computing-systems-212 / Lab 1 (P2): OO ARM Disassembly / notes.txt
danial27@castor:~$ ./task3 foobar 10
i am foobar!

danial27@castor:~$ objdump -d task3

task3:     file format elf64-littleaarch64

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000400078 <.text>:
  400078:	f940031d 	ldr	x29, [x24]                              // load x29 with 2nd arg stored in x24
  40007c:	d65f03c0 	ret                                         // return from caller of JUMP10

  400080:	aa1803e0 	mov	x0, x24                                 // JUMP19/JUMP21: move exit code 0 in x24 into x0(exit code reg syscall)
  400084:	d2800ba8 	mov	x8, #0x5d                  	// #93      // move exit syscall 93(0x5d) into x8(syscall register)
  400088:	d4000001 	svc	#0x0                                    // exit syscall using x0,x8
  40008c:	6465656e 	.inst	0x6465656e ; undefined
  400090:	61786520 	.inst	0x61786520 ; undefined
  400094:	796c7463 	ldrh	w3, [x3, #5690]
  400098:	6f777420 	uqshl	v0.2d, v1.2d, #55
  40009c:	67726120 	.inst	0x67726120 ; undefined
  4000a0:	6e656d75 	umin	v21.8h, v11.8h, v5.8h
  4000a4:	000a7374 	.inst	0x000a7374 ; undefined
  4000a8:	00000a21 	.inst	0x00000a21 ; undefined
  4000ac:	d503201f 	nop

  4000b0:	a9bd07e0 	stp	x0, x1, [sp, #-48]!                     // JUMP12/JUMP16/JUMP17/JUMP20/JUMP22: store pair of registers into sp shifted 6 bytes below stack
  4000b4:	a90123e2 	stp	x2, x8, [sp, #16]                       // store pair of registers 2 bytes above expanded sp
  4000b8:	f90017fe 	str	x30, [sp, #40]                          // store x30/lr into address 5 bytes above sp (0x400148)
  4000bc:	aa1803e1 	mov	x1, x24                                 // move address stored in x24 (0x4001b4) into x1 (syscall address of text arg)
  4000c0:	94000009 	bl	0x4000e4                                // branch with link to 0x4000e4 - JUMP13
  4000c4:	aa1d03e2 	mov	x2, x29                                 // move length of prefix string (5 if correct) into x2 (syscall length arg)
  4000c8:	d2800020 	mov	x0, #0x1                   	// #1       // move 1 into register x0 (syscall output type arg)
  4000cc:	d2800808 	mov	x8, #0x40                  	// #64      // move 64(x40) syscall write into x8(syscall register)
  4000d0:	d4000001 	svc	#0x0                                    // write syscall using args x0,x1,x2,x8
  4000d4:	f94017fe 	ldr	x30, [sp, #40]                          // load x30/lr from address 5 bytes above sp (0x400148)
  4000d8:	a94123e2 	ldp	x2, x8, [sp, #16]                       // load pair of registers stored 2 bytes above expanded sp
  4000dc:	a8c307e0 	ldp	x0, x1, [sp], #48                       // load pair of registers stored at stack and then restore back
  4000e0:	d65f03c0 	ret                                         // return from caller of JUMP12/JUMP16/JUMP20, JUMP17->JUMP18, JUMP22->JUMP21

  4000e4:	9280001d 	mov	x29, #0xffffffffffffffff    // #-1      // JUMP13: move -1 into register x29
  4000e8:	910007bd 	add	x29, x29, #0x1                          // JUMP14: increment x29 by 1
  4000ec:	38401719 	ldrb	w25, [x24], #1                        // load register byte from x24 one at a time
  4000f0:	35ffffd9 	cbnz	w25, 0x4000e8                         // check and branch to JUMP14 if register byte not zero
  4000f4:	d65f03c0 	ret                                         // return to caller of JUMP13

  4000f8:	a9bf63fe 	stp	x30, x24, [sp, #-16]!    //person       // JUMP7: store new sp(x24) and lr(x30) 2 bytes below stack pointer
  4000fc:	f900031a 	str	x26, [x24]               //x24          // store 2nd arg from x26 into address stored in x24
  400100:	91002318 	add	x24, x24, #0x8                          // add 8(0x8) to address value stored in reg x24
  400104:	94000014 	bl	0x400154                                // branch with link to 0x400154 - JUMP8
  400108:	a8c163fe 	ldp	x30, x24, [sp], #16                     // load pointers back from 2 bytes below stack
  40010c:	10000739 	adr	x25, 0x4001f0                           // store pc-relative address of 0x4001f0 in x25
  400110:	f9000b19 	str	x25, [x24, #16]          //x24+2        // store pc-relative address into 2 byte shifted reg x24 (overwrites 0x4001c0)
  400114:	d65f03c0 	ret                                         // return to caller of JUMP7

