## EECS 281 Advanced Makefile # How to use this Makefile... ################### ################### ## ## ## $ make help ## ## ## ################### ################### # IMPORTANT NOTES: # 1. Set EXECUTABLE to the command name from the project specification. # 2. To enable automatic creation of unit test rules, your program logic # (where main() is) should be in a file named project*.cpp or # specified in the PROJECTFILE variable. # 3. Files you want to include in your final submission cannot match the # test*.cpp pattern. ####################### # TODO (begin) # ####################### # Change 'youruniqname' to match your UM uniqname (no quote marks). UNIQNAME = nzazula # Change the right hand side of the identifier to match the project identifier # given in the project or lab specification. IDENTIFIER = 9B734EC0C043C5A836EA0EBE4BEFEA164490B2C7 # Change 'executable' to match the command name given in the project spec. EXECUTABLE = amongus # The following line looks for a project's main() in files named project*.cpp, # executable.cpp (substituted from EXECUTABLE above), or main.cpp PROJECTFILE = $(or $(wildcard project*.cpp $(EXECUTABLE).cpp), main.cpp) # If main() is in another file delete line above, edit and uncomment below #PROJECTFILE = mymainfile.cpp ####################### # TODO (end) # ####################### # enables c++17 on CAEN or 281 autograder PATH := /usr/um/gcc-6.2.0/bin:$(PATH) LD_LIBRARY_PATH := /usr/um/gcc-6.2.0/lib64 LD_RUN_PATH := /usr/um/gcc-6.2.0/lib64 # This is the path from the CAEN home folder to where projects will be # uploaded. (eg. /home/mmdarden/eecs281/project1) # Change this if you prefer a different path. # REMOTE_PATH := eecs281_$(EXECUTABLE)_sync # /home/mmdarden/eecs281_proj0_sync REMOTE_PATH := eecs281_$(EXECUTABLE)_sync # designate which compiler to use CXX = g++ # list of test drivers (with main()) for development TESTSOURCES = $(wildcard test*.cpp) # names of test executables TESTS = $(TESTSOURCES:%.cpp=%) # list of sources used in project SOURCES = $(wildcard *.cpp) SOURCES := $(filter-out $(TESTSOURCES), $(SOURCES)) # list of objects used in project OBJECTS = $(SOURCES:%.cpp=%.o) # name of the tarball created for submission FULL_SUBMITFILE = fullsubmit.tar.gz PARTIAL_SUBMITFILE = partialsubmit.tar.gz UNGRADED_SUBMITFILE = ungraded.tar.gz # Files that should not be included in a tarball EXCLUDE_FILES = getopt.\? # name of the perf data file, only used by the clean target PERF_FILE = perf.data* # Default Flags (we prefer -std=c++17 but Mac/Xcode/Clang doesn't support) # WARNING: Adding flags like _GLIBCXX_DEBUG or -fsanitize # may prevent your project from working properly! CXXFLAGS = -std=c++1z -Wconversion -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic # make release - will compile "all" with $(CXXFLAGS) and the -O3 flag # also defines NDEBUG so that asserts will not check release: CXXFLAGS += -O3 -DNDEBUG release: $(EXECUTABLE) # make debug - will compile sources with $(CXXFLAGS) and the -g3 flag # also defines DEBUG, so "#ifdef DEBUG /*...