PAP-ER / GeometryAnalysis / README
This folder contains the code used to perform geometrical analysis of the meshes created in the below study:
Denizot, A.; Veloz Castillo, M. F.; Puchenkov, P.; Cali, C.; De Schutter, E. (2022). The endoplasmic reticulum in perisynaptic astrocytic processes: shape, distribution and effect on calcium activity. DOI: 10.1101/2022.02.28.482292

The '' script was used to measure PM-PSD, ER-PSD and ER-PM distances presented in Fig2, 3, 6G-J, 7, 8B-D of the paper.

The blender file of the PAP mesh 'd1s15a32b1.blend' is provided as an example. If you run the code, it will create files with:
- distances between each PM vertex and the center of mass of the post-synaptic density
- distances between each ER vertex and the center of mass of the post-synaptic density
- distances between each PM vertex and the closest ER vertex 

# Note: distances are expressed in micrometers