  400118:	a9bf63fe 	stp	x30, x24, [sp, #-16]!                   // JUMP9: store new sp and lr(x30) 2 bytes below stack pointer
  40011c:	f9400b19 	ldr	x25, [x24, #16]                         // load x25 with address stored in shifted x24 (0x4001f0)
  400120:	f9400739 	ldr	x25, [x25, #8]                          // load x25 with address stored in byte-shifted x25 (0x400078)
  400124:	d63f0320 	blr	x25                                     // branch with link to address in x25 - 0x400078 - JUMP10
  400128:	f10007bf 	cmp	x29, #0x1                               // compare 2nd arg with 1 (x29 - 1)
  40012c:	54000088 	b.hi	0x40013c  // b.pmore                  // branch to 0x40013c if unsigned higher - JUMP11
  400130:	f84107fe 	ldr	x30, [sp], #16                          // store original link address back into x30/lr
  400134:	100004b8 	adr	x24, 0x4001c8                           // store address of (goo goo) text into x24
  400138:	17ffffde 	b	0x4000b0                                  // branch to 0x4000b0 - JUMP22 (print goo goo)
  40013c:	f94003fe 	ldr	x30, [sp]                               // JUMP11: store stack pointer into x30/lr (0x4001a8)
  400140:	100003b8 	adr	x24, 0x4001b4                           // store pc-relative address of 0x4001b4 into reg x24
  400144:	97ffffdb 	bl	0x4000b0                                // branch with link to 0x4000b0 - JUMP12 (print I am )
  400148:	a8c163fe 	ldp	x30, x24, [sp], #16                     // load pair of sp and lr and restore stack pointer (x30=0x4001a8, sp=0xff440)
  40014c:	91002318 	add	x24, x24, #0x8                          // add 8(0x8) to address stored in reg x24 (0xff440->0xff448)
  400150:	14000022 	b	0x4001d8                                  // branch to address 0x4001d8 - JUMP15
  400154:	f9000319 	str	x25, [x24]     //named  //x24+1         // JUMP8: store 1st arg from x25 into address stored in x24 (1 byte above 2nd arg)
  400158:	10000359 	adr	x25, 0x4001c0                           // store pc-relative address of 0x4001c0 in x25
  40015c:	f9000719 	str	x25, [x24, #8]          //x24+2         // store pc-relative address into address stored in shifted x24 (1 byte above 1st arg)
  400160:	d65f03c0 	ret                                         // return to caller of JUMP8

