EECS151 / riscv-cpu / hardware / src / io_circuits / debouncer.v
module debouncer #(
    parameter width = 1,
    parameter sample_count_max = 25000,
    parameter pulse_count_max = 150,
    parameter wrapping_counter_width = $clog2(sample_count_max),
    parameter saturating_counter_width = $clog2(pulse_count_max))
    input clk,
    input [width-1:0] glitchy_signal,
    output [width-1:0] debounced_signal
    // Create your debouncer circuit
    // The debouncer takes in a bus of 1-bit synchronized, but glitchy signals
    // and should output a bus of 1-bit signals that hold high when their respective counter saturates

    // Remove this line once you create your synchronizer
    assign debounced_signal = 0;