import type { Document } from '../bson'; import { CommandOptions, Connection, DestroyOptions, GetMoreOptions } from '../cmap/connection'; import { ConnectionPool, ConnectionPoolEvents, ConnectionPoolOptions } from '../cmap/connection_pool'; import { PoolClearedError } from '../cmap/errors'; import { APM_EVENTS, CLOSED, CMAP_EVENTS, CONNECT, DESCRIPTION_RECEIVED, ENDED, HEARTBEAT_EVENTS, SERVER_HEARTBEAT_FAILED, SERVER_HEARTBEAT_STARTED, SERVER_HEARTBEAT_SUCCEEDED } from '../constants'; import type { AutoEncrypter } from '../deps'; import { isNetworkErrorBeforeHandshake, isNodeShuttingDownError, isSDAMUnrecoverableError, MongoCompatibilityError, MongoError, MongoErrorLabel, MongoInvalidArgumentError, MongoNetworkError, MongoNetworkTimeoutError, MongoServerClosedError, MongoServerError, MongoUnexpectedServerResponseError, needsRetryableWriteLabel } from '../error'; import { Logger } from '../logger'; import type { ServerApi } from '../mongo_client'; import { TypedEventEmitter } from '../mongo_types'; import type { ClientSession } from '../sessions'; import { isTransactionCommand } from '../transactions'; import { Callback, collationNotSupported, EventEmitterWithState, makeStateMachine, maxWireVersion, MongoDBNamespace, supportsRetryableWrites } from '../utils'; import { ClusterTime, STATE_CLOSED, STATE_CLOSING, STATE_CONNECTED, STATE_CONNECTING, TopologyType } from './common'; import type { ServerHeartbeatFailedEvent, ServerHeartbeatStartedEvent, ServerHeartbeatSucceededEvent } from './events'; import { Monitor, MonitorOptions } from './monitor'; import { compareTopologyVersion, ServerDescription } from './server_description'; import type { Topology } from './topology'; const stateTransition = makeStateMachine({ [STATE_CLOSED]: [STATE_CLOSED, STATE_CONNECTING], [STATE_CONNECTING]: [STATE_CONNECTING, STATE_CLOSING, STATE_CONNECTED, STATE_CLOSED], [STATE_CONNECTED]: [STATE_CONNECTED, STATE_CLOSING, STATE_CLOSED], [STATE_CLOSING]: [STATE_CLOSING, STATE_CLOSED] }); /** @internal */ const kMonitor = Symbol('monitor'); /** @public */ export type ServerOptions = Omit & MonitorOptions; /** @internal */ export interface ServerPrivate { /** The server description for this server */ description: ServerDescription; /** A copy of the options used to construct this instance */ options: ServerOptions; /** A logger instance */ logger: Logger; /** The current state of the Server */ state: string; /** The topology this server is a part of */ topology: Topology; /** A connection pool for this server */ pool: ConnectionPool; /** MongoDB server API version */ serverApi?: ServerApi; /** A count of the operations currently running against the server. */ operationCount: number; } /** @public */ export type ServerEvents = { serverHeartbeatStarted(event: ServerHeartbeatStartedEvent): void; serverHeartbeatSucceeded(event: ServerHeartbeatSucceededEvent): void; serverHeartbeatFailed(event: ServerHeartbeatFailedEvent): void; /** Top level MongoClient doesn't emit this so it is marked: @internal */ connect(server: Server): void; descriptionReceived(description: ServerDescription): void; closed(): void; ended(): void; } & ConnectionPoolEvents & EventEmitterWithState; /** @internal */ export class Server extends TypedEventEmitter { /** @internal */ s: ServerPrivate; serverApi?: ServerApi; hello?: Document; [kMonitor]: Monitor | null; /** @event */ static readonly SERVER_HEARTBEAT_STARTED = SERVER_HEARTBEAT_STARTED; /** @event */ static readonly SERVER_HEARTBEAT_SUCCEEDED = SERVER_HEARTBEAT_SUCCEEDED; /** @event */ static readonly SERVER_HEARTBEAT_FAILED = SERVER_HEARTBEAT_FAILED; /** @event */ static readonly CONNECT = CONNECT; /** @event */ static readonly DESCRIPTION_RECEIVED = DESCRIPTION_RECEIVED; /** @event */ static readonly CLOSED = CLOSED; /** @event */ static readonly ENDED = ENDED; /** * Create a server */ constructor(topology: Topology, description: ServerDescription, options: ServerOptions) { super(); this.serverApi = options.serverApi; const poolOptions = { hostAddress: description.hostAddress, ...options }; this.s = { description, options, logger: new Logger('Server'), state: STATE_CLOSED, topology, pool: new ConnectionPool(poolOptions), operationCount: 0 }; for (const event of [...CMAP_EVENTS, ...APM_EVENTS]) { this.s.pool.on(event, (e: any) => this.emit(event, e)); } this.s.pool.on(Connection.CLUSTER_TIME_RECEIVED, (clusterTime: ClusterTime) => { this.clusterTime = clusterTime; }); if (this.loadBalanced) { this[kMonitor] = null; // monitoring is disabled in load balancing mode return; } // create the monitor // TODO(NODE-4144): Remove new variable for type narrowing const monitor = new Monitor(this, this.s.options); this[kMonitor] = monitor; for (const event of HEARTBEAT_EVENTS) { monitor.on(event, (e: any) => this.emit(event, e)); } monitor.on('resetServer', (error: MongoError) => markServerUnknown(this, error)); monitor.on(Server.SERVER_HEARTBEAT_SUCCEEDED, (event: ServerHeartbeatSucceededEvent) => { this.emit( Server.DESCRIPTION_RECEIVED, new ServerDescription(this.description.hostAddress, event.reply, { roundTripTime: calculateRoundTripTime(this.description.roundTripTime, event.duration) }) ); if (this.s.state === STATE_CONNECTING) { stateTransition(this, STATE_CONNECTED); this.emit(Server.CONNECT, this); } }); } get clusterTime(): ClusterTime | undefined { return this.s.topology.clusterTime; } set clusterTime(clusterTime: ClusterTime | undefined) { this.s.topology.clusterTime = clusterTime; } get description(): ServerDescription { return this.s.description; } get name(): string { return this.s.description.address; } get autoEncrypter(): AutoEncrypter | undefined { if (this.s.options && this.s.options.autoEncrypter) { return this.s.options.autoEncrypter; } return; } get loadBalanced(): boolean { return this.s.topology.description.type === TopologyType.LoadBalanced; } /** * Initiate server connect */ connect(): void { if (this.s.state !== STATE_CLOSED) { return; } stateTransition(this, STATE_CONNECTING); // If in load balancer mode we automatically set the server to // a load balancer. It never transitions out of this state and // has no monitor. if (!this.loadBalanced) { this[kMonitor]?.connect(); } else { stateTransition(this, STATE_CONNECTED); this.emit(Server.CONNECT, this); } } /** Destroy the server connection */ destroy(options?: DestroyOptions, callback?: Callback): void { if (typeof options === 'function') (callback = options), (options = {}); options = Object.assign({}, { force: false }, options); if (this.s.state === STATE_CLOSED) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(); } return; } stateTransition(this, STATE_CLOSING); if (!this.loadBalanced) { this[kMonitor]?.close(); } this.s.pool.close(options, err => { stateTransition(this, STATE_CLOSED); this.emit('closed'); if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(err); } }); } /** * Immediately schedule monitoring of this server. If there already an attempt being made * this will be a no-op. */ requestCheck(): void { if (!this.loadBalanced) { this[kMonitor]?.requestCheck(); } } /** * Execute a command * @internal */ command( ns: MongoDBNamespace, cmd: Document, options: CommandOptions, callback: Callback ): void { if (callback == null) { throw new MongoInvalidArgumentError('Callback must be provided'); } if (ns.db == null || typeof ns === 'string') { throw new MongoInvalidArgumentError('Namespace must not be a string'); } if (this.s.state === STATE_CLOSING || this.s.state === STATE_CLOSED) { callback(new MongoServerClosedError()); return; } // Clone the options const finalOptions = Object.assign({}, options, { wireProtocolCommand: false }); // There are cases where we need to flag the read preference not to get sent in // the command, such as pre-5.0 servers attempting to perform an aggregate write // with a non-primary read preference. In this case the effective read preference // (primary) is not the same as the provided and must be removed completely. if (finalOptions.omitReadPreference) { delete finalOptions.readPreference; } // error if collation not supported if (collationNotSupported(this, cmd)) { callback(new MongoCompatibilityError(`Server ${} does not support collation`)); return; } const session = finalOptions.session; const conn = session?.pinnedConnection; // NOTE: This is a hack! We can't retrieve the connections used for executing an operation // (and prevent them from being checked back in) at the point of operation execution. // This should be considered as part of the work for NODE-2882 // NOTE: // When incrementing operation count, it's important that we increment it before we // attempt to check out a connection from the pool. This ensures that operations that // are waiting for a connection are included in the operation count. Load balanced // mode will only ever have a single server, so the operation count doesn't matter. // Incrementing the operation count above the logic to handle load balanced mode would // require special logic to decrement it again, or would double increment (the load // balanced code makes a recursive call). Instead, we increment the count after this // check. if (this.loadBalanced && session && conn == null && isPinnableCommand(cmd, session)) { this.s.pool.checkOut((err, checkedOut) => { if (err || checkedOut == null) { if (callback) return callback(err); return; }; this.command(ns, cmd, finalOptions, callback); }); return; } this.s.operationCount += 1; this.s.pool.withConnection( conn, (err, conn, cb) => { if (err || !conn) { this.s.operationCount -= 1; if (!