EECS151 / riscv-cpu / software / i2s_piano_visual / i2s_piano_visual.c
#include <stddef.h>
#include "uart.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "ascii.h"
#include "memory_map.h"

#define FRAMEBUFFER_BASE 0x90000000
#define BUFFER_LEN 128

void store_pixel(uint8_t color, int x, int y) {
   (*((volatile uint8_t*)(FRAMEBUFFER_BASE + (y << 10) + x))) = color & 0x1;

void fill(uint8_t color) {
    int x;
    int y;
    for (x = 0; x < 1024; x++) {
        for (y = 0; y < 768; y++) {
            store_pixel(color, x, y);


extern volatile unsigned int


static int attenuate_delta(int x, int fac) {
    int out = 0;
    while (fac) {
        if (fac & 1) out += x;
        x <<= 1;
        fac >>= 1;
    return out >> 12;

static int dt_combine(int cur, int prv) {
	return (cur + cur + cur - prv) >> 1;

static void apply_decay(int *val, int shift) {
    int v = *val;
    v <<= 12;
    v -= v >> shift;
    v >>= 12;
    *val = v;

struct osc_state {
	int freqfac, maginit, decaycycles, decayshift;
	int vcos0, vcos, vsin0, vsin, zcross, cdecay;

static void osc_reset(struct osc_state *os, int freqfac, int maginit, int decaycycles, int decayshift) {
	os->freqfac = freqfac;
	os->maginit = maginit;
	os->decaycycles = decaycycles;
	os->decayshift = decayshift;
    os->vcos0 = maginit;
	os->vcos = maginit;
    os->vsin0 = 0;
    os->vsin = 0;
    os->zcross = 0;
	os->cdecay = decaycycles;

static void osc_cycle(struct osc_state *os) {
	// do magnitude adjustment
	if (--os->cdecay == 0) {
		os->cdecay = os->decaycycles;
        apply_decay(&os->maginit, os->decayshift);
        apply_decay(&os->vcos0, os->decayshift);
        apply_decay(&os->vcos, os->decayshift);
        apply_decay(&os->vsin0, os->decayshift);
        apply_decay(&os->vsin, os->decayshift);
	// do phase shift
	int vcos = os->vcos;
	int vsin = os->vsin;
	int nvcos = vcos - attenuate_delta(dt_combine(vsin, os->vsin0), os->freqfac);
	int nvsin = vsin + attenuate_delta(dt_combine(vcos, os->vcos0), os->freqfac);
	os->vcos0 = vcos;
	os->vsin0 = vsin;
	int zcrocc = (vsin < 0 && nvsin >= 0);
	if (zcrocc && os->zcross == 15) {
		os->vcos = os->maginit;
		os->vsin = 0;
		os->zcross = 0;
	} else {
		os->vcos = nvcos;
		os->vsin = nvsin;
		os->zcross += zcrocc;


#define OS_COUNT (4)

int main() {
	struct osc_state oss[OS_COUNT];
    for (struct osc_state *os = &oss[0]; os < &oss[OS_COUNT]; os++)
        osc_reset(os, 0, 0, 1, 0);

    static const short ffs[128] = {
        ['Z'] = 70,
        ['S'] = 74,
        ['X'] = 79,
        ['D'] = 83,
        ['C'] = 88,
        ['V'] = 94,
        ['G'] = 99,
        ['B'] = 105,
        ['H'] = 111,
        ['N'] = 118,
        ['J'] = 125,
        ['M'] = 132,
        ['<'] = 140,

        ['z'] = 140,
        ['s'] = 149,
        ['x'] = 157,
        ['d'] = 167,
        ['c'] = 177,
        ['v'] = 187,
        ['g'] = 198,
        ['b'] = 210,
        ['h'] = 222,
        ['n'] = 236,
        ['j'] = 250,
        ['m'] = 264,
        [','] = 280,

        ['q'] = 280,
        ['2'] = 297,
        ['w'] = 317,
        ['3'] = 333,
        ['e'] = 352,
        ['r'] = 373,
        ['5'] = 395,
        ['t'] = 418,
        ['6'] = 443,
        ['y'] = 469,
        ['7'] = 497,
        ['u'] = 526,
        ['i'] = 557,

        ['Q'] = 557,
        ['@'] = 589,
        ['W'] = 624,
        ['#'] = 660,
        ['E'] = 699,
        ['R'] = 738,
        ['%'] = 781,
        ['T'] = 826,
        ['^'] = 974,
        ['Y'] = 924,
        ['&'] = 975,
        ['U'] = 1030,
        ['I'] = 1088,

    struct osc_state *cur_os = &oss[0];
    int next_sample = 0;

    // Visualization
    int x = 0;
    uint8_t decimation = 0;
    uint8_t decimation_level = 30;
    uint16_t y_coordinates[1024];

    int8_t buffer[BUFFER_LEN];

    while (1) {
        if (!GPIO_FIFO_EMPTY) {
            uint32_t button_state = GPIO_FIFO_DATA;
            if (button_state & 0x1) { // BUTTONS[0]
                  decimation_level = decimation_level == 0 ? 0 : decimation_level - 1;
            } else if (button_state & 0x2) { // BUTTONS[1]
            } else if (button_state & 0x4) { // BUTTONS[2]
                  decimation_level = 30;
        if (uart_control & 0x02) {
            int c = uart_rx; // you have to assert data_out_ready at the SAME cycle that you fetch data_out
            if (c == '`') {
                return 0;
            short ff = ffs[c];
            if (ff) {
                osc_reset(cur_os, ff, 0x60000, 48, 6);
                if (cur_os == &oss[OS_COUNT])
                    cur_os = &oss[0];
        if (!i2s_full) {
            i2s_sample = next_sample;

            // Visualization
            decimation = decimation + 1;
            if (decimation > decimation_level) {              
                x = x >= 1023 ? 0 : x + 1;
                store_pixel(1, x, y_coordinates[x]);
                y_coordinates[x] = (next_sample >> 10) + 384;
                store_pixel(0, x, y_coordinates[x]);                             
                decimation = 0;

            next_sample = 0;
            for (struct osc_state *os = &oss[0]; os < &oss[OS_COUNT]; os++) {
                next_sample += os->vsin;
            if (next_sample >= 0x80000) {
                next_sample = 0x7FFFF;
            } else if (next_sample < -0x80000) {
                next_sample = -0x80000;