from __future__ import division import networkx as nx import numpy as np import pickle as pk import os from gae.preprocessing import mask_test_edges import link_prediction_scores import pandas as pd import sys from bi_samplingv3 import * sys.setrecursionlimit(1000000) def get_edge_types(edges): typelist = set([]) for edge in edges: # print(edge) # print(type(edge)) e1 = edge[0] e2 = edge[1] t1 = g.nodes[e1]['gender'] t2 = g.nodes[e2]['gender'] if t1 <= t2: etype = (t1, t2) else: etype = (t2, t1) typelist.add(etype) # print(typelist) return typelist def qda_test(train_edges, train_edges_false, val_edges, val_edges_false, test_edges, test_edges_false, val_preds, test_preds, f): # train_format: uid0, uid1, gender0, gender1, prediction, truth, binary_prediction # test_format: uid0, uid1, gender0, gender1, prediction, truth, binary_prediction train_format = [] val_format = [] test_format = [] train_all = [] val_all = [] test_all = [] # train_all = train_edges + train_edges_false # val_all=val_edges + val_edges_false # test_all =test_edges + test_edges_false train_all = np.vstack((train_edges, train_edges_false)) val_all = np.vstack((val_edges, val_edges_false)) test_all = np.vstack((test_edges, test_edges_false)) print(train_all) print(np.shape(train_all)) print(np.shape(train_edges)) for i in range(np.shape(train_all)[0]): grt = 1 if i > np.shape(train_edges)[0]: grt = 0 print([train_all[i][1]]) train_f = [train_all[i][0], train_all[i][1], g.nodes[train_all[i][0]]['gender'], g.nodes[train_all[i][1]]['gender'], grt, grt, grt] train_format.append(train_f) name = ['node1', 'node2', 'gender1', 'gender2', 'grt', 'score', 'biscore'] result = pd.DataFrame(columns=name, data=train_format) result.to_csv("E:\\python\\banlance\\code\\{2}\\train{0}_{1}.csv".format(ego_user, f, DATASET)) # result.to_csv("/Users/xiulingwang/Downloads/google+-raw-data/result/train{0}_{1}.csv".format(ego_user, f)) for i in range(np.shape(val_all)[0]): grt = 1 if i > np.shape(val_edges)[0]: grt = 0 if val_preds[i] >= 0.5: bi_score = 1 else: bi_score = 0 val_f = [val_all[i][0], val_all[i][1], g.nodes[val_all[i][0]]['gender'], g.nodes[val_all[i][1]]['gender'], grt, val_preds[i], bi_score] val_format.append(val_f) name = ['node1', 'node2', 'gender1', 'gender2', 'grt', 'score', 'biscore'] result = pd.DataFrame(columns=name, data=val_format) result.to_csv("E:\\python\\banlance\\code\\{2}\\val{0}_{1}.csv".format(ego_user, f, DATASET, METHOD)) # result.to_csv("/Users/xiulingwang/Downloads/google+-raw-data/result/val{0}_{1}.csv".format(ego_user, f)) for i in range(np.shape(test_all)[0]): grt = 1 if i > np.shape(test_edges)[0]: grt = 0 if test_preds[i] >= 0.5: bi_score = 1 else: bi_score = 0 test_f = [test_all[i][0], test_all[i][1], g.nodes[test_all[i][0]]['gender'], g.nodes[test_all[i][1]]['gender'], grt, test_preds[i], bi_score] test_format.append(test_f) name = ['node1', 'node2', 'gender1', 'gender2', 'grt', 'score', 'biscore'] result = pd.DataFrame(columns=name, data=test_format) result.to_csv("E:\\python\\banlance\\code\\{2}\\test{0}_{1}.csv".format(ego_user, f, DATASET, METHOD)) # result.to_csv("/Users/xiulingwang/Downloads/google+-raw-data/result/{1}/test{0}_{1}.csv".format(ego_user, f)) # uid0, uid2, gender0, gender1, score, truth, prediction return train_format, val_format, test_format def other_edge_generate3(other_edge_len, adj, train_edges_list,test_edges): other_edges_false = set() num_nodes=np.shape(adj)[0] print(num_nodes) edgeall=set() for i in range(num_nodes): for j in range(i+1,num_nodes): edgeall.add((i,j)) print(edgeall) print(len(edgeall)) # train_edges1=list(train_edges) # train_edges_false1=list(train_edges_false) # val_edges1 = list(val_edges) # val_edges_false1 = list(val_edges_false) # test_edges1 = list(test_edges) # test_edges_false1 = list(test_edges_false) print(train_edges[4]) cnt=0 print(np.shape(train_edges_list)) for edge in train_edges_list: eg=(edge[0],edge[1]) if (edge[0]==edge[1]): continue # print(eg)) edgeall.remove(eg) print(len(edgeall)) for edge in test_edges: eg=(edge[0],edge[1]) if eg not in edgeall: continue if (edge[0]==edge[1]): continue edgeall.remove(eg) edgeall = list([list(edge_tuple) for edge_tuple in edgeall]) print(np.shape(edgeall)) print(other_edge_len) other_edges=random.sample(edgeall,other_edge_len) for edge in other_edges: eg = (edge[0], edge[1]) other_edges_false.add(eg) other_edges_false = np.array([list(edge_tuple) for edge_tuple in other_edges_false]) return other_edges_false seds=[1] # #DATAS G_EGO_USERS=['dblp','fb','google+','cora','citeseer','pubmed','lastfm'] combs=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7] for sed in seds: METHOD = 'graphleaks%s'%(sed) for ego_user in G_EGO_USERS: feat_dir = './data/' + str(ego_user) + '-adj-feat.pkl' f2 = open(feat_dir, 'rb') adj, ft = pk.load(f2, encoding='latin1') g = nx.Graph(adj) if ego_user=='dblp' or ego_user=='google+' : gindex=0 for i, n in enumerate(g.nodes()): if (ft[n][gindex]==0): ginfo = 1 #male elif (ft[n][gindex]==1): ginfo = 2 #female else: print('***') ginfo = 0 #unknow gender g.nodes[n]['gender'] = ginfo elif ego_user=='fb': gindex = 77 for i, n in enumerate(g.nodes()): if (ft[n][gindex] == 1 and ft[n][gindex + 1] != 1): ginfo = 1 # male elif (ft[n][gindex + 1] == 1 and ft[n][gindex] != 1): ginfo = 2 # female else: print('***') ginfo = 0 # unknow gender print(ginfo) g.nodes[n]['gender'] = ginfo else: with open('./data/' + str(ego_user) + '-target.txt') as tfile: Lines = tfile.readlines() target = [] for line in Lines: arr = line.strip().split(',') target.append(int(arr[1])) for i, n in enumerate(g.nodes()): g.nodes[n]['gender'] = target[n] np.random.seed(sed) adj_sparse = nx.to_scipy_sparse_matrix(g) # Perform train-test split train_test_split = mask_test_edges(adj_sparse, test_frac=.3, val_frac=0) adj_train, train_edges, train_edges_false, val_edges, val_edges_false, test_edges, test_edges_false = train_test_split # Unpack train-test split g_train = nx.from_scipy_sparse_matrix( adj_train) # new graph object with only non-hidden edges, keep all the original nodes dp=0 ###dp=0:original, dp=1:differential, dp=5:adversarial sigma=48 if dp==1: F = 'n2v-'+str(ego_user)+str(dp)+str(sigma)+str(sed) else: F = 'n2v-'+str(ego_user) + str(dp)+str(sed) res_dir = './data/' out = open('%s/%s-fair-%s-train.txt' % (res_dir, str(ego_user), F), 'w') for item in train_edges: for jtem in item: out.write(str(jtem) + '\t') out.write('\n') out.close() train_edge_labels, test_edge_labels, emb_matrix, train_sim_matrix, test_sim_matrix, train_edge_embs, test_edge_embs, train_embs_1, train_embs_2, test_embs_1, test_embs_2, train_edges_sampled= link_prediction_scores.node2vec_scores8( g_train, train_test_split, DATASET, METHOD, F,dp,res_dir,ego_user,sigma, P=0.25, # Return hyperparameter Q=4, # In-out hyperparameter WINDOW_SIZE=10, # Context size for optimization NUM_WALKS=10, # Number of walks per source WALK_LENGTH=80, # Length of walk per source DIMENSIONS=256, # Embedding dimension DIRECTED=False, # Graph directed/undirected WORKERS=1, # Num. parallel workers ITER=3, # SGD epochs edge_score_mode="edge-emb", # Whether to use bootstrapped edge embeddings + LogReg (like in node2vec paper), # or simple dot-product (like in GAE paper) for edge scoring verbose=1, Ego_user=ego_user, ) # print(n2v_scores) train_edges_list = np.array(train_edges_sampled) # print(train_edges_list) test_edges_list = test_edges # print(test_edges_list) edges_list = np.concatenate((train_edges_list, test_edges_list), axis=0) ylabel = [1] * train_sim_matrix.shape[0] + [0] * test_sim_matrix.shape[0] for comb in combs: if comb ==1:#dot sim_matrix = np.concatenate((train_sim_matrix[:, 0], test_sim_matrix[:, 0]), axis=0) sim_matrix_train = train_sim_matrix[:, 0] sim_matrix_test = test_sim_matrix[:, 0] sim_matrix = sim_matrix.reshape(-1, 1) sim_matrix_train = sim_matrix_train.reshape(-1, 