(err instanceof PoolClearedError)) { markServerUnknown(this, err); } else { err.addErrorLabel(MongoErrorLabel.RetryableWriteError); } return cb(err); } conn.command( ns, cmd, finalOptions, makeOperationHandler(this, conn, cmd, finalOptions, (error, response) => { this.s.operationCount -= 1; cb(error, response); }) ); }, callback ); } } function calculateRoundTripTime(oldRtt: number, duration: number): number { if (oldRtt === -1) { return duration; } const alpha = 0.2; return alpha * duration + (1 - alpha) * oldRtt; } function markServerUnknown(server: Server, error?: MongoServerError) { // Load balancer servers can never be marked unknown. if (server.loadBalanced) { return; } if (error instanceof MongoNetworkError && !(error instanceof MongoNetworkTimeoutError)) { server[kMonitor]?.reset(); } server.emit( Server.DESCRIPTION_RECEIVED, new ServerDescription(server.description.hostAddress, undefined, { error }) ); } function isPinnableCommand(cmd: Document, session?: ClientSession): boolean { if (session) { return ( session.inTransaction() || 'aggregate' in cmd || 'find' in cmd || 'getMore' in cmd || 'listCollections' in cmd || 'listIndexes' in cmd ); } return false; } function connectionIsStale(pool: ConnectionPool, connection: Connection) { if (connection.serviceId) { return ( connection.generation !== pool.serviceGenerations.get(connection.serviceId.toHexString()) ); } return connection.generation !== pool.generation; } function shouldHandleStateChangeError(server: Server, err: MongoError) { const etv = err.topologyVersion; const stv = server.description.topologyVersion; return compareTopologyVersion(stv, etv) < 0; } function inActiveTransaction(session: ClientSession | undefined, cmd: Document) { return session && session.inTransaction() && !isTransactionCommand(cmd); } /** this checks the retryWrites option passed down from the client options, it * does not check if the server supports retryable writes */ function isRetryableWritesEnabled(topology: Topology) { return topology.s.options.retryWrites !== false; } function makeOperationHandler( server: Server, connection: Connection, cmd: Document, options: CommandOptions | GetMoreOptions | undefined, callback: Callback ): Callback { const session = options?.session; return function handleOperationResult(error, result) { if (result != null) { return callback(undefined, result); } if (!error) { return callback(new MongoUnexpectedServerResponseError('Empty response with no error')); } if (!(error instanceof MongoError)) { // Node.js or some other error we have not special handling for return callback(error); } if (connectionIsStale(server.s.pool, connection)) { return callback(error); } if (error instanceof MongoNetworkError) { if (session && !session.hasEnded && session.serverSession) { session.serverSession.isDirty = true; } // inActiveTransaction check handles commit and abort. if ( inActiveTransaction(session, cmd) && !error.hasErrorLabel(MongoErrorLabel.TransientTransactionError) ) { error.addErrorLabel(MongoErrorLabel.TransientTransactionError); } if ( (isRetryableWritesEnabled(server.s.topology) || isTransactionCommand(cmd)) && supportsRetryableWrites(server) && !inActiveTransaction(session, cmd) ) { error.addErrorLabel(MongoErrorLabel.RetryableWriteError); } if (!(error instanceof MongoNetworkTimeoutError) || isNetworkErrorBeforeHandshake(error)) { // In load balanced mode we never mark the server as unknown and always // clear for the specific service id. if (!server.loadBalanced) { error.addErrorLabel(MongoErrorLabel.ResetPool); markServerUnknown(server, error); } else { server.s.pool.clear(connection.serviceId); } } } else { if ( (isRetryableWritesEnabled(server.s.topology) || isTransactionCommand(cmd)) && needsRetryableWriteLabel(error, maxWireVersion(server)) && !inActiveTransaction(session, cmd) ) { error.addErrorLabel(MongoErrorLabel.RetryableWriteError); } if (isSDAMUnrecoverableError(error)) { if (shouldHandleStateChangeError(server, error)) { const shouldClearPool = maxWireVersion(server) <= 7 || isNodeShuttingDownError(error); if (server.loadBalanced && shouldClearPool) { server.s.pool.clear(connection.serviceId); } if (!server.loadBalanced) { if (shouldClearPool) { error.addErrorLabel(MongoErrorLabel.ResetPool); } markServerUnknown(server, error); process.nextTick(() => server.requestCheck()); } } } } if ( session && session.isPinned && error.hasErrorLabel(MongoErrorLabel.TransientTransactionError) ) { session.unpin({ force: true }); } return callback(error); }; }