EECS151 / fpga_labs_fa20 / lab6 / sim / echo_testbench.v
`timescale 1ns/100ps

`define CLOCK_PERIOD 8
`define CLOCK_FREQ 125_000_000
`define BAUD_RATE 115_200

    This is a system level testbench that instantiates z1top (the FPGA design) and an off-chip UART which communicates
    with the FPGA design using the RX and TX serial lines. The testbench can control the receiver and transmitter of the
    off-chip UART with their respective ready/valid interfaces.

    In this testbench, we use the off-chip UART to send a character (ASCII 'A') to the FPGA's on-chip UART (in z1top).
    Then, the state machine in z1top gets the received character from the on-chip UART, manipulates it (by reversing its case),
    and sends it back to the off-chip UART using the on-chip UART's transmitter. We expect that the received character by the
    off-chip UART at the end of this test will be a lower case ASCII 'a'.
module echo_testbench();
    // Generate 125 MHz clock
    reg clk = 0;
    always #(`CLOCK_PERIOD/2) clk = ~clk;

    // I/O of z1top
    reg reset;

    wire [5:0] leds;
    // Our FPGA design
    z1top #(
    ) top (
        .BUTTONS({3'd0, reset}),

    // I/O of the off-chip UART
    reg [7:0] data_in;
    reg data_in_valid;
    wire data_in_ready;
    wire [7:0] data_out;
    wire data_out_valid;
    reg data_out_ready;

    // The off-chip UART (on your desktop/workstation computer)
    uart # (
    ) off_chip_uart (
        .serial_in(FPGA_SERIAL_TX), // Note these serial connections are the opposite of the connections to z1top

    reg done = 0;
    initial begin
        `ifndef IVERILOG
        `ifdef IVERILOG
        reset = 1'b0;
        data_in = 8'h41; // Represents the character 'A' in ASCII
        data_in_valid = 1'b0;
        data_out_ready = 1'b0;
        repeat (2) @(posedge clk); #1;

        // Pulse the reset signal long enough to be detected by the debouncer in z1top
        reset = 1'b1;
        repeat (40) @(posedge clk); #1;
        reset = 1'b0;

        //Reset on FPGA should occur on positive edge of reset for 1 cycle

                // Wait until the off-chip UART transmitter is ready to transmit
                while (!data_in_ready) @(posedge clk); #1;

                // Once the off-chip UART transmitter is ready, pulse data_in_valid to tell it that
                // we have valid data that we want it to send over the serial line
                // Will set this on negedge to make semantics more clear
                @(negedge clk); #1;
                data_in_valid = 1'b1;
                @(negedge clk); #1;
                data_in_valid = 1'b0;
                $display("off-chip UART about to transmit: %h/%c to the on-chip UART", data_in, data_in);

                // Now the off-chip UART transmitter should be sending the data across FPGA_SERIAL_RX

                // Once all the data reaches the on-chip UART, it should set top/on_chip_uart/data_out_valid high
                while (!top.on_chip_uart.data_out_valid) @(posedge clk); #1;
                $display("on-chip UART received: %h from the off-chip UART", top.on_chip_uart.data_out);

                // Then the state machine in z1top should pulse top/on_chip_uart/data_out_ready high and send the data
                // it received back through the on-chip UART transmitter.
                while (!top.on_chip_uart.data_in_valid) @(posedge clk); #1;
                $display("on-chip UART about to transmit: %h to the off-chip UART", top.on_chip_uart.data_in);

                // Finally, when the data is echoed back to the off-chip UART, data_out_valid should go high. Now is when
                // the off chip UART can read the data it received and print it out to the user
                while (!data_out_valid) @(posedge clk); #1;
                $display("off-chip UART received: %h/%c from on-chip UART", data_out, data_out);
                data_out_ready = 1'b1;
                @(posedge clk); #1;
                data_out_ready = 1'b0;
                done = 1;
                repeat (35000) @(posedge clk);
                if (!done) begin
                    $display("Failure: timing out");

        repeat (100) @(posedge clk);
        $display("%h/%c should have been sent and %h/%c echoed back", 8'h41, 8'h41, 8'h61, 8'h61);
        `ifndef IVERILOG