VisionFTF / server / node_modules / needle / test / querystring_spec.js
var should    = require('should'),
	  stringify = require('../lib/querystring').build;

describe('stringify', function() {

	describe('with null', function() {

		it('throws', function() {
			(function() {
				var res = stringify(null);


	describe('with a number', function() {

		it('throws', function() {
			(function() {
				var res = stringify(100);


	describe('with a string', function() {

		describe('that is empty', function() {

			it('throws', function() {
				(function() {
					var res = stringify('');


		describe('that doesnt contain an equal sign', function() {

			it('throws', function() {
				(function() {
					var res = stringify('boomshagalaga');


		describe('that contains an equal sign', function() {

			it('works', function() {
				var res = stringify('hello=123');



	describe('with an array', function() {

		describe('with key val objects', function() {

			it('works', function() {
				var res = stringify([ {foo: 'bar'} ]);


		describe('where all elements are strings with an equal sign', function() {

			it('works', function() {
				var res = stringify([ 'bar=123', 'quux=' ]);


		describe('with random words', function() {

			it('throws', function() {
				(function() {
					var res = stringify(['hello', 'there']);


		describe('with integers', function() {

			it('throws', function() {
				(function() {
					var res = stringify([123, 432]);



	describe('with an object', function() {

			it('works', function() {
				var res = stringify({ test: 100 });

			describe('with object where val is an array', function() {

				it('works', function() {
					var res = stringify({ foo: ['bar', 'baz'] });


			describe('with object where val is an array of key val objects', function() {

				it('works', function() {
					var res = stringify({ foo: [{'1': 'bar'}, {'2': 'baz'}] });


