import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import math import sys import steps.geom as stetmesh import steps.rng as srng import steps.solver as ssolver import camodel from random import randrange as randr # Set simulation parameters NITER = 1 T_END = 100.0 DT = 0.001 POINTS = int(T_END / DT) tpnts = np.arange(0.0, T_END, DT) ntpnts = tpnts.shape[0] # Create random number generator seed = int(sys.argv[1]) r = srng.create('mt19937', 512) r.initialize(seed) # Get PAP mesh name mesh = str(sys.argv[2]) # Import the Ca2+ activity model mdl = camodel.getModel() # Import the 3D geometry mesh, cyt_tris, er_tris, er_patch, cyto_patch, er_area, cyto_area = camodel.gen_geom(mesh) # Create a solver object sim = ssolver.Tetexact(mdl, mesh, r) # Run the simulation # Reset the simulation object sim.reset() # Set initial conditions nb_ip3r = 230 # value depends on ER surface area as IP3R density is constant: 3.5e-3 per um2 sim.setCompConc('cyto', 'ca', 120e-9) sim.setCompConc('cyto', 'ip3', 120e-9) nb_plc = int(cyto_area * 1696 / 6.88566421434e-13) sim.setPatchCount('cyto_patch', 'plc', nb_plc) # Optional: uncomment to add Ca2+ indicators to the cytosolic model to measure Ca-GCaMP concentration variations # Note that steady state is reached after several seconds of simulation time and should be reached before performing analysis of Ca2+ activity #sim.setCompConc('cyto', 'GCaMP6s', 9.55e-6) #sim.setCompConc('cyto', 'ca_GCaMP6s', 450e-9) # Number of clusters of IP3Rs on the ER # Important: should be a divider of nb_ip3r nb_clust = int(sys.argv[3]) # Number of IP3 molecules infused at stimulation time ip3_infused = int(sys.argv[4]) # Whether Ca2+ channels at the plasma membrane are co-clustered with IP3R or not cocl = int(sys.argv[5]) ################################### #### IP3R CLUSTERING ON THE ER #### ################################### # In this script, IP3R clusters are positioned randomly on the surface of the ER nb_ip3r_per_clust = nb_ip3r / nb_clust clusters_centers = [] pump_tris = cyt_tris IP3R_tris = er_tris clusters_centers = [] # Determine the location of each IP3R cluster on the ER membrane for i in range(0, nb_clust): list_tris_ROI = [] center_found = False tri_index = randr(0, len(IP3R_tris) - 1) # tri_center = er_tri_idx[tri_index] tri_center = IP3R_tris[tri_index] if i >= 1: while center_found == False: center_found = True center_baryc = mesh.getTriBarycenter(tri_center) for j in range(0, len(clusters_centers) - 1): tri_baryc = mesh.getTriBarycenter(clusters_centers[j]) dist = math.sqrt(math.pow((center_baryc[0] - tri_baryc[0]), 2) \ + math.pow((center_baryc[1] - tri_baryc[1]), 2) \ + math.pow((center_baryc[2] - tri_baryc[2]), 2)) # If the triangle selected is < 30 nm to the center of other IP3R cluster ROIs, search for a new location if dist < 3e-8: center_found = False tri_index = randr(0, len(IP3R_tris) - 1) tri_center = IP3R_tris[tri_index] # Otherwise, select the triangle as the center of the new IP3R cluster ROI else: center_found = True clusters_centers.append(tri_center) list_tris_ROI.append(tri_center) # Remove the center from the pool of triangles on which future IP3R clusters can be located IP3R_tris.remove(tri_center) # keep only triangles that are in IP3R_tris = not already in a cluster + on ER membrane and not on top circles for neighb in mesh.getTriTriNeighbs(tri_center): if neighb in IP3R_tris: list_tris_ROI.append(neighb) # Remove the ROI triangles from the pool of triangles on which future IP3R clusters can be located IP3R_tris.remove(neighb) # Create regions of interest (ROIs), as defined in STEPS, for each IP3R cluster mesh.addROI(str(i), stetmesh.ELEM_TRI, list_tris_ROI) sim.setROICount(str(i), 