import React from "react"; import ROUTES from "Constants/routes"; import { Link } from "react-router-dom"; import { Button } from "@material-ui/core"; class Welcome extends React.Component { render() { return ( <React.Fragment> <section className="section"> <div className="container"> <section className="hero is-info"> <div className="hero-body"> <p className="title"> Thank you for trying out the secure-electron-template! </p> <p className="subtitle"> Please navigate to view the features of this template. </p> </div> </section> </div> </section> <Button color="primary">Hello Gang</Button> <section className="section"> <div className="container"> <h2 className="title is-2">Samples</h2> <div> <Link to={ROUTES.MOTD}>Using the Electron store.</Link> <br /> <Link to={ROUTES.LOCALIZATION}>Changing locales.</Link> <br /> <Link to={ROUTES.UNDOREDO}>Undo/redoing actions.</Link> <br /> <Link to={ROUTES.CONTEXTMENU}>Custom context menu.</Link> <br /> </div> </div> </section> </React.Fragment> ); } } export default Welcome;