import type { ObjectId } from '../bson'; import type { Collection } from '../collection'; import type { FindCursor } from '../cursor/find_cursor'; import type { Db } from '../db'; import { MongoRuntimeError } from '../error'; import type { Logger } from '../logger'; import { Filter, TypedEventEmitter } from '../mongo_types'; import type { ReadPreference } from '../read_preference'; import type { Sort } from '../sort'; import { Callback, maybePromise } from '../utils'; import { WriteConcern, WriteConcernOptions } from '../write_concern'; import type { FindOptions } from './../operations/find'; import { GridFSBucketReadStream, GridFSBucketReadStreamOptions, GridFSBucketReadStreamOptionsWithRevision, GridFSFile } from './download'; import { GridFSBucketWriteStream, GridFSBucketWriteStreamOptions, GridFSChunk } from './upload'; const DEFAULT_GRIDFS_BUCKET_OPTIONS: { bucketName: string; chunkSizeBytes: number; } = { bucketName: 'fs', chunkSizeBytes: 255 * 1024 }; /** @public */ export interface GridFSBucketOptions extends WriteConcernOptions { /** The 'files' and 'chunks' collections will be prefixed with the bucket name followed by a dot. */ bucketName?: string; /** Number of bytes stored in each chunk. Defaults to 255KB */ chunkSizeBytes?: number; /** Read preference to be passed to read operations */ readPreference?: ReadPreference; } /** @internal */ export interface GridFSBucketPrivate { db: Db; options: { bucketName: string; chunkSizeBytes: number; readPreference?: ReadPreference; writeConcern: WriteConcern | undefined; }; _chunksCollection: Collection; _filesCollection: Collection; checkedIndexes: boolean; calledOpenUploadStream: boolean; } /** @public */ export type GridFSBucketEvents = { index(): void; }; /** * Constructor for a streaming GridFS interface * @public */ export class GridFSBucket extends TypedEventEmitter { /** @internal */ s: GridFSBucketPrivate; /** * When the first call to openUploadStream is made, the upload stream will * check to see if it needs to create the proper indexes on the chunks and * files collections. This event is fired either when 1) it determines that * no index creation is necessary, 2) when it successfully creates the * necessary indexes. * @event */ static readonly INDEX = 'index' as const; constructor(db: Db, options?: GridFSBucketOptions) { super(); this.setMaxListeners(0); const privateOptions = { ...DEFAULT_GRIDFS_BUCKET_OPTIONS, ...options, writeConcern: WriteConcern.fromOptions(options) }; this.s = { db, options: privateOptions, _chunksCollection: db.collection(privateOptions.bucketName + '.chunks'), _filesCollection: db.collection(privateOptions.bucketName + '.files'), checkedIndexes: false, calledOpenUploadStream: false }; } /** * Returns a writable stream (GridFSBucketWriteStream) for writing * buffers to GridFS. The stream's 'id' property contains the resulting * file's id. * * @param filename - The value of the 'filename' key in the files doc * @param options - Optional settings. */ openUploadStream( filename: string, options?: GridFSBucketWriteStreamOptions ): GridFSBucketWriteStream { return new GridFSBucketWriteStream(this, filename, options); } /** * Returns a writable stream (GridFSBucketWriteStream) for writing * buffers to GridFS for a custom file id. The stream's 'id' property contains the resulting * file's id. */ openUploadStreamWithId( id: ObjectId, filename: string, options?: GridFSBucketWriteStreamOptions ): GridFSBucketWriteStream { return new GridFSBucketWriteStream(this, filename, { ...options, id }); } /** Returns a readable stream (GridFSBucketReadStream) for streaming file data from GridFS. */ openDownloadStream( id: ObjectId, options?: GridFSBucketReadStreamOptions ): GridFSBucketReadStream { return new GridFSBucketReadStream( this.s._chunksCollection, this.s._filesCollection, this.s.options.readPreference, { _id: id }, options ); } /** * Deletes a file with the given id * * @param id - The id of the file doc */ delete(id: ObjectId): Promise; /** @deprecated Callbacks are deprecated and will be removed in the next major version. See [mongodb-legacy]( for migration assistance */ delete(id: ObjectId, callback: Callback): void; delete(id: ObjectId, callback?: Callback): Promise | void { return maybePromise(callback, callback => { return this.s._filesCollection.deleteOne({ _id: id }, (error, res) => { if (error) { return callback(error); } return this.s._chunksCollection.deleteMany({ files_id: id }, error => { if (error) { return callback(error); } // Delete orphaned chunks before returning FileNotFound if (!res?.deletedCount) { // TODO(NODE-3483): Replace with more appropriate error // Consider creating new error MongoGridFSFileNotFoundError return callback(new MongoRuntimeError(`File not found for id ${id}`)); } return callback(); }); }); }); } /** Convenience wrapper around find on the files collection */ find(filter?: Filter, options?: FindOptions): FindCursor { filter ??= {}; options = options ?? {}; return this.s._filesCollection.find(filter, options); } /** * Returns a readable stream (GridFSBucketReadStream) for streaming the * file with the given name from GridFS. If there are multiple files with * the same name, this will stream the most recent file with the given name * (as determined by the `uploadDate` field). You can set the `revision` * option to change this behavior. */ openDownloadStreamByName( filename: string, options?: GridFSBucketReadStreamOptionsWithRevision ): GridFSBucketReadStream { let sort: Sort = { uploadDate: -1 }; let skip = undefined; if (options && options.revision != null) { if (options.revision >= 0) { sort = { uploadDate: 1 }; skip = options.revision; } else { skip = -options.revision - 1; } } return new GridFSBucketReadStream( this.s._chunksCollection, this.s._filesCollection, this.s.options.readPreference, { filename }, { ...options, sort, skip } ); } /** * Renames the file with the given _id to the given string * * @param id - the id of the file to rename * @param filename - new name for the file */ rename(id: ObjectId, filename: string): Promise; /** @deprecated Callbacks are deprecated and will be removed in the next major version. See [mongodb-legacy]( for migration assistance */ rename(id: ObjectId, filename: string, callback: Callback): void; rename(id: ObjectId, filename: string, callback?: Callback): Promise | void { return maybePromise(callback, callback => { const filter = { _id: id }; const update = { $set: { filename } }; return this.s._filesCollection.updateOne(filter, update, (error?, res?) => { if (error) { return callback(error); } if (!res?.matchedCount) { return callback(new MongoRuntimeError(`File with id ${id} not found`)); } return callback(); }); }); } /** Removes this bucket's files collection, followed by its chunks collection. */ drop(): Promise; /** @deprecated Callbacks are deprecated and will be removed in the next major version. See [mongodb-legacy]( for migration assistance */ drop(callback: Callback): void; drop(callback?: Callback): Promise | void { return maybePromise(callback, callback => { return this.s._filesCollection.drop(error => { if (error) { return callback(error); } return this.s._chunksCollection.drop(error => { if (error) { return callback(error); } return callback(); }); }); }); } /** Get the Db scoped logger. */ getLogger(): Logger { return this.s.db.s.logger; } }