrollbar-hide"> <div className="sticky top-0 z-30 h-full max-h-[3.00rem] scrollbar-hide md:min-h-full"> <Navbar profile={userProfile} mobile={false} search={false} customCombo={false} props={mobileSearchProps} /> </div> <div className=" relative flex min-h-screen w-full flex-1 flex-grow flex-col scrollbar-hide"> <div className="absolute -top-[3rem] left-0 z-20 flex min-h-[calc(100vh+3rem)] grow flex-col bg-[#1f1f23] scrollbar-hide"> <div className="sticky top-[2.5rem] left-0"> <Sidebar user={userProfile} expand={expand} setExpand={setExpand} /> </div> </div> <div className=" inline-flex min-h-screen flex-col"> <div className={classNames( expand ? "w-[calc(100%-12rem)]" : "w-[calc(100%-2.2rem)]", "ml-auto flex h-[14.0rem] grow justify-end xs:max-sm:mb-[1.8rem]" )} > <div className={classNames( expand ? "pl-[13.438rem]" : "pl-[2.2rem]", "z-10 flex h-[100%] w-full grow flex-col items-start justify-start pt-3 2xs:max-sm:px-0 sm:px-0" )} > {userProfile && <CarouselTwo />} </div> </div> <SuggestedStreamers newExpand={expand} mobile={false} /> <CategoryCards newExpand={expand} mobile={false} /> <div className={classNames( expand ? "pl-[13.438rem]" : "pl-[2.2rem]", "z-10 flex min-h-[10%] w-full flex-col items-start justify-start px-10 pb-10 pt-1" )} > <div className="flex w-full flex-1 flex-grow flex-wrap items-start justify-around gap-2 pl-6 max-lg:justify-start"> {, index) => { return ( <CategoryButton key={`baseCat-${index}`} category={category} /> ); })} </div> </div> <div className={classNames( expand ? "pl-[13.438rem]" : "pl-[2.2rem]", "z-10 flex h-auto w-full grow flex-col items-start justify-start px-10 pb-10" )} > <div className="pl-6"> <div className="text-base">etc... </div> <button className="rounded-md border-2 border-transparent bg-violet-600 px-2 py-2 hover:border-white hover:bg-violet-500"> remove me {/* <Link href={`/streams/${roomId}`}>Demo Stream</Link> */} </button> </div> { && => { // Handle the case when the user has no videos if (user.videos.length === 0) { return null; } // Find the newest video roomId const mostRecentVideo = user.videos.reduce( (prev, curr) => !prev ? curr : prev.createdAt > curr.createdAt ? prev : curr, user.videos[0] ); return ( mostRecentVideo && ( <UserContent user={user} roomId={} playbackId={mostRecentVideo.playbackId} selectedId={} setRoomId={setRoomId} /> ) ); })} <div className="flex h-full w-1/3 grow pb-5"> {checkIfAdmin() && ( <button onClick={() => void handleAdminPage()} className="rounded bg-blue-500 py-2 px-4 font-bold text-white hover:bg-blue-700" > Go to Admin Page </button> )} </div> <div className="flex w-full items-start"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> ) : ( <div className="flex flex-col items-center pt-8"> <div className="relative flex w-full flex-col items-center justify-center"> <div className="absolute bottom-[4.5rem] flex translate-x-[-11.5em]"> <Image src={`/bandaid.png`} alt="bandaid-logo" width={250} height={120} className="w-[5.05rem] rotate-[-48deg]" /> </div> <Image src={`/TwitchExtruded.png`} // fill={'#ffffff'} alt="Twitch Logo" width={350} height={200} className="w-[25.45rem] max-w-[38.95rem]" /> </div> <div className="pt-4 text-center text-xl text-white"> {user && user.user ? `You don't have access to this content.` : `You need to be logged in to view this content.`} <div onClick={(e) => void handleLogin(e)} className={classNames( user && user.user ? "disabled cursor-not-allowed" : "active cursor-pointer", " underline" )} > {user && user.user ? "Not Authorized" : "Log in"} </div> </div> {/* <div className="w-[56vmin] border-[0.5vmin] border-[rgb(3,169,244)] relative cursor-pointer"> <div className=" bg-gradient-radial from-purple-500"> <h3 className="card-title">I know exactly what I'm doing</h3> <h4 className="card-subtitle"></h4> </div> <i className="fa-solid fa-hat-witch card-icon"></i> </div> */} </div> )} </main> </div> ); }; export default Home; const AuthShowcase: React.FC = () => { const { data: sessionData } = useSession(); const { data: secretMessage } = api.example.getSecretMessage.useQuery( undefined, // no input { enabled: sessionData?.user !== undefined } ); return ( <div className="flex flex-col items-center justify-center gap-4"> <p className="text-center text-2xl text-white"> {sessionData && <span>Logged in as {sessionData.user?.name}</span>} {secretMessage && <span> - {secretMessage}</span>} </p> <button className="rounded-full bg-white/10 px-10 py-3 font-semibold text-white no-underline transition hover:bg-white/20" onClick={sessionData ? () => void signOut() : () => void signIn()} > {sessionData ? "Sign out" : "Sign in"} </button> </div> ); };