SpelunkyRemake / Matrix2x3.h
#pragma once
#include "Vector2f.h"
#include <vector>

struct Matrix2x3
	// -------------------------
	// Constructors 
	// -------------------------
	// Default constructor results in a unity matrix
	explicit Matrix2x3( Vector2f dirX = Vector2f{ 1, 0 }, Vector2f dirY = Vector2f{ 0, 1 }, Vector2f origTrans = Vector2f{ 0, 0 } );
	// Constructor, using floats, all required
	explicit Matrix2x3( float e1X, float e1Y, float e2X, float e2Y, float oX, float oY );

	// -------------------------
	// General Methods 
	// -------------------------
	// Transform a vector by this matrix, no translation			
	// Vector2f vTransformed = mat.Transform(v);
	Vector2f Transform( const Vector2f& v ) const;

	// Transform a point by this matrix, including translation			
	// Point2f pTransformed = mat.Transform(p);
	Point2f Transform( const Point2f& p ) const;

	// Transform a Rectf by this matrix, including translation	
	// std::vector<Point2f> transformedVertices = mat.Transform(r);
	std::vector<Point2f> Transform( const Rectf& r ) const;

	// Transform a Rectf by this matrix, including translation
	// Pass pointer to resulting array (size should be at least 4)
	//   Point2f transformedVertices[4];
	//   Transform(r, transformedVertices);
	void Transform( const Rectf& r, Point2f* transVertices ) const;

	// Transform a Polygon by this matrix, including translation	
	// std::vector<Point2f> transformedVertices = mat.Transform(vertices);
	std::vector<Point2f> Transform( const std::vector<Point2f>& vertices ) const;

	// Transform a Polygon by this matrix, including translation	
	// Pass pointer to resulting array (size should be at least size of polygon)
	//   Point2f transformedVertices[vertices.size()];
	//   Transform(vertices, transformedVertices);
	void Transform( const std::vector<Point2f>& vertices, Point2f* transVertices ) const;

	// Transform a Polygon by this matrix, including translation	
	//   Point2f transformedVertices[nrVertices];
	//   Transform(vertices, nrVertices, transformedVertices);
	void Transform( const Point2f* vertices,  Point2f* transVertices, size_t nrVertices ) const;

	// Calculate the determinant
	float Determinant( ) const;

	// Calculate the inverse matrix
	Matrix2x3 Inverse( ) const;

	// Are two matrices equal within a threshold?	
	// mat1.Equals(mat2)
	bool Equals( const Matrix2x3& other, float epsilon = 0.001f ) const;

	// Creates a string containing a text representation of the values of the matrix
	std::string ToString( ) const;

	// Converts this matrix into a Identity matrix
	void SetAsIdentity( );
	// Converts this matrix into a Rotate matrix
	void SetAsRotate( float degrees );
	// Converts this matrix into a Translation matrix
	void SetAsTranslate( float tx, float ty );
	// Converts this matrix into a Translation matrix
	void SetAsTranslate( Vector2f pt );
	// Converts this matrix into a Scale matrix
	void SetAsScale( float sx, float sy );
	// Converts this matrix into a Scale matrix
	void SetAsScale( float s );

	// -------------------------------------------
	// Static Matrix2x3 object creation methods 
	// -------------------------------------------
	// Instantiate a rotation matrix: 
	// Matrix matRot = Matrix::Rotation(45.0f);
	static Matrix2x3 CreateRotationMatrix( float degrees );
	// Instantiate an identity matrix: 
	// Matrix2x3 matId = Matrix2x3::Identity();
	static Matrix2x3 CreateIdentityMatrix( );
	// Instantiate a scale matrix: 
	// Matrix matScale = Matrix::Scaling(2.0f);
	static Matrix2x3 CreateScalingMatrix( float scale );
	// Instantiate a scale matrix: 
	// Matrix matScale = Matrix::Scaling(2.0f,-3.0f);
	static Matrix2x3 CreateScalingMatrix( float scaleX, float scaleY );
	// Instantiate a scale matrix: 
	// Matrix matScale = Matrix::Scaling( Vector2f(2.0f,-3.0f) );
	static Matrix2x3 CreateScalingMatrix( Vector2f scaleVector );
	// Instantiate a translation matrix: 
	// Matrix matTrans = Matrix::Translation( Vector2f(2.0f,3.0f) );
	static Matrix2x3 CreateTranslationMatrix( Vector2f origin );
	// Instantiate a translation matrix: 
	// Matrix matTrans = Matrix::Translation(2.0f, 3.0f);
	static Matrix2x3 CreateTranslationMatrix( float tx, float ty );

	// -------------------------
	// Datamembers
	// -------------------------
	Vector2f dirX;	// The first matrix vector (the "x-axis"), 1st column
	Vector2f dirY;	// The second matrix vector (the "y-axis"), second column
	Vector2f orig; 	// The origin of  the coordinate matrix (the "translation"), third column

// -------------------------
// Operators 
// -------------------------
// Are two matrices exactly equal?				
// mat1 == mat2
bool operator==( const Matrix2x3& lhs, const Matrix2x3& rhs );
// Are two matrices exactly unequal?			
// mat1 != mat2
bool operator!=( const Matrix2x3& lhs, const Matrix2x3& rhs );
// Multiply matrices
// Matrix2x3 matProduct {mat1 * mat2};
Matrix2x3 operator*( const Matrix2x3& lhs, const Matrix2x3& rhs );
// Send matrix to output stream
// std::cout << mat;
std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const Matrix2x3& matrix );