import * as crypto from 'crypto'; import * as http from 'http'; import * as url from 'url'; import type { Binary, BSONSerializeOptions } from '../../bson'; import * as BSON from '../../bson'; import { aws4 } from '../../deps'; import { MongoAWSError, MongoCompatibilityError, MongoMissingCredentialsError, MongoRuntimeError } from '../../error'; import { Callback, maxWireVersion, ns } from '../../utils'; import { AuthContext, AuthProvider } from './auth_provider'; import { MongoCredentials } from './mongo_credentials'; import { AuthMechanism } from './providers'; const ASCII_N = 110; const AWS_RELATIVE_URI = ''; const AWS_EC2_URI = ''; const AWS_EC2_PATH = '/latest/meta-data/iam/security-credentials'; const bsonOptions: BSONSerializeOptions = { promoteLongs: true, promoteValues: true, promoteBuffers: false, bsonRegExp: false }; interface AWSSaslContinuePayload { a: string; d: string; t?: string; } export class MongoDBAWS extends AuthProvider { override auth(authContext: AuthContext, callback: Callback): void { const { connection, credentials } = authContext; if (!credentials) { return callback(new MongoMissingCredentialsError('AuthContext must provide credentials.')); } if ('kModuleError' in aws4) { return callback(aws4['kModuleError']); } const { sign } = aws4; if (maxWireVersion(connection) < 9) { callback( new MongoCompatibilityError( 'MONGODB-AWS authentication requires MongoDB version 4.4 or later' ) ); return; } if (!credentials.username) { makeTempCredentials(credentials, (err, tempCredentials) => { if (err || !tempCredentials) return callback(err); authContext.credentials = tempCredentials; this.auth(authContext, callback); }); return; } const accessKeyId = credentials.username; const secretAccessKey = credentials.password; const sessionToken = credentials.mechanismProperties.AWS_SESSION_TOKEN; // If all three defined, include sessionToken, else include username and pass, else no credentials const awsCredentials = accessKeyId && secretAccessKey && sessionToken ? { accessKeyId, secretAccessKey, sessionToken } : accessKeyId && secretAccessKey ? { accessKeyId, secretAccessKey } : undefined; const db = credentials.source; crypto.randomBytes(32, (err, nonce) => { if (err) { callback(err); return; } const saslStart = { saslStart: 1, mechanism: 'MONGODB-AWS', payload: BSON.serialize({ r: nonce, p: ASCII_N }, bsonOptions) }; connection.command(ns(`${db}.$cmd`), saslStart, undefined, (err, res) => { if (err) return callback(err); const serverResponse = BSON.deserialize(res.payload.buffer, bsonOptions) as { s: Binary; h: string; }; const host = serverResponse.h; const serverNonce = serverResponse.s.buffer; if (serverNonce.length !== 64) { callback( // TODO(NODE-3483) new MongoRuntimeError(`Invalid server nonce length ${serverNonce.length}, expected 64`) ); return; } if (, 0, nonce.length, 0, nonce.length) !== 0) { // TODO(NODE-3483) callback(new MongoRuntimeError('Server nonce does not begin with client nonce')); return; } if (host.length < 1 || host.length > 255 || host.indexOf('..') !== -1) { // TODO(NODE-3483) callback(new MongoRuntimeError(`Server returned an invalid host: "${host}"`)); return; } const body = 'Action=GetCallerIdentity&Version=2011-06-15'; const options = sign( { method: 'POST', host, region: deriveRegion(serverResponse.h), service: 'sts', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Content-Length': body.length, 'X-MongoDB-Server-Nonce': serverNonce.toString('base64'), 'X-MongoDB-GS2-CB-Flag': 'n' }, path: '/', body }, awsCredentials ); const payload: AWSSaslContinuePayload = { a: options.headers.Authorization, d: options.headers['X-Amz-Date'] }; if (sessionToken) { payload.t = sessionToken; } const saslContinue = { saslContinue: 1, conversationId: 1, payload: BSON.serialize(payload, bsonOptions) }; connection.command(ns(`${db}.$cmd`), saslContinue, undefined, callback); }); }); } } interface AWSTempCredentials { AccessKeyId?: string; SecretAccessKey?: string; Token?: string; RoleArn?: string; Expiration?: Date; } function makeTempCredentials(credentials: MongoCredentials, callback: Callback) { function done(creds: AWSTempCredentials) { if (!creds.AccessKeyId || !creds.SecretAccessKey || !creds.Token) { callback( new MongoMissingCredentialsError('Could not obtain temporary MONGODB-AWS credentials') ); return; } callback( undefined, new MongoCredentials({ username: creds.AccessKeyId, password: creds.SecretAccessKey, source: credentials.source, mechanism: AuthMechanism.MONGODB_AWS, mechanismProperties: { AWS_SESSION_TOKEN: creds.Token } }) ); } // If the environment variable AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI // is set then drivers MUST assume that it was set by an AWS ECS agent if (process.env.AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI) { request( `${AWS_RELATIVE_URI}${process.env.AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI}`, undefined, (err, res) => { if (err) return callback(err); done(res); } ); return; } // Otherwise assume we are on an EC2 instance // get a token request( `${AWS_EC2_URI}/latest/api/token`, { method: 'PUT', json: false, headers: { 'X-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds': 30 } }, (err, token) => { if (err) return callback(err); // get role name request( `${AWS_EC2_URI}/${AWS_EC2_PATH}`, { json: false, headers: { 'X-aws-ec2-metadata-token': token } }, (err, roleName) => { if (err) return callback(err); // get temp credentials request( `${AWS_EC2_URI}/${AWS_EC2_PATH}/${roleName}`, { headers: { 'X-aws-ec2-metadata-token': token } }, (err, creds) => { if (err) return callback(err); done(creds); } ); } ); } ); } function deriveRegion(host: string) { const parts = host.split('.'); if (parts.length === 1 || parts[1] === 'amazonaws') { return 'us-east-1'; } return parts[1]; } interface RequestOptions { json?: boolean; method?: string; timeout?: number; headers?: http.OutgoingHttpHeaders; } function request(uri: string, _options: RequestOptions | undefined, callback: Callback) { const options = Object.assign( { method: 'GET', timeout: 10000, json: true }, url.parse(uri), _options ); const req = http.request(options, res => { res.setEncoding('utf8'); let data = ''; res.on('data', d => (data += d)); res.on('end', () => { if (options.json === false) { callback(undefined, data); return; } try { const parsed = JSON.parse(data); callback(undefined, parsed); } catch (err) { // TODO(NODE-3483) callback(new MongoRuntimeError(`Invalid JSON response: "${data}"`)); } }); }); req.on('timeout', () => { req.destroy(new MongoAWSError(`AWS request to ${uri} timed out after ${options.timeout} ms`)); }); req.on('error', err => callback(err)); req.end(); }