  400164:	f94003f8 	ldr	x24, [sp]                               // _start: load number of args provided (stored in stack)
  400168:	f1000f1f 	cmp	x24, #0x3                               // compare args to ensure there are 3 args (command plus to actual args)
  40016c:	54000080 	b.eq	0x40017c  // b.none                   // if true, jump to 0x40017c - JUMP1
  400170:	10fff8f8 	adr	x24, 0x40008c                           // else store address of (ERROR) text into x24
  400174:	97ffffcf 	bl	0x4000b0                                // branch with link to 0x4000b0 - JUMP20 (print ERROR)
  400178:	17ffffc2 	b	0x400080                                  // branch to 0x400080 - JUMP21
  40017c:	f9400ff8 	ldr	x24, [sp, #24]                          // JUMP1: load from stack shifted 3 bytes (sp -> command --> 1st arg --> 2nd arg)
  400180:	94000020 	bl	0x400200                                // branch with link to 0x400200 - JUMP2
  400184:	d10083ff 	sub	sp, sp, #0x20                           // allocate space on stack 4 bytes (32 bits (0x20)) on stack
  400188:	910003f8 	mov	x24, sp                                 // move new stack pointer onto x24
  40018c:	f9401bf9 	ldr	x25, [sp, #48]                          // load x25 with stack pointer shifted 6 bytes (sp -> new alloc -> ... -> 1st arg)
  400190:	aa1d03fa 	mov	x26, x29                                // move 2nd arg from reg x29 to reg x26
  400194:	97ffffd9 	bl	0x4000f8                                // branch with link to 0x4000f8 - JUMP7
  400198:	910003f8 	mov	x24, sp                                 // move original stack pointer onto x24
  40019c:	f9400b19 	ldr	x25, [x24, #16]                         // load x25 with pc-relative address from instr 0x4001f0 ignored?
  4001a0:	f9400339 	ldr	x25, [x25]                              // load x25 with value in x25? but stored 0x400118
  4001a4:	d63f0320 	blr	x25                                     // branch with link to subroutine at 0x400118 - JUMP9
  4001a8:	910083ff 	add	sp, sp, #0x20                           // JUMP18: restore 4 bytes from stack pointer
  4001ac:	d2800018 	mov	x24, #0x0                   	// #0     // move 0 back into x24
  4001b0:	17ffffb4 	b	0x400080                                  // branch to 0x400080 - JUMP19
  4001b4:	6d612069 	ldp	d9, d8, [x3, #-496]
  4001b8:	00000020 	.inst	0x00000020 ; undefined
  4001bc:	d503201f 	nop
  4001c0:	004001d8 	.inst	0x004001d8 ; undefined
  4001c4:	00000000 	.inst	0x00000000 ; undefined
  4001c8:	206f6f67 	.inst	0x206f6f67 ; undefined
  4001cc:	0a6f6f67 	bic	w7, w27, w15, lsr #27
  4001d0:	00000000 	.inst	0x00000000 ; undefined
  4001d4:	d503201f 	nop

  4001d8:	f81f0ffe 	str	x30, [sp, #-16]!                        // JUMP15: store x30/lr and expand sp by 2 bytes
  4001dc:	f9400318 	ldr	x24, [x24]                              // load arg 1 into x24 (already loaded?)
  4001e0:	97ffffb4 	bl	0x4000b0                                // branch with link to 0x4000b0 - JUMP16 (print arg 1)
  4001e4:	f84107fe 	ldr	x30, [sp], #16                          // load x30/lr and restore sp
  4001e8:	10fff618 	adr	x24, 0x4000a8                           // store pc-relative address of 0x4000a8 back into x24
  4001ec:	17ffffb1 	b	0x4000b0                                  // branch to 0x4000b0 - JUMP17 (print !)
  4001f0:	00400118 	.inst	0x00400118 ; undefined
  4001f4:	00000000 	.inst	0x00000000 ; undefined
  4001f8:	00400078 	.inst	0x00400078 ; undefined
  4001fc:	00000000 	.inst	0x00000000 ; undefined

  400200:	d280001d 	mov	x29, #0x0                   	// #0     // JUMP2: move number 0 into reg x29
  400204:	d280015a 	mov	x26, #0xa                   	// #10    // move number 10(0xa) into reg x26
  400208:	38401719 	ldrb	w25, [x24], #1                        // JUMP6: load register byte (individual char) from x24 (2nd arg) into w25
  40020c:	340000f9 	cbz	w25, 0x400228                           // check byte zero-terminated and branch to 0x400228 if so - JUMP3
  400210:	7100c339 	subs	w25, w25, #0x30                       // subtract 48(0x30) from register byte
  400214:	540000a4 	b.mi	0x400228  // b.first                  // branch if w25 negative(char below 0) - JUMP4
  400218:	71002b3f 	cmp	w25, #0xa                               // compare by doing w25 subtract 10(0xa)
  40021c:	54000065	0x400228  // b.nfrst                  // branch if above diff is positive(char above 9) - JUMP5
  400220:	9b1a67bd 	madd	x29, x29, x26, x25                    // multiply x29 by 10 then add loaded register byte x25 (form original number again)
  400224:	17fffff9 	b	0x400208                                  // loop branch back to 0x400208 - JUMP6
  400228:	d65f03c0 	ret                                         // JUMP3/JUMP4/JUMP5: return to caller of JUMP2

