EECS151 / fpga_labs_fa20 / lab6 / sim / fifo_testbench.v
`timescale 1ns/100ps

`define CLK_PERIOD 8
`define DATA_WIDTH 32
`define FIFO_DEPTH 8

module fifo_testbench();
    reg clk = 0;
    reg rst = 0;

    always #(`CLK_PERIOD/2) clk <= ~clk;

    // Write side signals
    reg [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] din = 0;
    reg wr_en = 0;
    wire full;

    // Read side signals
    wire [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] dout;
    reg rd_en = 0;
    wire empty;

    // Reg filled with test vectors for the testbench
    reg [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] test_values[`FIFO_DEPTH-1:0];
    // Reg used to collect the data read from the FIFO
    reg [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] received_values[`FIFO_DEPTH-1:0];

    fifo #(
    ) DUT (

    // This task will push some data to the FIFO through the write interface
    // If violate_interface == 1'b1, we will force wr_en high even if the FIFO indicates it is full
    // If violate_interface == 1'b0, we won't write if the FIFO indicates it is full
    task write_to_fifo;
        input [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] write_data;
        input violate_interface;
            // If we want to not violate the interface agreement, if we are already full, don't write
            if (!violate_interface && full) begin
                wr_en <= 1'b0;
            // In all other cases, we will force a write
            else begin
                wr_en <= 1'b1;

            // Apply the data input
            din <= write_data;

            // Wait for the clock edge to perform the write
            @(posedge clk);

            // Deassert the write enable
            wr_en <= 1'b0;

    // This task will read some data from the FIFO through the read interface
    // violate_interface does the same as for the write_to_fifo task
    task read_from_fifo;
        input violate_interface;
        output [`DATA_WIDTH-1:0] read_data;
            if (!violate_interface && empty) begin
                rd_en <= 1'b0;
            else begin
                rd_en <= 1'b1;
            // Wait for the clock edge to get the read data
            @(posedge clk);

            read_data = dout;
            rd_en <= 1'b0;

    integer i;
    initial begin: TB
        `ifndef IVERILOG
        `ifdef IVERILOG
        // Generate the random data to write to the FIFO
        for (i = 0; i < `FIFO_DEPTH; i = i + 1) begin
            test_values[i] <= $random;

        rst = 1'b1;
        @(posedge clk); #1;
        rst = 1'b0;
        @(posedge clk); #1;

        // Let's begin with a simple complete write and read sequence to the FIFO

        // Check initial conditions, verify that the FIFO is not full, it is empty
        if (empty !== 1'b1) begin
            $display("Failure: After reset, the FIFO isn't empty. empty = %b", empty);

        if (full !== 1'b0) begin
            $display("Failure: After reset, the FIFO is full. full = %b", full);

        @(posedge clk);

        // Begin pushing data into the FIFO with a 1 cycle delay in between each write operation
        for (i = 0; i < `FIFO_DEPTH - 1; i = i + 1) begin
            write_to_fifo(test_values[i], 1'b0);

            // Perform checks on empty, full (disable check on empty for async FIFO due to synchronization delay)
            if (empty === 1'b1) begin
                $display("Failure: While being filled, FIFO said it was empty");
            if (full === 1'b1) begin
                $display("Failure: While being filled, FIFO was full before all entries were written");

            // ***** Safe against no delay between writes ***** //
            // Insert single-cycle delay between each write
            //@(posedge clk);

        // Perform the final write
        write_to_fifo(test_values[`FIFO_DEPTH-1], 1'b0);

        // Check that the FIFO is now full
        if (full !== 1'b1 || empty === 1'b1) begin
            $display("Failure: FIFO wasn't full or empty went high after writing all values. full = %b, empty = %b", full, empty);

        // Cycle the clock, the FIFO should still be full!
        repeat (10) @(posedge clk);
        // The FIFO should still be full!
        if (full !== 1'b1 || empty == 1'b1) begin
            $display("Failure: Cycling the clock while the FIFO is full shouldn't change its state! full = %b, empty = %b", full, empty);

        // Try stuffing the FIFO with more data while it's full (overflow protection check)
        repeat (20) begin
            write_to_fifo(0, 1'b1);
            // Check that the FIFO is still full, has the max num of entries, and isn't empty
            if (full !== 1'b1 || empty == 1'b1) begin
                $display("Failure: Overflowing the FIFO changed its state (your FIFO should have overflow protection) full = %b, empty = %b", full, empty);

        repeat (5) @(posedge clk);

        // Read from the FIFO one by one with a 1 cycle delay in between reads
        for (i = 0; i < `FIFO_DEPTH - 1; i = i + 1) begin
            read_from_fifo(1'b0, received_values[i]);

            // Perform checks on empty, full
            if (empty === 1'b1) begin
                $display("Failure: FIFO was empty as its being drained");
            if (full === 1'b1) begin
                $display("Failure: FIFO was full as its being drained");

            @(posedge clk);

        // Perform the final read
        read_from_fifo(1'b0, received_values[`FIFO_DEPTH-1]);
        // Check that the FIFO is now empty
        if (full !== 1'b0 || empty !== 1'b1) begin
            $display("Failure: FIFO wasn't empty or full is high after the FIFO has been drained. full = %b, empty = %b", full, empty);

        // Cycle the clock and perform the same checks
        repeat (10) @(posedge clk);
        if (full !== 1'b0 || empty !== 1'b1) begin
            $display("Failure: FIFO should be empty after it has been drained. full = %b, empty = %b", full, empty);

        // Finally, let's check that the data we received from the FIFO equals the data that we wrote to it
        for (i = 0; i < `FIFO_DEPTH; i = i + 1) begin
            $display("Test values: %d ... Received values: %d", test_values[i], received_values[i]);
            if (test_values[i] !== received_values[i]) begin
                $display("Failure: Data received from FIFO not equal to data written. Entry %d, got %d, expected %d", i, received_values[i], test_values[i]);

        // Now attempt a read underflow
        repeat (10) read_from_fifo(1'b1, received_values[0]);
        // Nothing should change, perform the same checks on full and empty
        if (full !== 1'b0 || empty !== 1'b1) begin
            $display("Failure: Empty FIFO wasn't empty or full went high when trying to read. full = %b, empty = %b", full, empty);

        // SUCCESS! Print out some debug info.
        $display("This testbench was run with these params:");
        $display("CLK_PERIOD = %d, DATA_WIDTH = %d, FIFO_DEPTH = %d", `CLK_PERIOD, `DATA_WIDTH, `FIFO_DEPTH);
        $display("If no failures were printed, this test passed");
        `ifndef IVERILOG