import React from "react"; import ROUTES from "Constants/routes"; import { validateLicenseRequest, validateLicenseResponse, } from "secure-electron-license-keys"; class Nav extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.history = props.history; this.state = { mobileMenuActive: false, licenseModalActive: false, // license-specific licenseValid: false, allowedMajorVersions: "", allowedMinorVersions: "", appVersion: "", licenseExpiry: "", }; this.toggleMenu = this.toggleMenu.bind(this); this.toggleLicenseModal = this.toggleLicenseModal.bind(this); this.navigate = this.navigate.bind(this); } componentWillUnmount() { window.api.licenseKeys.clearRendererBindings(); } componentDidMount() { // Set up binding to listen when the license key is // validated by the main process const _ = this; window.api.licenseKeys.onReceive(validateLicenseResponse, function (data) { // If the license key/data is valid if (data.success) { // Here you would compare data.appVersion to // data.major, data.minor and data.patch to // ensure that the user's version of the app // matches their license _.setState({ licenseValid: true, allowedMajorVersions: data.major, allowedMinorVersions: data.minor, allowedPatchVersions: data.patch, appVersion: data.appVersion, licenseExpiry: data.expire, }); } else { _.setState({ licenseValid: false, }); } }); } toggleMenu(event) { this.setState({ mobileMenuActive: !this.state.mobileMenuActive, }); } toggleLicenseModal(event) { const previous = this.state.licenseModalActive; // Only send license request if the modal // is not already open if (!previous) { window.api.licenseKeys.send(validateLicenseRequest); } this.setState({ licenseModalActive: !this.state.licenseModalActive, }); } // Using a custom method to navigate because we // need to close the mobile menu if we navigate to // another page navigate(url) { this.setState( { mobileMenuActive: false, }, function () { this.history.push(url); } ); } renderLicenseModal() { return ( <div className={`modal ${this.state.licenseModalActive ? "is-active" : ""}`}> <div className="modal-background"></div> <div className="modal-content"> {this.state.licenseValid ? ( <div className="box"> The license key for this product has been validated and the following versions of this app are allowed for your use: <div> <strong>Major versions:</strong>{" "} {this.state.allowedMajorVersions} <br /> <strong>Minor versions:</strong>{" "} {this.state.allowedMinorVersions} <br /> <strong>Patch versions:</strong>{" "} {this.state.allowedPatchVersions} <br /> <strong>Expires on:</strong>{" "} {!this.state.licenseExpiry ? "never!" : this.state.licenseExpiry}{" "} <br />( <em> App version: {` v${this.state.appVersion.major}.${this.state.appVersion.minor}.${this.state.appVersion.patch}`} </em> ) <br /> </div> </div> ) : ( <div className="box"> <div>The license key is not valid.</div> <div> If you'd like to create a license key, follow these steps: <ol style={{ marginLeft: "30px" }}> <li> Install this package globally ( <strong>npm i secure-electron-license-keys-cli -g</strong>). </li> <li> Run <strong>secure-electron-license-keys-cli</strong>. </li> <li> Copy <strong>public.key</strong> and{" "} <strong></strong> into the <em>root</em> folder of this app. </li> <li> Re-run this app (ie. <strong>npm run dev</strong>). </li> <li> If you'd like to further customize your license keys, copy this link into your browser:{" "} <a href=""> </a> . </li> </ol> </div> </div> )} </div> <button className="modal-close is-large" aria-label="close" onClick={this.toggleLicenseModal}></button> </div> ); } render() { return ( <nav className="navbar is-dark" role="navigation" aria-label="main navigation"> <div className="navbar-brand"> <a role="button" className={`navbar-burger ${ this.state.mobileMenuActive ? "is-active" : "" }`} data-target="navbarBasicExample" aria-label="menu" aria-expanded="false" onClick={this.toggleMenu}> <span aria-hidden="true"></span> <span aria-hidden="true"></span> <span aria-hidden="true"></span> </a> </div> <div id="navbarBasicExample" className={`navbar-menu ${ this.state.mobileMenuActive ? "is-active" : "" }`}> <div className="navbar-start"> <a className="navbar-item" onClick={() => this.navigate(ROUTES.WELCOME)}> Home </a> <a className="navbar-item" onClick={() => this.navigate(ROUTES.ABOUT)}> About </a> <div className="navbar-item has-dropdown is-hoverable"> <a className="navbar-link">Sample pages</a> <div className="navbar-dropdown"> <a className="navbar-item" onClick={() => this.navigate(ROUTES.MOTD)}> Using the Electron store </a> <a className="navbar-item" onClick={() => this.navigate(ROUTES.LOCALIZATION)}> Changing locales </a> <a className="navbar-item" onClick={() => this.navigate(ROUTES.UNDOREDO)}> Undo/redoing actions </a> <a className="navbar-item" onClick={() => this.navigate(ROUTES.CONTEXTMENU)}> Custom context menu </a> </div> </div> </div> {this.renderLicenseModal()} <div className="navbar-end"> <div className="navbar-item"> <div className="buttons"> <a className="button is-light" onClick={this.toggleLicenseModal}> Check license </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </nav> ); } } export default Nav;