import sys import os import traceback import bpy import numpy as np import mathutils import math import time from mathutils import Matrix, Vector import bmesh ######################## ### PARAMETER VALUES ### ######################## SYNAPSE_NAME = 'd1s15a32b1' WORK_COLLECTION = 'Collection' # Collection where PAP and ER object are located PAP_OBJECT_NAME = 'PM_' + str(SYNAPSE_NAME) # Name of the PAP object COPY_PAP_OBJECT_NAME = 'copy.' + str(PAP_OBJECT_NAME) # Name of the copy of the PAP object ER_OBJECT_NAME = 'ER_' + str(SYNAPSE_NAME) # Name of the ER object ERPM_dist = 0.02 # Threshold distance defining of ER-plasma membrane contact site ERPM_TEXT_FILENAME = 'ERPMd_' + str(SYNAPSE_NAME) + '_fr' # Name of the file in which the distance between each PM vertex and the closest ER vertex is stored STL_FILENAME = str(SYNAPSE_NAME) + '_fr' # Name of the stl file exported # ER SPLITTING PARAMETERS COLL_MARGIN_PM = 0.005 # Affects how close ER objects can get to the PAP plasma membrane. Larger values may prevent intersections # However, if the value is too large, it may send the collided ER objects far out of the cell COLL_MARGIN_ER = 0.001 # Affects how close ER objects can get. Larger values may prevent intersections SPLIT_CUBE_SIZE = 0.1 # Size of the cubes used to split the original ER object into smaller ER objects VOL_TOL = 0.00003 # Volume tolerance/threshold below which the object is deleted because it is too small DEBUG_SPLIT = False #If true, we don't run physics and stop only after ER splitted. # ER SCATTERING PARAMETERS N_FRAMES = 100 # How many frames physics simulation will be running. Each frame can then be exported as an .stl file (see line ) PHYS_COLLECTION = 'Physics' # This collection will be created for physics simulation PHYS_CONSTRAINTS = 'constraints'# Collection that will be created and used by physics and to store a 'Force' object # Note: remember to hide from the viewport other objects than the new ER and PAP objects in order to visualize the movement of the ER objects between each frame of the physics simulation ####################### ###### FUNCTIONS ###### ####################### # Calculate the surface area of a mesh def bmesh_calc_area(bm): return sum(f.calc_area() for f in bm.faces) # Returns a transformed, triangulated copy of the mesh as BMesh object def bmesh_copy_from_object(obj, apply_modifiers=False): assert(obj.type == 'MESH') if apply_modifiers and obj.modifiers: import bpy depsgraph = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get() obj_eval = obj.evaluated_get(depsgraph) me = obj_eval.to_mesh() bm = bm.from_mesh(me) obj_eval.to_mesh_clear() del bpy else: me = if obj.mode == 'EDIT': bm_orig = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(me) bm = bm_orig.copy() else: bm = bm.from_mesh(me) bm.transform(obj.matrix_world) bmesh.ops.triangulate(bm, faces=bm.faces) return bm # Creates a copy of the object (and mesh data) def CopyObjectAndData(coll, obj): newObj = obj.copy(); # copy base object =; # copy mesh data too newObj.location = obj.location # set the position = 'copy.' + return newObj # Writes data (list of strings) in a text file def WriteTXTOutput(listdata,filename): with open(filename, 'w') as f: sdata = '\n'.join(listdata) f.writelines(sdata) # For visualization purposes (used to visualize ER-PM contact sites) - creates a mesh made of vertices def CreatePointCloudObject(points): # make mesh vertices = points edges = [] faces = [] new_mesh ='new_mesh') new_mesh.from_pydata(vertices, edges, faces) new_mesh.update() # make object from mesh new_object ='new_object', new_mesh) # make collection new_collection ='new_collection') # add object to scene collection # Creates a KDtree for vertices in bmesh def CreateKDTree(bm): oKDTree = mathutils.kdtree.KDTree(len(bm.verts)) for i, v in enumerate(bm.verts): oKDTree.insert(, i) oKDTree.balance() return oKDTree # Returns a list of vertices from 2 meshes within a given distance def GetVertsInDistance(bm1,bm2,val): # Use blender's KDTrees for faster search kd1 = CreateKDTree(bm1) kd2 = CreateKDTree(bm2) # Store vertex indices within the distance # May have duplicated vertices verts1 = [] verts2 = [] inds1 = set() inds2 = set() for i1, v1 in enumerate(bm1.verts): # Find the nearest point in kd2 to v2co, i2, dist1_to_2 = kd2.find( if dist1_to_2 < val: verts2.append(v2co) inds1.add(i1) inds2.add(i2) for i2, v2 in enumerate(bm2.verts): # Find the nearest point in kd1 to v1co, i1, dist2_to_1 = kd1.find( if dist2_to_1 < val: verts1.append(v1co) inds1.add(i1) inds2.add(i2) return verts1, verts2, inds1, inds2 # Returns true if the face is selected (all the vertices belonging to the face should be selected) def isSelected(face): selected = [v for v in face.verts if == True] return len(selected) == len(face.verts) # Get faces to which the vertices belong def ComputeAreaForVerts(obj, bm, inds): print(obj, bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') obj.select_set(state=True) = obj bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') = obj bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='DESELECT') # deselect all data in edit mode bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table() for i in inds:[i].select = True bm.verts[i].select = True return sum(f.calc_area() for f in bm.faces if isSelected(f)) # Get the number of PM and ER vertices within a given distance (here ER-PM contact sites: 20 nm def GetContactVerticesWithin(oPM, oER, ERPM_dist): bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') # select the objects oPM.select_set(state=True) oER.select_set(state=True) # get the bmeshes bmPM = bmesh_copy_from_object(oPM, apply_modifiers=True) bmER = bmesh_copy_from_object(oER, apply_modifiers=True) # Get indices of the vertices that are within the threshold distance vPM, vER, indsPM, indsER = GetVertsInDistance(bmPM, bmER, ERPM_dist) nbERvertERPMcont = len(indsER) nbPMvertERPMcont = len(indsPM) print('PM vertices at ER-PM contact sites:',nbPMvertERPMcont) print('ER vertices at ER-PM contact sites:',nbERvertERPMcont) # Create an object that contains the vertices - Uncomment to visualize contact sites #points = [] #points.extend(vPM) #points.extend(vER) #CreatePointCloudObject(points) return [nbPMvertERPMcont, nbERvertERPMcont] # Returns a list of distances between each PM vertex & the closest ER vertex def GetMinDistances(oPM, oER): d = set() #set of min distances for each vertex in PM to ER bmPM = bmesh_copy_from_object(oPM, apply_modifiers=True) bmER = bmesh_copy_from_object(oER, apply_modifiers=True) kdER = CreateKDTree(bmER) for ibm, vbm in enumerate(bmPM.verts): # Find the nearest vertex in ER to vbm ver, ier, distPM_to_ER = kdER.find( d.add(distPM_to_ER) return list(d) # Rescales an object to a given scale def ScaleObjectInPlace(obj, scale): bbox = [Vector(b) for b in obj.bound_box] o = sum(bbox, Vector()) / 8 T = Matrix.Translation(o) S = Matrix.Diagonal(scale).to_4x4() T2 = Matrix.Translation(-o) M = T @ S @ T2 # Rescales the size of split ER objects so that the sum of their surface area equals the surface area of the original ER object def MatchNewERPartsToOriginalArea(originER, partsColl, newPM): print('---------MatchNewERPartsToOriginalArea----------') epsilon = 0.0001 bm = bmesh_copy_from_object(originER, apply_modifiers=True) # Get area of the original ER object originArea = bmesh_calc_area(bm) originVolume = bm.calc_volume() # Get a list of all ER objects created after ER splitting ERparts = [o for o in partsColl.objects if !=] # Iteratively rescale ER objects until the sum of their area reaches the area of the original ER object for n in range(0,10): areaParts = 0 volParts = 0 for oER in ERparts: bm = bmesh_copy_from_object(oER, apply_modifiers=True) area = bmesh_calc_area(bm) areaParts += area volParts += bm.calc_volume() diff = originArea - areaParts scale = (originArea/areaParts) ** (2/3) print(originArea, areaParts, diff, scale) if abs(diff) < epsilon: break for oER in ERparts: ScaleObjectInPlace(oER, (scale,scale,scale)) # Prepare ER and PAP objects to be exported in .stl format def GetProcessAtFrame(collection_physics, oPM, nFrame): bpy.context.scene.frame_set(nFrame) # set the frame STL_Collection ='STL.Frame' + str(bpy.context.scene.frame_current).zfill(3)) # make collection # link collection to the scene bmERs = [] for er in collection_physics.objects: if er == oPM: continue erBM = bmesh_copy_from_object(er, apply_modifiers=True) for f in erBM.faces: f.normal_flip() bmERs.append(erBM) ermesh ='ermesh') erBM.to_mesh(ermesh) erOb ='stlER.000', ermesh) # make object from mesh # add object to scene collection new_mesh ='new_mesh') bmPM = bmesh_copy_from_object(oPM, apply_modifiers=False) # Create a PAP bmesh without modifiers so that physics only applies to ER objects bmPM.to_mesh(new_mesh) stlPM ='stlPM', new_mesh) # make object from mesh # add object to scene collection bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') # deselect all objects # join all objects in the collection for o in STL_Collection.objects: o.select_set(state=True) stlER = STL_Collection.objects[0] = stlER = 'stl_ER.Fr.' + str(bpy.context.scene.frame_current).zfill(3) stlPM.select_set(state=False) = 'stl_PM.Fr.'+ str(bpy.context.scene.frame_current).zfill(3) bpy.ops.object.join() return STL_Collection, stlPM, stlER # Get the frame from the physics collection and export to STL format # 3D meshing of the mesh can be performed using TetWild: # def ExportSTL(Coll, oPM, oER): copyPM = CopyObjectAndData(Coll,oPM) copyER = CopyObjectAndData(Coll, oER) bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') copyER.select_set(state=True) copyPM.select_set(state=True) = copyPM bpy.ops.object.join() bpy.ops.export_mesh.stl(filepath=STL_FILENAME+str(bpy.context.scene.frame_current).zfill(3)+'.stl', use_selection=True) #export mesh bpy.ops.object.delete() # Run Physics simulation def RunPhysics(collection, oPM, frames): # Add rigid body world (if not already in the scene) if bpy.context.scene.rigidbody_world == None: bpy.ops.rigidbody.world_add() bpy.context.scene.rigidbody_world.enabled = True bpy.context.scene.use_gravity = False bpy.context.scene.rigidbody_world.time_scale = 0.1 # Parameter that alters the speed of ER movement between each frame bpy.context.scene.rigidbody_world.substeps_per_frame = 50 # Number of steps to compute motions - larger values reduce object intersections bpy.context.scene.rigidbody_world.collection = collection constraintsColl = # Make collection # Link collection to the scene bpy.context.scene.rigidbody_world.constraints = constraintsColl bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') for o in collection.objects: o.select_set(state = True) = o bpy.ops.rigidbody.object_add() o.rigid_body.collision_shape = 'MESH' o.rigid_body.mesh_source = 'FINAL' o.rigid_body.restitution = 0.1 o.rigid_body.mass = 0.1 o.rigid_body.collision_margin = COLL_MARGIN_ER # Can be altered to decrease collision between ER objects oPM.rigid_body.collision_margin = COLL_MARGIN_PM # Can be altered to decrease collision between ER and PAP objects = oPM bpy.context.object.rigid_body.type = 'PASSIVE' bpy.ops.object.effector_add(type='FORCE', radius=0.5, enter_editmode=False, align='WORLD', location=(0, 0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1)) force = bpy.context.object bpy.ops.collection.objects_remove_all() force.field.strength = 0.1 bpy.context.scene.frame_end = frames bpy.ops.ptcache.free_bake_all() bpy.context.scene.rigidbody_world.point_cache.frame_end=bpy.context.scene.frame_end bpy.ops.ptcache.bake_all(bake=True) def ClearParent(oObj): = oObj bpy.ops.object.parent_clear(type='CLEAR_KEEP_TRANSFORM') # Move objects to the origin def ProcessToOrigin(sCollection, pm, er): # create a working collection workCollection = # make collection # link newly created collection to the scene # get PAP and ER objects oPM =[pm] ClearParent(oPM) # unparent any children for child in[pm].children: child.hide_viewport = False child.select_set(state=True) ClearParent(child) for child in[er].children: child.hide_viewport = False child.select_set(state=True) ClearParent(child) oER =[er] # add PAP and ER objects to the working collection for o in[sCollection].objects: o.select_set(state=True) bpy.ops.object.origin_set(type='ORIGIN_CENTER_OF_MASS', center='MEDIAN') # parent ER to PM oPM.select_set(state=False) = oPM bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type='OBJECT', keep_transform=True) # move PM to origin (er moves, too because it's a child of PM transform-wise) oPM.location = [0,0,0] # unparent ER from PM and keep transform ClearParent(oER) return oPM, oER # Splits the ER into smaller ER objects def SplitER(oColl, oER, oPM, cubeSize, voltolerance): x,y,z = oER.location.x - oER.dimensions.x/2 +cubeSize/2, oER.location.y - oER.dimensions.y/2 +cubeSize/2 , oER.location.z - oER.dimensions.z/2 +cubeSize/2 bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(size=cubeSize, align='WORLD', location=(x, y, z)) cube = bpy.context.object bpy.ops.collection.objects_remove_all() # Create Cube Copies countX = math.ceil(oER.dimensions.x / cubeSize) + 1 countY = math.ceil(oER.dimensions.y / cubeSize) + 1 countZ = math.ceil(oER.dimensions.z / cubeSize) + 1 print(countX,countY,countZ, 'Total:', countX * countY * countZ ) newERsCubes = [] for x in range(0, countX): for y in range(0, countY): for z in range(0, countZ): o = CopyObjectAndData(oColl,cube) o.location = cube.location + Vector((x*cubeSize,y*cubeSize,z*cubeSize)) newERsCubes.append(o) bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') cube.select_set(state=True) bpy.ops.object.delete() # delete the first original cube # For each cube, apply intersect boolean between ER and cube for newER in newERsCubes:'boolean1','BOOLEAN') newER.modifiers['boolean1'].object = oER # set the base volume newER.modifiers['boolean1'].operation = 'INTERSECT' newER.select_set(state=True) = newER bpy.ops.object.modifier_apply(modifier='boolean1') newER.select_set(state=False) print('processed.', = 'ER3.000' bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') # Remove empty objects (number of vertices <= 3) for o in oColl.objects: if len( < 4: o.select_set(state = True) obm = bmesh_copy_from_object(o, apply_modifiers=False) ovol = obm.calc_volume() print('vol:', ovol, '\n') if ovol < voltolerance: o.select_set(state = True) bpy.ops.object.delete() # delete all empty meshes # now test if there are any open loops or loose vertices (merge by distance and look for empty meshes again) # join the rest of the ER (except for oER), forming a new ER object bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') oER.select_set(state = True) bpy.ops.object.delete() # delete old oER object newPM = CopyObjectAndData(oColl, oPM)'solidify','SOLIDIFY') newPM.modifiers["solidify"].thickness = -0.02 return newPM ''' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Main Pipeline functions: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ''' # Setup the scene and objects. Splits ER into smaller parts def RunSplitter(): # (1) place ER and PAP objects at the origin originalPM, originalER = ProcessToOrigin(sCollection = WORK_COLLECTION, pm = PAP_OBJECT_NAME, er = ER_OBJECT_NAME) # (2) Clone objects to the new collection for ER splitting phyColl = # make collection # link collection to the scene splitER = CopyObjectAndData(phyColl,originalER) # create a new ER object for splitting # (3) Split the ER oPM = SplitER(oColl = phyColl, oER = splitER, oPM = originalPM, cubeSize = SPLIT_CUBE_SIZE,voltolerance = VOL_TOL) # (4) Rescale ER objects to get the same surface area as the original ER oPM =['copy.' + PAP_OBJECT_NAME] MatchNewERPartsToOriginalArea(originalER, phyColl, oPM) # Scatter the split ER objects def RunScatter(): if DEBUG_SPLIT == True: print('You are running in debug splitter mode, \n To Run scatter, set DEBUG_SPLIT to False') return oPM =['copy.' + PAP_OBJECT_NAME] phyColl =[PHYS_COLLECTION] #(5)update physical RigidBody properties RunPhysics(phyColl, oPM, N_FRAMES) # Analyses ER-PM contact sites of the selected frame and exports the PAP mesh in stl format. Can be run on all frames of the physics simulation if desired. def SaveSTLandMeasureERPMForFrame(frame = 1): oPM =['copy.' + PAP_OBJECT_NAME] phyColl =[PHYS_COLLECTION] # Prepare ER and PAP objects for mesh export stlColl, stlPM, stlER = GetProcessAtFrame(phyColl,oPM,frame) # Export the PAP mesh from the current frame to stl format ExportSTL(stlColl, stlPM, stlER) # Get number of PM and ER vertices at ER-PM contact sites PM_contvert, ER_contvert = GetContactVerticesWithin(stlPM, stlER, ERPM_dist) # Measures the distance between each PM vertex and the closest ER vertex d = GetMinDistances(stlPM, stlER) WriteTXTOutput([str(x) for x in d],ERPM_TEXT_FILENAME+str(bpy.context.scene.frame_current).zfill(3)+'.txt') ''' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Script Entry point. Computes ER-PM distance and exports STL for the nFrame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ''' # Split the ER. Results can be altered by scatter. # ! Careful: run only once and then comment out. If unsatisfied with the result, delete old ER objects and repeat with different parameter values l. 24-28 RunSplitter() # Run physics simulation. # ! Careful: run only once and then comment out. If unsatisfied with the result, try with different parameter values (l. 32-34) on the original ER objects RunScatter() if DEBUG_SPLIT == False: # Measure ER-PM contact sites and save frames as STL meshes for simulations #for n in range(0, N_FRAMES): # SaveSTLandMeasureERPMForFrame(frame = n) #OR, Compute for specific frame: SaveSTLandMeasureERPMForFrame(frame = 10)