'unb_IP3R', nb_ip3r_per_clust) ############################################## ###### CA SOURCES CO-CLUSTERING SCRIPT ####### ############################################## # No co-clustering: random distribution of Ca2+ channels on the plasma membrane if cocl == 0: sim.setPatchCount('cyto_patch', 'ca_ch', nb_ip3r) else: # Co-clustering of Ca2+ channels: locate Ca2+ channels on the closest triangles of the plasma membrane (PM) to IP3R cluster sites plasmamb_tri_idx = cyto_patch.getAllTriIndices() pump_tris = cyt_tris # Create the same number of clusters of Ca2+ channels on the PM as IP3R clusters on the ER membrane for j in range(0, nb_clust): list_mb_tris_ROI = [] # Get ROI triangles of the IP3R cluster er_tris = mesh.getROITris(str(j)) # Get the center of the IP3R cluster ROI er_roi_center = clusters_centers[j] er_roi_cent_baryc = mesh.getTriBarycenter(er_roi_center) # Get the closest plasma membrane triangle to the center of the IP3R cluster ROI center mb_tri_dist_table = [] for tr in pump_tris: tr_baryc = mesh.getTriBarycenter(tr) # Compute radial distance the PM triangle to the IP3R cluster ROI center tr_IP3R_dist = math.sqrt(math.pow((er_roi_cent_baryc[0] - tr_baryc[0]), 2) \ + math.pow((er_roi_cent_baryc[1] - tr_baryc[1]), 2) \ + math.pow((er_roi_cent_baryc[2] - tr_baryc[2]), 2)) mb_tri_dist_table.append(tr_IP3R_dist) # Create a ROI containing the plasma membrane triangles that form the Ca2+ channel cluster tr_arg = np.argmin(mb_tri_dist_table) center_mb_cluster = pump_tris[tr_arg] pump_tris.remove(center_mb_cluster) list_mb_tris_ROI.append(center_mb_cluster) for neighb in mesh.getTriTriNeighbs(center_mb_cluster): if neighb in pump_tris: list_mb_tris_ROI.append(neighb) pump_tris.remove(neighb) name = 'mb_clust_' + str(j) mesh.addROI(name, stetmesh.ELEM_TRI, list_mb_tris_ROI) sim.setROICount(name, 'ca_ch', nb_ip3r_per_clust) ################################### ##### IP3 INFUSION SITE ########### ################################### # Script that defines the tetrahedra where IP3 will be infused at stimulation time min_xcoord = mesh.getBoundMin()[0] max_xcoord = mesh.getBoundMax()[0] len_geom = max_xcoord - min_xcoord stris = cyt_tris submemb_tets = [] for tri in stris: neighbs = mesh.getTriTetNeighb(tri) if neighbs[0] == -1: submemb_tets.append(neighbs[1]) else: submemb_tets.append(neighbs[0]) contact_tets = [] for tet in submemb_tets: coords = mesh.getTetBarycenter(tet) # if coords[2] > 4e-7: if coords[0] < min_xcoord + 0.1 * len_geom: contact_tets.append(tet) # Create the ROI where IP3 will be infused at stimulation time mesh.addROI('process_tip', stetmesh.ELEM_TET, contact_tets) # Create files in which Ca2+, IP3R and IP3 dynamics will be recorded at each time step f = open("freeca_d9s4a34b1_cl%d_ip%d_cocl%d.%d" % (nb_clust, ip3_infused, cocl, seed), "w") fip = open("nbopip3rpercl_d9s4a34b1_cl%d_ip%d_cocl%d.%d" % (nb_clust, ip3_infused, cocl, seed), "w") # Run the simulation and record relevant data for i in range(ntpnts):[i]) if i == 1000: # Inject IP3 in the 'process_tip' ROI, at time t=1s sim.setROICount('process_tip', 'ip3', ip3_infused) # Record Ca2+ and IP3 concentration in the PAP cytosol as well as the number of open IP3R at the membrane of the ER at each time step f.write("%d %d %d\n" % (sim.getCompCount('cyto', 'ca'), sim.getPatchCount('er_patch', 'open_IP3R'), sim.getCompCount('cyto', 'ip3'))) # Record the number of IP3R channels in the open state within each cluster at each time step for i in range(0, nb_clust): ROI_surf_name = str(i) nb_ip3r_ROI_i = sim.getROICount(ROI_surf_name, 'open_IP3R') fip.write('%d ' % nb_ip3r_ROI_i) fip.write('\n') f.flush() fip.flush() f.close() fip.close()