danial27@castor:~$ xxd task3
00000000: 7f45 4c46 0201 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000  .ELF............
00000010: 0200 b700 0100 0000 6401 4000 0000 0000  ........d.@.....
00000020: 4000 0000 0000 0000 4002 0000 0000 0000  @.......@.......
00000030: 0000 0000 4000 3800 0100 4000 0300 0200  ....@.8...@.....
00000040: 0100 0000 0500 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
00000050: 0000 4000 0000 0000 0000 4000 0000 0000  ..@.......@.....
00000060: 2c02 0000 0000 0000 2c02 0000 0000 0000  ,.......,.......
00000070: 0000 0100 0000 0000 1d03 40f9 c003 5fd6  ..........@..._.
00000080: e003 18aa a80b 80d2 0100 00d4 6e65 6564  ............need
00000090: 2065 7861 6374 6c79 2074 776f 2061 7267   exactly two arg
000000a0: 756d 656e 7473 0a00 210a 0000 1f20 03d5  uments..!.... ..
000000b0: e007 bda9 e223 01a9 fe17 00f9 e103 18aa  .....#..........
000000c0: 0900 0094 e203 1daa 2000 80d2 0808 80d2  ........ .......
000000d0: 0100 00d4 fe17 40f9 e223 41a9 e007 c3a8  ......@..#A.....
000000e0: c003 5fd6 1d00 8092 bd07 0091 1917 4038  .._...........@8
000000f0: d9ff ff35 c003 5fd6 fe63 bfa9 1a03 00f9  ...5.._..c......
00000100: 1823 0091 1400 0094 fe63 c1a8 3907 0010  .#.......c..9...
00000110: 190b 00f9 c003 5fd6 fe63 bfa9 190b 40f9  ......_..c....@.
00000120: 3907 40f9 2003 3fd6 bf07 00f1 8800 0054  9.@. .?........T
00000130: fe07 41f8 b804 0010 deff ff17 fe03 40f9  ..A...........@.
00000140: b803 0010 dbff ff97 fe63 c1a8 1823 0091  .........c...#..
00000150: 2200 0014 1903 00f9 5903 0010 1907 00f9  ".......Y.......
00000160: c003 5fd6 f803 40f9 1f0f 00f1 8000 0054  .._...@........T
00000170: f8f8 ff10 cfff ff97 c2ff ff17 f80f 40f9  ..............@.
00000180: 2000 0094 ff83 00d1 f803 0091 f91b 40f9   .............@.
00000190: fa03 1daa d9ff ff97 f803 0091 190b 40f9  ..............@.
000001a0: 3903 40f9 2003 3fd6 ff83 0091 1800 80d2  9.@. .?.........
000001b0: b4ff ff17 6920 616d 2000 0000 1f20 03d5  ....i am .... ..
000001c0: d801 4000 0000 0000 676f 6f20 676f 6f0a goo.
000001d0: 0000 0000 1f20 03d5 fe0f 1ff8 1803 40f9  ..... ........@.
000001e0: b4ff ff97 fe07 41f8 18f6 ff10 b1ff ff17  ......A.........
000001f0: 1801 4000 0000 0000 7800 4000 0000 0000  ..@.....x.@.....
00000200: 1d00 80d2 5a01 80d2 1917 4038 f900 0034  ....Z.....@8...4
00000210: 39c3 0071 a400 0054 3f2b 0071 6500 0054  9..q...T?+.qe..T
00000220: bd67 1a9b f9ff ff17 c003 5fd6 002e 7368
00000230: 7374 7274 6162 002e 7465 7874 0000 0000  strtab..text....
00000240: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
00000250: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
00000260: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
00000270: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
00000280: 0b00 0000 0100 0000 0600 0000 0000 0000  ................
00000290: 7800 4000 0000 0000 7800 0000 0000 0000  x.@.....x.......
000002a0: b401 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
000002b0: 0800 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
000002c0: 0100 0000 0300 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
000002d0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 2c02 0000 0000 0000  ........,.......
000002e0: 1100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
000002f0: 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................

danial27@castor:~$ readelf --sections task3
There are 3 section headers, starting at offset 0x240:

Section Headers:
  [Nr] Name              Type             Address           Offset
       Size              EntSize          Flags  Link  Info  Align
  [ 0]                   NULL             0000000000000000  00000000
       0000000000000000  0000000000000000           0     0     0
  [ 1] .text             PROGBITS         0000000000400078  00000078
       00000000000001b4  0000000000000000  AX       0     0     8
  [ 2] .shstrtab         STRTAB           0000000000000000  0000022c
       0000000000000011  0000000000000000           0     0     1
Key to Flags:
  W (write), A (alloc), X (execute), M (merge), S (strings), I (info),
  L (link order), O (extra OS processing required), G (group), T (TLS),
  C (compressed), x (unknown), o (OS specific), E (exclude),
  p (processor specific)
