import sys import os import traceback import bpy import numpy as np import mathutils import math import time from mathutils import Matrix, Vector import bmesh ######################## ### PARAMETER VALUES ### ######################## WORK_COLLECTION = 'Collection 1' # Name of the collection that contains the objects PAP_OBJECT_NAME = 'PAP' # Name of the PAP object ER_OBJECT_NAME = 'ER' # Name of the ER object PSD_OBJECT_NAME = 'd1s15a32b1_E' # Name of the PSD object ERPM_dist = 0.02 # Threshold distance defining ER-PM contact site (in micrometers) ####################### ###### FUNCTIONS ###### ####################### # Calculates the surface area of an object def bmesh_calc_area(bm): return sum(f.calc_area() for f in bm.faces) # Writes data (list of strings) in a text file def WriteTXTOutput(listdata,filename): with open(filename, 'w') as f: sdata = '\n'.join(listdata) f.writelines(sdata) # Returns a transformed, triangulated copy of a mesh def bmesh_copy_from_object(obj, transform=True, triangulate=True, apply_modifiers=False): assert(obj.type == 'MESH') if apply_modifiers and obj.modifiers: import bpy depsgraph = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get() obj_eval = obj.evaluated_get(depsgraph) me = obj_eval.to_mesh() bm = bm.from_mesh(me) obj_eval.to_mesh_clear() del bpy else: me = if obj.mode == 'EDIT': bm_orig = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(me) bm = bm_orig.copy() else: bm = bm.from_mesh(me) if transform: bm.transform(obj.matrix_world) if triangulate: bmesh.ops.triangulate(bm, faces=bm.faces) return bm # Creates a point cloud to visualize vertices stored in 'points' def CreatePointCloudObject(points): # Create a new mesh vertices = points edges = [] faces = [] new_mesh ='new_mesh') new_mesh.from_pydata(vertices, edges, faces) new_mesh.update() # Create an object from the mesh new_object ='new_object', new_mesh) # Create a new collection new_collection ='new_collection') # Add object to the new collection # Creates a KDtree for vertices in the mesh def CreateKDTree(bm): oKDTree = mathutils.kdtree.KDTree(len(bm.verts)) for i, v in enumerate(bm.verts): oKDTree.insert(, i) oKDTree.balance() return oKDTree # get and visualize ER and PM vertices at ER-PM contact sites def GetContactVert(oPM, oER, val=ERPM_dist): bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') #select the objects oPM.select_set(state=True) oER.select_set(state=True) #get the bmeshes bmPM = bmesh_copy_from_object(oPM, apply_modifiers=True) bmER = bmesh_copy_from_object(oER, apply_modifiers=True) #just test the area: #print(bmesh_calc_area(bmPM), bmesh_calc_area(bmER)) #get indicis of the vertices which are within the threshold value vPM, vER, indsPM, indsER = GetVertsInDistance(bmPM, bmER, val) print('Number PM vertices at ER-PM contact sites',len(indsPM)) print('Number ER vertices at ER-PM contact sites',len(indsER)) #create object out of the vertices points = [] points.extend(vPM) points.extend(vER) CreatePointCloudObject(points) return [indsPM, indsER] # Returns a list of vertices from 2 meshes within a given distance def GetVertsInDistance(bm1,bm2,val): # Use Blender's KDTrees for a faster search kd1 = CreateKDTree(bm1) kd2 = CreateKDTree(bm2) # Store vertex indices within the distance verts1 = [] verts2 = [] inds1 = set() inds2 = set() for i1, v1 in enumerate(bm1.verts): # Find the nearest point in kd2 to v2co, i2, dist1_to_2 = kd2.find( if dist1_to_2 < val: verts2.append(v2co) inds1.add(i1) inds2.add(i2) for i2, v2 in enumerate(bm2.verts): # Find the nearest point in kd1 to v1co, i1, dist2_to_1 = kd1.find( if dist2_to_1 < val: verts1.append(v1co) inds1.add(i1) inds2.add(i2) return verts1, verts2, inds1, inds2 def isSelected(face): selected = [v for v in face.verts if == True] return len(selected) == len(face.verts) # Get faces to which vertices belong def GetObjectForVerts(obj, bm, inds): print(obj, bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') obj.select_set(state=True) = obj bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') = obj bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='DESELECT') #deselect all data in edit mode bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table() for i in inds:[i].select = True bm.verts[i].select = True return sum(f.calc_area() for f in bm.faces if isSelected(f)) # Creates a copy of an object def CopyObjectAndData(coll, obj): newObj = obj.copy(); # copy base object =; # copy mesh data too newObj.location = obj.location # set the position, parameter pos = 'copy.' + return newObj # Returns the list of the distance between each PM vertex & the closest ER vertex def GetMinDistances(oPM, oER): d = set() bmPM = bmesh_copy_from_object(oPM, apply_modifiers=True) bmER = bmesh_copy_from_object(oER, apply_modifiers=True) kdER = CreateKDTree(bmER) for ibm, vbm in enumerate(bmPM.verts): # Find the closest ER vertex to vbm ver, ier, distPM_to_ER = kdER.find( d.add(distPM_to_ER) return list(d) # Center objects to the origin def ProcessToOrigin(collection, pm, er, psd): for o in[collection].objects: o.select_set(state=True) bpy.ops.object.origin_set(type='ORIGIN_CENTER_OF_MASS', center='MEDIAN') oPM =[pm] oER =[er] oPSD =[psd] # parent ER to PM oPM.select_set(state=False) = oPM bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type='OBJECT', keep_transform=True) oPM.location = [0,0,0] # move PM to origin # unparent ER from PM and keep transform = oER bpy.ops.object.parent_clear(type='CLEAR_KEEP_TRANSFORM') return oPM, oER, oPSD ''' ------------------------------------------------------------------- To measure and export PM-PSD, ER-PSD and ER-PM distances ------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' # Move objects to origin originalPM, originalER, originalPSD = ProcessToOrigin(collection = WORK_COLLECTION, pm = PAP_OBJECT_NAME, er = ER_OBJECT_NAME, psd=PSD_OBJECT_NAME) # Measure and record the distance between each vertex on the plasma membrane and the ER d = GetMinDistances(originalPM, originalER) WriteTXTOutput([str(x) for x in d],'dist_ERPM_'+PSD_OBJECT_NAME+'.txt') # Measure and record the distance between each vertex on the plasma membrane and the PSD d = GetMinDistances(originalPSD, originalPM) WriteTXTOutput([str(x) for x in d],'dist_PMPSD_'+PSD_OBJECT_NAME+'.txt') # Measure and record the distance between each vertex on the ER and the PSD d = GetMinDistances(originalPSD, originalER) WriteTXTOutput([str(x) for x in d],'dist_ERPSD_'+PSD_OBJECT_NAME+'.txt') PMcvert, ERcvert = GetContactVert(originalPM, originalER, ERPM_dist)