*/ #endif" works debug: CXXFLAGS += -g3 -DDEBUG debug: $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(SOURCES) -o $(EXECUTABLE)_debug # make profile - will compile "all" with $(CXXFLAGS) and the -g3 and -O3 flags profile: CXXFLAGS += -g3 -O3 profile: $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(SOURCES) -o $(EXECUTABLE)_profile # make gprof - will compile "all" with $(CXXFLAGS) and the -pg (for gprof) gprof: CXXFLAGS += -pg gprof: $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(SOURCES) -o $(EXECUTABLE)_profile # make static - will perform static analysis in the matter currently used # on the autograder static: cppcheck --enable=all --suppress=missingIncludeSystem \ $(SOURCES) *.h *.hpp # make identifier - will check to ensure that all source code and header files # include the project identifier; skip subdirectories; # also removes old submit tarballs, they are outdated identifier: @if [ $$(grep --include=*.{h,hpp,c,cpp} --exclude=xcode_redirect.hpp --exclude=$(EXCLUDE_FILES) --directories=skip -L $(IDENTIFIER) * | wc -l) -ne 0 ]; then \ printf "Missing project identifier in file(s): "; \ echo `grep --include=*.{h,hpp,c,cpp} --directories=skip -L $(IDENTIFIER) *`; \ rm -f $(PARTIAL_SUBMITFILE) $(FULL_SUBMITFILE); \ exit 1; \ fi # Build all executables all: release debug profile $(EXECUTABLE): $(OBJECTS) ifeq ($(EXECUTABLE), executable) @echo Edit EXECUTABLE variable in Makefile. @echo Using default a.out. $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(OBJECTS) else $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(OBJECTS) -o $(EXECUTABLE) endif # Automatically generate any build rules for test*.cpp files define make_tests ifeq ($$(PROJECTFILE),) @echo Edit PROJECTFILE variable to .cpp file with main\(\) @exit 1 endif SRCS = $$(filter-out $$(PROJECTFILE), $$(SOURCES)) OBJS = $$(SRCS:%.cpp=%.o) HDRS = $$(wildcard *.h *.hpp) $(1): CXXFLAGS += -g3 -DDEBUG $(1): $$(OBJS) $$(HDRS) $(1).cpp $$(CXX) $$(CXXFLAGS) $$(OBJS) $(1).cpp -o $(1) endef $(foreach test, $(TESTS), $(eval $(call make_tests, $(test)))) alltests: $(TESTS) # rule for creating objects %.o: %.cpp $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $*.cpp # make clean - remove .o files, executables, tarball clean: rm -f $(OBJECTS) $(EXECUTABLE) $(EXECUTABLE)_debug $(EXECUTABLE)_profile \ $(TESTS) $(PARTIAL_SUBMITFILE) $(FULL_SUBMITFILE) $(PERF_FILE) \ $(UNGRADED_SUBMITFILE) rm -Rf *.dSYM # get a list of all files that might be included in a submit # different submit types can do additional filtering to remove unwanted files FULL_SUBMITFILES=$(filter-out $(TESTSOURCES), \ $(wildcard Makefile *.h *.hpp *.cpp test*.txt)) # make fullsubmit.tar.gz - cleans, runs dos2unix, creates tarball # including test files $(FULL_SUBMITFILE): $(FULL_SUBMITFILES) rm -f $(PARTIAL_SUBMITFILE) $(FULL_SUBMITFILE) $(UNGRADED_SUBMITFILE) COPYFILE_DISABLE=true tar --exclude=$(EXCLUDE_FILES) -vczf $(FULL_SUBMITFILE) $(FULL_SUBMITFILES) @echo !!! Final submission prepared, test files included... READY FOR GRADING !!! # make partialsubmit.tar.gz - cleans, creates tarball # omitting test files PARTIAL_SUBMITFILES=$(filter-out $(wildcard test*.txt), $(FULL_SUBMITFILES)) $(PARTIAL_SUBMITFILE): $(PARTIAL_SUBMITFILES) rm -f $(PARTIAL_SUBMITFILE) $(FULL_SUBMITFILE) $(UNGRADED_SUBMITFILE) COPYFILE_DISABLE=true tar --exclude=$(EXCLUDE_FILES) -vczf $(PARTIAL_SUBMITFILE) \ $(PARTIAL_SUBMITFILES) @echo !!! WARNING: No test files included. Use 'make fullsubmit' to include test files. !!! # make ungraded.tar.gz - cleans, creates tarball omitting test files, Makefile UNGRADED_SUBMITFILES=$(filter-out Makefile, $(PARTIAL_SUBMITFILES)) $(UNGRADED_SUBMITFILE): $(UNGRADED_SUBMITFILES) rm -f $(PARTIAL_SUBMITFILE) $(FULL_SUBMITFILE) $(UNGRADED_SUBMITFILE) @touch __ungraded COPYFILE_DISABLE=true tar --exclude=$(EXCLUDE_FILES) -vczf $(UNGRADED_SUBMITFILE) \ $(UNGRADED_SUBMITFILES) __ungraded @rm -f __ungraded @echo !!! WARNING: This submission