PAP-ER / PAPMeshGeneration / Example_Fig8
This folder contains the data used to generate Fig8 in the paper below:
Denizot, A.; Veloz Castillo, M. F.; Puchenkov, P.; Cali, C.; De Schutter, E. (2022). The endoplasmic reticulum in perisynaptic astrocytic processes: shape, distribution and effect on calcium activity. DOI: 10.1101/2022.02.28.482292

The file 'd1s15a32b1_physics.blend' contains the physics simulation and the associated frames generated by running '' on the PAP mesh d1s15a32b1 (extracted from electron microscopy). 

The exported frames, described in Fig8 of the paper, are provided in .stl format in the folder 'frames', together with text files containing information on ER-PM distances in each mesh (ERPMd_d1s15a32b1_fr006.txt for frame 6, for example). Geometrical properties of the ER in the meshes are available in the file 'data_d1s15a32b1_frames.csv': ER surface area (s_er, in μm2), PAP volume (v_cyt, in μm3), ER surface/PAP volume ratio (svr_er, in μm-1) and the number of ER vertices at ER-PM contact sites (ERPM_contpt).