1) sim_matrix_test = sim_matrix_test.reshape(-1, 1) if comb ==2:#dot sim_matrix = np.concatenate((train_sim_matrix[:, 1], test_sim_matrix[:, 1]), axis=0) sim_matrix_train = train_sim_matrix[:, 1] sim_matrix_test = test_sim_matrix[:, 1] sim_matrix = sim_matrix.reshape(-1, 1) # print(sim_matrix) sim_matrix_train = sim_matrix_train.reshape(-1, 1) sim_matrix_test = sim_matrix_test.reshape(-1, 1) if comb==3:#eu sim_matrix = np.concatenate((train_sim_matrix[:, 2], test_sim_matrix[:, 2]), axis=0) sim_matrix_train = train_sim_matrix[:, 2] sim_matrix_test = test_sim_matrix[:, 2] sim_matrix = sim_matrix.reshape(-1, 1) # print(sim_matrix) sim_matrix_train = sim_matrix_train.reshape(-1, 1) sim_matrix_test = sim_matrix_test.reshape(-1, 1) if comb == 4:#dot+cos sim_matrix = np.concatenate((train_sim_matrix[:, 0:2], test_sim_matrix[:, 0:2]), axis=0) sim_matrix_train = train_sim_matrix[:, 0:2] sim_matrix_test = test_sim_matrix[:, 0:2] if comb == 5:#dot+eu sim_matrix = np.concatenate((train_sim_matrix[:, [0,2]], test_sim_matrix[:, [0,2]]), axis=0) sim_matrix_train = train_sim_matrix[:, [0,2]] sim_matrix_test = test_sim_matrix[:, [0,2]] if comb == 6:#cos+eu sim_matrix = np.concatenate((train_sim_matrix[:, 1:3], test_sim_matrix[:, 1:3]), axis=0) sim_matrix_train = train_sim_matrix[:, 1:3] sim_matrix_test = test_sim_matrix[:, 1:3] if comb == 7:#dot+cos+eu sim_matrix = np.concatenate((train_sim_matrix[:, 0:3], test_sim_matrix[:, 0:3]), axis=0) sim_matrix_train = train_sim_matrix[:, 0:3] sim_matrix_test = test_sim_matrix[:, 0:3] from sklearn.cluster import KMeans from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score accuracy = [] for i in range(500): kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=2, random_state=i).fit(sim_matrix) ylabel = [1] * train_sim_matrix.shape[0] + [0] * test_sim_matrix.shape[0] acc = accuracy_score(kmeans.labels_, ylabel) accuracy.append(acc) print(max(accuracy)) acc_kmeans_sim = max(accuracy) tsts=[] print(len(kmeans.labels_)) for i in range(len(kmeans.labels_)): node1=edges_list[i][0] node2=edges_list[i][1] dgr2 = gender1 = g.nodes[node1]['gender'] gender2 = g.nodes[node2]['gender'] sim0 = sim_matrix[i] tst = [kmeans.labels_[i], ylabel[i], node1, node2, dgr1, dgr2, gender1, gender2] tsts.append(tst) name = ['y_score', 'y_test_grd', 'node1', 'node2', 'dgr1', 'dgr2', 'gender1', 'gender2'] result = pd.DataFrame(columns=name, data=tsts) result.to_csv("{}{}-kmeans_sim_{}.csv".format(res_dir, F,comb)) cents = kmeans.cluster_centers_ # print('cents',cents) dist0 = 0 dist1 = 0 for l in range(len(kmeans.labels_)): dist0 = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(sim_matrix[l] - cents[0]))) dist1 = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(sim_matrix[l] - cents[1]))) if kmeans.labels_[l] == 0 and (dist0 < dist1): cent0 = cents[0] cent1 = cents[1] break elif kmeans.labels_[l] == 0 and (dist0 > dist1): cent1 = cents[0] cent0 = cents[1] break # print(l) dis0 = [] dis1 = [] for l in range(len(kmeans.labels_)): if kmeans.labels_[l] == 0: dist = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(sim_matrix[l] - cent0))) dis0.append(dist) else: dist = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(sim_matrix[l] - cent1))) dis1.append(dist) # print(cent0,cent1) dist0 = sum(dis0) / len(dis0) dist1 = sum(dis1) / len(dis1) # from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split ylabel1=ylabel ylable1=np.reshape(len(ylabel1),1) y_label=np.zeros((np.shape(edges_list)[0],3)) for i in range(np.shape(edges_list)[0]): y_label[i][0]=edges_list[i][0] y_label[i][1] = edges_list[i][1] y_label[i][2] = ylabel[i] print(np.shape(y_label)) y_label_train=np.zeros((np.shape(train_edges_list)[0],3)) for i in range(np.shape(train_edges_list)[0]): y_label_train[i][0]=train_edges_list[i][0] y_label_train[i][1] = train_edges_list[i][1] y_label_train[i][2] = 1 print(np.shape(y_label_train)) y_label_test=np.zeros((np.shape(test_edges_list)[0],3)) for