// Project Identifier: 9B734EC0C043C5A836EA0EBE4BEFEA164490B2C7 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "MST.h" // VERTEX ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class Vertex{ public: size_t id; double x; double y; double distance; bool visited; size_t prev; bool operator<(const Vertex& v1) const { return (id < v1.id); } Vertex(size_t &id_num, double &x_coord, double&y_coord): id(id_num), x(x_coord), y(y_coord), distance(std::numeric_limits::infinity()), visited(false), prev(0){} }; class OPT{ public: std::vector > distance_matrix; std::vector container; std::vector path; std::vector best_path; double current_distance; double best_distance; OPT(): current_distance(0), best_distance(0){} }; // UTILITIES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // set all vertices as not visited void set_unvisited(std::vector & container); // get vertices void get_vertices(std::vector &container); // returns weight from two vertices double find_weight_v(Vertex &vertex_a, Vertex &vertex_b); // add up all edges to get path length double calc_path_length(std::vector &container); // returns edge value (dik + dkj - dij) double calc_edge(Vertex &vertex, std::vector &path, size_t &index); // PART B ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // finds nearest location to last inserted element in path size_t nearest_location(size_t &last_inserted, std::vector &path, std::vector &container); // returns insertion index that would cause the smallest increase in path length size_t insert_position(std::vector &path, Vertex &vertex); // run fasttsp void run_fasttsp(std::vector &container); // PART C ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // create distance matrix void construct_matrix(OPT &opt); // get upper bound info from FASTTSP calculation void get_upper_bound(OPT &opt); // construct mst for gen_perms double construct_mst(OPT &opt, size_t permLength); // promising bool promising(OPT &opt, size_t permLength); // gen perms void gen_perms(OPT &opt, size_t permLength); // run opttsp void run_opttsp(OPT &opt); // TESTING ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // init path void init_path(OPT &opt); // reassign path void reassign_path(OPT &opt); // print path for testing void print_path(std::vector &path); // test container void test_perm_container(std::vector > &perm_container); // test perms void test_perms(std::vector > &perm_container, std::vector &v_container, size_t permLength, size_t h); // test opttsp void test_run_opttsp(std::vector &v_container);