will not be graded. !!! # shortcut for make submit tarballs fullsubmit: identifier $(FULL_SUBMITFILE) partialsubmit: identifier $(PARTIAL_SUBMITFILE) ungraded: identifier $(UNGRADED_SUBMITFILE) # REMOTE_PATH has default definition above sync2caen: ifeq ($(UNIQNAME), youruniqname) @echo Edit UNIQNAME variable in Makefile. @exit 1; endif # Synchronize local files into target directory on CAEN rsync \ -av \ --delete \ --exclude '*.o' \ --exclude '$(EXECUTABLE)' \ --exclude '$(EXECUTABLE)_debug' \ --exclude '$(EXECUTABLE)_profile' \ --exclude '.git*' \ --exclude '.vs*' \ --exclude '*.code-workspace' \ --filter=":- .gitignore" \ "."/ \ "$(UNIQNAME)@login.engin.umich.edu:'$(REMOTE_PATH)/'" echo "Files synced to CAEN at ~/$(REMOTE_PATH)/" define MAKEFILE_HELP EECS281 Advanced Makefile Help * This Makefile uses advanced techniques, for more information: $$ man make * General usage 1. Follow directions at each "TODO" in this file. a. Set EXECUTABLE equal to the name from the project specification. b. Set PROJECTFILE equal to the name of the source file with main() c. Add any dependency rules specific to your files. 2. Build, test, submit... repeat as necessary. * Preparing submissions A) To build 'partialsubmit.tar.gz', a tarball without tests used to find buggy solutions in the autograder. *** USE THIS ONLY FOR TESTING YOUR SOLUTION! *** This is useful for faster autograder runs during development and free submissions if the project does not build. $$ make partialsubmit B) Build 'fullsubmit.tar.gz' a tarball complete with autograder test files. *** ALWAYS USE THIS FOR FINAL GRADING! *** It is also useful when trying to find buggy solutions in the autograder. $$ make fullsubmit * Unit testing support A) Source files for unit testing should be named test*.cpp. Examples include test_input.cpp or test3.cpp. B) Automatic build rules are generated to support the following: $$ make test_input $$ make test3 $$ make alltests (this builds all test drivers) C) If test drivers need special dependencies, they must be added manually. D) IMPORTANT: NO SOURCE FILES WITH NAMES THAT BEGIN WITH test WILL BE ADDED TO ANY SUBMISSION TARBALLS. * Static Analysis support A) Matches current autograder style grading tests B) Usage: $$ make static * Sync to CAEN support A) Requires an .ssh/config file with a login.engin.umich.edu host defined, SSH Multiplexing enabled, and an open SSH connection. B) Edit the REMOTE_BASEDIR variable if default is not preferred. C) Usage: $$ make sync2caen endef export MAKEFILE_HELP help: @echo "$$MAKEFILE_HELP" ####################### # TODO (begin) # ####################### # individual dependencies for objects # Examples: # "Add a header file dependency" # project2.o: project2.cpp project2.h # # "Add multiple headers and a separate class" # HEADERS = some.h special.h header.h files.h # myclass.o: myclass.cpp myclass.h $(HEADERS) # project5.o: project5.cpp myclass.o $(HEADERS) # # SOME EXAMPLES # #test_thing: test_thing.cpp class.o functions.o #class.o: class.cpp class.h #functions.o: functions.cpp functions.h #project0.o: project0.cpp class.h functions.h # # THE COMPILER CAN GENERATE DEPENDENCIES FROM SOURCE CODE # # % g++ -std=c++1z -MM *.cpp # # ADD YOUR OWN DEPENDENCIES HERE ###################### # TODO (end) # ###################### # these targets do not create any files .PHONY: all release debug profile gprof static clean alltests .PHONY: partialsubmit fullsubmit ungraded sync2caen help identifier # disable built-in rules .SUFFIXES: