#include "poke.h" #include <iomanip> using namespace std; class Primary { private: bool MST; bool FASTTSP; bool OPTTSP; double upperBound; double lowerBound; vector<fast> inputV; vector<arbitrary> yoster2; vector<int> spots; vector<int> bestPath; vector<NarrowNode> inputVector2; double currentDistance; double bestDistance; public: void set_opttsp_defaults() { upperBound = 0; currentDistance = 0; lowerBound = 0; bestDistance = 0; } void set_defaults() { MST = false; FASTTSP = false; OPTTSP = false; } void help_option() { cout << "For more information, please read the README file." << endl; exit(0); } void option_management(int argc, char *argv[]) { string mode; opterr = false; int choice; int option_index = 0; // getOps.h required statements option longOpts[] = { { "mode", required_argument, nullptr, 'm' }, { "help", no_argument, nullptr, 'h'}, { nullptr, 0, nullptr, '\0' }}; // Required closing bit while ((choice = getopt_long(argc, argv, "m:h", longOpts, &option_index)) != -1) { switch (choice) { case 'm': { mode = optarg; if(mode == "MST") { MST = true; break; } else if(mode == "FASTTSP") { FASTTSP = true; break; } else if(mode == "OPTTSP") { OPTTSP = true; break; } else { cerr << "Invalid mode" << endl; exit(1); } } // end case m case 'h': { help_option(); break; } // end case h default: cerr << "Unknown command line option" << endl; exit(1); } // End of Switch } // End of While } // end of option_management() void mst_input_management() { // Input vector vector<Node> inputVector; // Initializing number of vertices for the for loop int numVertex; cin >> numVertex; // Reserving vector space inputVector.reserve(numVertex); // Taking in input values and pushing them into the whole vector for(int i = 0; i < numVertex; i++) { int x, y; Node toBePushed; cin >> x >> y; toBePushed.x = x; toBePushed.y = y; type_terrain(toBePushed); inputVector.push_back(toBePushed); } prims_algorithm(inputVector); } void prims_algorithm(vector<Node> &inputVector) { int numVertex = static_cast<int>(inputVector.size()); vector<Prim> primVector; primVector.reserve(numVertex); primVector.resize(numVertex); // Setting an arbitrary node to the starting point and marking // it's distance 0 primVector[0].distance = 0; int count = 0; double totalCost = 0; for(count = 0; count < numVertex; count++) { // Finding smallest false double bestDistance = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); int bestIndex = -1; for(int i = 0; i < numVertex; i++) { if(primVector[i].visited == false && primVector[i].distance < bestDistance) { double tempDistance = primVector[i].distance; bestIndex = i; bestDistance = tempDistance; } } // Mark as true primVector[bestIndex].visited = true; // Update false ones if they're closer to bestIndex than what's in the table for(int i = 0; i < numVertex; i++) { if(primVector[i].visited == false) { double closeDistance = mst_distance_function(inputVector[i], inputVector[bestIndex]); if(closeDistance < primVector[i].distance) { primVector[i].distance = closeDistance; primVector[i].previous = bestIndex; } } } } for(int i = 0; i < numVertex; i++) { if(primVector[i].visited) { totalCost = totalCost + sqrt(primVector[i].distance); } } cout << totalCost << endl; for(int i = 1; i < numVertex; i++) { if(primVector[i].previous >= i) { cout << i << " " << primVector[i].previous << endl; } else { cout << primVector[i].previous << " " << i << endl; } } } double mst_distance_function(Node &one, Node &two) { if(one.terrain == Node::Terrain::land && two.terrain == Node::Terrain::sea) { return std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); } else if(one.terrain == Node::Terrain::sea && two.terrain == Node::Terrain::land) { return std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); } else if((one.x == two.x) && (one.y == two.y)) { return 0; } else { double firstSquare, secondSquare, added, firstSubtract, secondSubtract; firstSubtract = static_cast<double>(one.x) - static_cast<double>(two.x); secondSubtract = static_cast<double>(one.y) - static_cast<double>(two.y); firstSquare = firstSubtract * firstSubtract; secondSquare = secondSubtract * secondSubtract; added = firstSquare + secondSquare; // Returning sum of squares and delaying the square root return static_cast<double>(added); } } void type_terrain(Node &pushed) { // Function to initialize terrain in the Node object if(pushed.x < 0 && pushed.y < 0) { pushed.terrain = Node::Terrain::sea; } else if(pushed.x == 0 && pushed.y < 0) { pushed.terrain = Node::Terrain::coast; } else if(pushed.x < 0 && pushed.y == 0) { pushed.terrain = Node::Terrain::coast; } else { pushed.terrain = Node::Terrain::land; } } void fast_tsp_input_management() { // Input vector vector<fast> inputVector; // Initializing number of vertices for the for loop int numVertex; cin >> numVertex; // Reserving vector space inputVector.reserve(numVertex); // Taking in input values and pushing them into the whole vector for(int i = 0; i < numVertex; i++) { int x, y; fast toBePushed; cin >> x >> y; toBePushed.x = x; toBePushed.y = y; inputVector.push_back(toBePushed); } arbitrary_insertion(inputVector); } void arbitrary_insertion(vector<fast> &inputVector) { size_t numVertex = inputVector.size(); vector<arbitrary> yoster; int ctr = 0; // Starting with first vertex inputVector[0].visited = true; arbitrary b; b.first = 0; // Identiying the vertex j that is the minimum and setting the tour to i->j->i double minDistance = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); size_t valueOfJ = -1; for(size_t j = 1; j < static_cast<size_t>(numVertex); j++) { double temp = fast_tsp_distance_function(inputVector[0], inputVector[j]); if(temp < minDistance) { minDistance = temp; valueOfJ = j; } } b.second = static_cast<int>(valueOfJ); yoster.push_back(b); ctr = 1; inputVector[valueOfJ].visited = true; // Arbitrarily pick a vertex k not in partial tour int yosterToBreak = -1; for(size_t i = 0; i < numVertex; i++) { if(inputVector[i].visited == true) { continue; } // Identifying the edge where the partial path is minimized double minEdge = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); for(int j = 0; j < static_cast<int>(yoster.size()); j++) { double tempDistance = fast_tsp_minimization_formula(inputVector, yoster, j, static_cast<int>(i)); if(tempDistance < minEdge) { minEdge = tempDistance; yosterToBreak = j; } } // totalDistance += minEdge; auto it = yoster.begin() + yosterToBreak + 1; arbitrary a; a.first = static_cast<int>(i); a.second = yoster[yosterToBreak].second; yoster[yosterToBreak].second = static_cast<int>(i); yoster.insert(it, a); inputVector[i].visited = true; ctr++; } double totalDistance = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < yoster.size(); i++) { totalDistance += sqrt(fast_tsp_distance_function(inputVector[yoster[i].first], inputVector[yoster[i].second])); } totalDistance += sqrt(fast_tsp_distance_function(inputVector[yoster[yoster.size()-1].second], inputVector[yoster[0].first])); cout << totalDistance << endl; for(size_t i = 0; i < static_cast<size_t>(ctr); i++) { cout << yoster[i].first << " "; } cout << yoster[yoster.size()-1].second << " "; cout << endl; } double fast_tsp_minimization_formula(vector<fast> &inputVector, vector<arbitrary> &yoster, int i, int k) { double firstLength = fast_tsp_distance_function(inputVector[yoster[i].first], inputVector[k]); double secondLength = fast_tsp_distance_function(inputVector[yoster[i].second], inputVector[k]); double thirdLength = fast_tsp_distance_function(inputVector[yoster[i].first], inputVector[yoster[i].second]); double final = firstLength + secondLength - thirdLength; return final; } double fast_tsp_distance_function(fast &one, fast &two) { double firstSquare, secondSquare, added, firstSubtract, secondSubtract; firstSubtract = static_cast<double>(one.x) - static_cast<double>(two.x); secondSubtract = static_cast<double>(one.y) - static_cast<double>(two.y); firstSquare = firstSubtract * firstSubtract; secondSquare = secondSubtract * secondSubtract; added = firstSquare + secondSquare; // Returning sum of squares and delaying the square root return static_cast<double>(added); } void optimal_tsp() { set_opttsp_defaults(); optimal_tsp_input_management(); for(size_t i = 0; i < yoster2.size(); i++) { spots.push_back(yoster2[i].first); } spots.push_back(yoster2[yoster2.size()-1].second); size_t x = 1; bestDistance = upperBound; for(int i = 0; i < 11; i++) { spots[i] = i; } genPerms(spots, x); cout << bestDistance << endl; return; } void optimal_tsp_input_management() { // Initializing number of vertices for the for loop int numVertex; cin >> numVertex; // Reserving vector space inputV.reserve(numVertex); // Taking in input values and pushing them into the whole vector for(int i = 0; i < numVertex; i++) { int x, y; fast toBePushed; cin >> x >> y; toBePushed.x = x; toBePushed.y = y; inputV.push_back(toBePushed); } size_t numV = inputV.size(); int ctr = 0; // Starting with first vertex inputV[0].visited = true; arbitrary b; b.first = 0; // Identiying the vertex j that is the minimum and setting the tour to i->j->i double minDistance = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); size_t valueOfJ = -1; for(size_t j = 1; j < static_cast<size_t>(numV); j++) { double temp = fast_tsp_distance_function(inputV[0], inputV[j]); if(temp < minDistance) { minDistance = temp; valueOfJ = j; } } b.second = static_cast<int>(valueOfJ); yoster2.push_back(b); ctr = 1; inputV[valueOfJ].visited = true; // Arbitrarily pick a vertex k not in partial tour int yosterToBreak = -1; for(size_t i = 0; i < numV; i++) { if(inputV[i].visited == true) { continue; } // Identifying the edge where the partial path is minimized double minEdge = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); for(int j = 0; j < static_cast<int>(yoster2.size()); j++) { double tempDistance = fast_tsp_minimization_formula(inputV, yoster2, j, static_cast<int>(i)); if(tempDistance < minEdge) { minEdge = tempDistance; yosterToBreak = j; } } auto it = yoster2.begin() + yosterToBreak + 1; arbitrary a; a.first = static_cast<int>(i); a.second = yoster2[yosterToBreak].second; yoster2[yosterToBreak].second = static_cast<int>(i); yoster2.insert(it, a); inputV[i].visited = true; ctr++; } for(size_t i = 0; i < yoster2.size(); i++) { upperBound += sqrt(fast_tsp_distance_function(inputV[yoster2[i].first], inputV[yoster2[i].second])); } upperBound += sqrt(fast_tsp_distance_function(inputV[yoster2[yoster2.size()-1].second], inputV[yoster2[0].first])); return; } bool promising(vector<int> &path, size_t permLength) { size_t remaining = 0; remaining = path.size() - permLength; if(remaining < 6) { return true; } else { lowerBound = mst_opt_tsp(path, permLength); if(lowerBound >= bestDistance) { return false; } double x = lowerBound; double minArmOne = 0; double tempInf = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); double tempInf2 = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); double minArmTwo = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < path.size(); i++) { if(i <= permLength) { continue; } if(tempInf > sqrt(other_mst_distance_function(inputV[path[0]], inputV[path[i]]))) { tempInf = sqrt(other_mst_distance_function(inputV[path[0]], inputV[path[i]])); minArmOne = tempInf; } } for(size_t i = 0; i < path.size(); i++) { if(i <= permLength) { continue; } if(tempInf2 > sqrt(other_mst_distance_function(inputV[path[permLength-1]], inputV[path[i]]))) { tempInf2 = sqrt(other_mst_distance_function(inputV[path[permLength-1]], inputV[path[i]])); minArmTwo = tempInf2; } } lowerBound += minArmOne; lowerBound += minArmTwo; lowerBound += currentDistance; bool temp; if(lowerBound > upperBound) { temp = false; } else { temp = true; } for (size_t i = 0; i < path.size(); ++i) { cout << setw(2) << path[i] << ' '; } cout << setw(4) << permLength << setw(10) << currentDistance; cout << setw(10) << minArmOne << setw(10) << minArmTwo; cout << setw(10) << x << setw(10) << lowerBound << " " << temp << '\n'; if(lowerBound > bestDistance) { return false; } return true; } } double other_mst_distance_function(fast &one, fast &two) { double firstSquare, secondSquare, added, firstSubtract, secondSubtract; firstSubtract = static_cast<double>(one.x) - static_cast<double>(two.x); secondSubtract = static_cast<double>(one.y) - static_cast<double>(two.y); firstSquare = firstSubtract * firstSubtract; secondSquare = secondSubtract * secondSubtract; added = firstSquare + secondSquare; // Returning sum of squares and delaying the square root return static_cast<double>(added); } void genPerms(vector<int> &path, size_t permLength) { if (permLength == path.size()) { double finalDist = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < path.size()-1; i++) { finalDist = finalDist + sqrt(other_mst_distance_function(inputV[path[i]], inputV[path[i+1]])); } finalDist += sqrt(other_mst_distance_function(inputV[path[0]], inputV[path[path.size()-1]])); if(finalDist <= bestDistance) { bestDistance = finalDist; bestPath.reserve(path.size()); for(size_t i = 0; i < path.size(); i++) { bestPath[i] = path[i]; } } return; } // if if (!promising(path, permLength)) return; for (size_t i = permLength; i < path.size(); ++i) { swap(path[permLength], path[i]); update(permLength, true, path); // updpate genPerms(path, permLength + 1); update(permLength, false, path); swap(path[permLength], path[i]); } // for } // genPerms() void update(size_t permLength, bool reduce, vector<int> &path) { if(reduce) { for(size_t i = 0; i < permLength; i++) { currentDistance += sqrt(other_mst_distance_function(inputV[path[i]], inputV[path[i+1]])); } } else { for(size_t i = 0; i < permLength; i++) { currentDistance -= sqrt(other_mst_distance_function(inputV[path[i]], inputV[path[i+1]])); } } } double mst_opt_tsp(vector<int> &path, size_t permLength) { int numVertex = static_cast<int>(path.size()); // Initialize vector of prim objects vector<Prim> primVector; primVector.reserve(numVertex); primVector.resize(numVertex); // Setting an arbitrary node to the starting point and marking // it's distance 0 primVector[permLength].distance = 0; // Looping and doing the actual algorithm double totalCost = 0; for(size_t count = static_cast<int>(permLength); count < path.size(); count++) { // Finding smallest false double bestDistance = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); int bestIndex = -1; for(size_t i = permLength; i < path.size(); i++) { //double tempDistance = mst_distance_function(inputVector[count], inputVector[i]); if(primVector[i].visited == false && primVector[i].distance < bestDistance) { double tempDistance = primVector[i].distance; bestIndex = static_cast<int>(i); bestDistance = tempDistance; } } // Mark as true primVector[bestIndex].visited = true; // Update false ones if they're closer to bestIndex than what's in the table for(size_t i = permLength; i < path.size(); i++) { if(primVector[i].visited == false) { double closeDistance = other_mst_distance_function(inputV[path[i]], inputV[path[bestIndex]]); if(closeDistance < primVector[i].distance) { primVector[i].distance = closeDistance; primVector[i].previous = bestIndex; } } } } for(size_t i = permLength; i < path.size(); i++) { if(primVector[i].visited) { totalCost = totalCost + sqrt(primVector[i].distance); } } return totalCost; } bool get_mst() { return MST; } bool get_fasttsp() { return FASTTSP; } bool get_opttsp() { return OPTTSP; } }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2); // Precision output required lines std::cout << std::setprecision(2); std::cout << std::fixed; // I/O Speedup ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); // Declaring and initializing an instance of the primary class Primary p1; p1.set_defaults(); p1.option_management(argc, argv); if(p1.get_mst()) { p1.mst_input_management(); return 0; } else if(p1.get_fasttsp()) { p1.fast_tsp_input_management(); return 0; } else { p1.optimal_tsp(); return 0; } return 0; }