import type { Document } from '../bson'; import { Collection } from '../collection'; import type { Db } from '../db'; import type { PkFactory } from '../mongo_client'; import type { Server } from '../sdam/server'; import type { ClientSession } from '../sessions'; import type { Callback } from '../utils'; import { CommandOperation, CommandOperationOptions } from './command'; import { CreateIndexOperation } from './indexes'; import { Aspect, defineAspects } from './operation'; const ILLEGAL_COMMAND_FIELDS = new Set([ 'w', 'wtimeout', 'j', 'fsync', 'autoIndexId', 'pkFactory', 'raw', 'readPreference', 'session', 'readConcern', 'writeConcern', 'raw', 'fieldsAsRaw', 'promoteLongs', 'promoteValues', 'promoteBuffers', 'bsonRegExp', 'serializeFunctions', 'ignoreUndefined', 'enableUtf8Validation' ]); /** @public * Configuration options for timeseries collections * @see */ export interface TimeSeriesCollectionOptions extends Document { timeField: string; metaField?: string; granularity?: 'seconds' | 'minutes' | 'hours' | string; } /** @public * Configuration options for clustered collections * @see */ export interface ClusteredCollectionOptions extends Document { name?: string; key: Document; unique: boolean; } /** @public */ export interface CreateCollectionOptions extends CommandOperationOptions { /** Returns an error if the collection does not exist */ strict?: boolean; /** Create a capped collection */ capped?: boolean; /** @deprecated Create an index on the _id field of the document, True by default on MongoDB 2.6 - 3.0 */ autoIndexId?: boolean; /** The size of the capped collection in bytes */ size?: number; /** The maximum number of documents in the capped collection */ max?: number; /** Available for the MMAPv1 storage engine only to set the usePowerOf2Sizes and the noPadding flag */ flags?: number; /** Allows users to specify configuration to the storage engine on a per-collection basis when creating a collection on MongoDB 3.0 or higher */ storageEngine?: Document; /** Allows users to specify validation rules or expressions for the collection. For more information, see Document Validation on MongoDB 3.2 or higher */ validator?: Document; /** Determines how strictly MongoDB applies the validation rules to existing documents during an update on MongoDB 3.2 or higher */ validationLevel?: string; /** Determines whether to error on invalid documents or just warn about the violations but allow invalid documents to be inserted on MongoDB 3.2 or higher */ validationAction?: string; /** Allows users to specify a default configuration for indexes when creating a collection on MongoDB 3.2 or higher */ indexOptionDefaults?: Document; /** The name of the source collection or view from which to create the view. The name is not the full namespace of the collection or view; i.e. does not include the database name and implies the same database as the view to create on MongoDB 3.4 or higher */ viewOn?: string; /** An array that consists of the aggregation pipeline stage. Creates the view by applying the specified pipeline to the viewOn collection or view on MongoDB 3.4 or higher */ pipeline?: Document[]; /** A primary key factory function for generation of custom _id keys. */ pkFactory?: PkFactory; /** A document specifying configuration options for timeseries collections. */ timeseries?: TimeSeriesCollectionOptions; /** A document specifying configuration options for clustered collections. For MongoDB 5.3 and above. */ clusteredIndex?: ClusteredCollectionOptions; /** The number of seconds after which a document in a timeseries or clustered collection expires. */ expireAfterSeconds?: number; /** @experimental */ encryptedFields?: Document; /** * If set, enables pre-update and post-update document events to be included for any * change streams that listen on this collection. */ changeStreamPreAndPostImages?: { enabled: boolean }; } /** @internal */ export class CreateCollectionOperation extends CommandOperation { override options: CreateCollectionOptions; db: Db; name: string; constructor(db: Db, name: string, options: CreateCollectionOptions = {}) { super(db, options); this.options = options; this.db = db; = name; } override execute( server: Server, session: ClientSession | undefined, callback: Callback ): void { (async () => { const db = this.db; const name =; const options = this.options; const encryptedFields: Document | undefined = options.encryptedFields ?? db.s.client.options.autoEncryption?.encryptedFieldsMap?.[`${db.databaseName}.${name}`]; if (encryptedFields) { // Create auxilliary collections for queryable encryption support. const escCollection = encryptedFields.escCollection ?? `enxcol_.${name}.esc`; const eccCollection = encryptedFields.eccCollection ?? `enxcol_.${name}.ecc`; const ecocCollection = encryptedFields.ecocCollection ?? `enxcol_.${name}.ecoc`; for (const collectionName of [escCollection, eccCollection, ecocCollection]) { const createOp = new CreateCollectionOperation(db, collectionName, { clusteredIndex: { key: { _id: 1 }, unique: true } }); await createOp.executeWithoutEncryptedFieldsCheck(server, session); } if (!options.encryptedFields) { this.options = { ...this.options, encryptedFields }; } } const coll = await this.executeWithoutEncryptedFieldsCheck(server, session); if (encryptedFields) { // Create the required index for queryable encryption support. const createIndexOp = new CreateIndexOperation(db, name, { __safeContent__: 1 }, {}); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { createIndexOp.execute(server, session, err => (err ? reject(err) : resolve())); }); } return coll; })().then( coll => callback(undefined, coll), err => callback(err) ); } private executeWithoutEncryptedFieldsCheck( server: Server, session: ClientSession | undefined ): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const db = this.db; const name =; const options = this.options; const done: Callback = err => { if (err) { return reject(err); } resolve(new Collection(db, name, options)); }; const cmd: Document = { create: name }; for (const n in options) { if ( (options as any)[n] != null && typeof (options as any)[n] !== 'function' && !ILLEGAL_COMMAND_FIELDS.has(n) ) { cmd[n] = (options as any)[n]; } } // otherwise just execute the command super.executeCommand(server, session, cmd, done); }); } } defineAspects(CreateCollectionOperation, [Aspect.WRITE_OPERATION]);