i in range(np.shape(test_edges_list)[0]): y_label_test[i][0]=test_edges_list[i][0] y_label_test[i][1] = test_edges_list[i][1] y_label_test[i][2] = 0 print(np.shape(y_label_test)) X_train_train, X_train_test, y_train_train, y_train_test = train_test_split(sim_matrix_train, y_label_train, test_size=0.3, random_state=42) X_test_train, X_test_test, y_test_train, y_test_test = train_test_split(sim_matrix_test, y_label_test, test_size=0.3, random_state=42) X_train=np.concatenate((X_train_train, X_test_train),axis=0) X_test = np.concatenate((X_train_test, X_test_test), axis=0) y_train=np.concatenate((y_train_train, y_test_train),axis=0) y_test=np.concatenate((y_train_test, y_test_test),axis=0) #X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(sim_matrix, y_label, test_size=0.3, random_state=42) # # # ###################################################################### from sklearn import metrics from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier mlp = MLPClassifier(solver='adam', alpha=1e-5, hidden_layer_sizes=(64, 32, 16, 18), random_state=1, max_iter=500), y_train[:,2]) print("Training set score: %f" % mlp.score(X_train, y_train[:,2])) print("Test set score: %f" % mlp.score(X_test, y_test[:,2])) y_score = mlp.predict(X_test) print(metrics.f1_score(y_test[:,2], y_score, average='micro')) print(metrics.classification_report(y_test[:,2], y_score, labels=range(3))) acc_mlp_sim = accuracy_score(y_score, y_test[:,2]) tsts=[] for i in range(len(y_score)): node1=y_test[i][0] node2=y_test[i][1] dgr2 = gender1 = g.nodes[node1]['gender'] gender2 = g.nodes[node2]['gender'] tst = [y_score[i], y_test[i][2], y_test[i][0], y_test[i][1], dgr1, dgr2, gender1, gender2] tsts.append(tst) name = ['y_score', 'y_test_grd', 'node1', 'node2', 'dgr1', 'dgr2', 'gender1', 'gender2'] result = pd.DataFrame(columns=name, data=tsts) result.to_csv("{}{}-mlp_sim_{}.csv".format(res_dir, F,comb)) # # ###################################################################### from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier rf = RandomForestClassifier(max_depth=150, random_state=0), y_train[:,2]) print("Training set score: %f" % rf.score(X_train, y_train[:,2])) print("Test set score: %f" % rf.score(X_test, y_test[:,2])) y_score = rf.predict(X_test) print(metrics.f1_score(y_test[:,2], y_score, average='micro')) print(metrics.classification_report(y_test[:,2], y_score, labels=range(3))) acc_rf_sim = accuracy_score(y_score, y_test[:,2]) tsts=[] for i in range(len(y_score)): node1=y_test[i][0] node2=y_test[i][1] dgr2 = gender1 = g.nodes[node1]['gender'] gender2 = g.nodes[node2]['gender'] tst = [y_score[i], y_test[i][2], y_test[i][0], y_test[i][1], dgr1, dgr2, gender1, gender2] tsts.append(tst) name = ['y_score', 'y_test_grd', 'node1', 'node2', 'dgr1', 'dgr2', 'gender1', 'gender2'] result = pd.DataFrame(columns=name, data=tsts) result.to_csv("{}{}-rf_sim_{}.csv".format(res_dir, F,comb)) # # ###################################################################### from sklearn.multiclass import OneVsRestClassifier from sklearn.svm import SVC svm = OneVsRestClassifier(SVC()), y_train[:,2]) print("Training set score: %f" % svm.score(X_train, y_train[:,2])) print("Test set score: %f" % svm.score(X_test, y_test[:,2])) y_score = svm.predict(X_test) print(metrics.f1_score(y_test[:,2], y_score, average='micro')) print(metrics.classification_report(y_test[:,2], y_score, labels=range(3))) acc_svm_sim = accuracy_score(y_score, y_test[:,2]) tsts=[] for i in range(len(y_score)): node1=y_test[i][0] node2=y_test[i][1] dgr2 = gender1 = g.nodes[node1]['gender'] gender2 = g.nodes[node2]['gender'] tst = [y_score[i], y_test[i][2], y_test[i][0], y_test[i][1], dgr1, dgr2, gender1, gender2] tsts.append(tst) name = ['y_score', 'y_test_grd', 'node1', 'node2', 'dgr1', 'dgr2', 'gender1', 'gender2'] result = pd.DataFrame(columns=name, data=tsts) result.to_csv("{}{}-svm_sim_{}.csv".format(res_dir, F,comb))