import * as dns from 'dns'; import { clearTimeout, setTimeout } from 'timers'; import { MongoRuntimeError } from '../error'; import { Logger, LoggerOptions } from '../logger'; import { TypedEventEmitter } from '../mongo_types'; import { HostAddress } from '../utils'; /** * Determines whether a provided address matches the provided parent domain in order * to avoid certain attack vectors. * * @param srvAddress - The address to check against a domain * @param parentDomain - The domain to check the provided address against * @returns Whether the provided address matches the parent domain */ function matchesParentDomain(srvAddress: string, parentDomain: string): boolean { const regex = /^.*?\./; const srv = `.${srvAddress.replace(regex, '')}`; const parent = `.${parentDomain.replace(regex, '')}`; return srv.endsWith(parent); } /** * @internal * @category Event */ export class SrvPollingEvent { srvRecords: dns.SrvRecord[]; constructor(srvRecords: dns.SrvRecord[]) { this.srvRecords = srvRecords; } hostnames(): Set { return new Set( => HostAddress.fromSrvRecord(r).toString())); } } /** @internal */ export interface SrvPollerOptions extends LoggerOptions { srvServiceName: string; srvMaxHosts: number; srvHost: string; heartbeatFrequencyMS: number; } /** @internal */ export type SrvPollerEvents = { srvRecordDiscovery(event: SrvPollingEvent): void; }; /** @internal */ export class SrvPoller extends TypedEventEmitter { srvHost: string; rescanSrvIntervalMS: number; heartbeatFrequencyMS: number; logger: Logger; haMode: boolean; generation: number; srvMaxHosts: number; srvServiceName: string; _timeout?: NodeJS.Timeout; /** @event */ static readonly SRV_RECORD_DISCOVERY = 'srvRecordDiscovery' as const; constructor(options: SrvPollerOptions) { super(); if (!options || !options.srvHost) { throw new MongoRuntimeError('Options for SrvPoller must exist and include srvHost'); } this.srvHost = options.srvHost; this.srvMaxHosts = options.srvMaxHosts ?? 0; this.srvServiceName = options.srvServiceName ?? 'mongodb'; this.rescanSrvIntervalMS = 60000; this.heartbeatFrequencyMS = options.heartbeatFrequencyMS ?? 10000; this.logger = new Logger('srvPoller', options); this.haMode = false; this.generation = 0; this._timeout = undefined; } get srvAddress(): string { return `_${this.srvServiceName}._tcp.${this.srvHost}`; } get intervalMS(): number { return this.haMode ? this.heartbeatFrequencyMS : this.rescanSrvIntervalMS; } start(): void { if (!this._timeout) { this.schedule(); } } stop(): void { if (this._timeout) { clearTimeout(this._timeout); this.generation += 1; this._timeout = undefined; } } schedule(): void { if (this._timeout) { clearTimeout(this._timeout); } this._timeout = setTimeout(() => this._poll(), this.intervalMS); } success(srvRecords: dns.SrvRecord[]): void { this.haMode = false; this.schedule(); this.emit(SrvPoller.SRV_RECORD_DISCOVERY, new SrvPollingEvent(srvRecords)); } failure(message: string, obj?: NodeJS.ErrnoException): void { this.logger.warn(message, obj); this.haMode = true; this.schedule(); } parentDomainMismatch(srvRecord: dns.SrvRecord): void { this.logger.warn( `parent domain mismatch on SRV record (${}:${srvRecord.port})`, srvRecord ); } _poll(): void { const generation = this.generation; dns.resolveSrv(this.srvAddress, (err, srvRecords) => { if (generation !== this.generation) { return; } if (err) { this.failure('DNS error', err); return; } const finalAddresses: dns.SrvRecord[] = []; for (const record of srvRecords) { if (matchesParentDomain(, this.srvHost)) { finalAddresses.push(record); } else { this.parentDomainMismatch(record); } } if (!finalAddresses.length) { this.failure('No valid addresses found at host'); return; } this.success(finalAddresses); }); } }