SpelunkyRemake / Matrix2x3.cpp
#include "pch.h"
#include "Matrix2x3.h"

Matrix2x3::Matrix2x3(Vector2f dirX, Vector2f dirY, Vector2f orig)
	: dirX{ dirX }, dirY{ dirY }, orig{ orig }

Matrix2x3::Matrix2x3(float e1X, float e1Y, float e2X, float e2Y, float oX, float oY) 
	: Matrix2x3{ Vector2f{e1X, e1Y}, Vector2f{e2X, e2Y}, Vector2f{oX, oY} }

Vector2f Matrix2x3::Transform(const Vector2f& vector) const
	return Vector2f{ vector.x * dirX + vector.y * dirY };

Point2f Matrix2x3::Transform(const Point2f& point) const
	Vector2f v{ Transform( Vector2f{ point } ) + orig };
	return  v.ToPoint2f();

std::vector<Point2f> Matrix2x3::Transform(const Rectf & r) const
	std::vector<Point2f> vertices{ 4 };
	vertices[0] = Transform( Point2f{ r.left, r.bottom } );
	vertices[1] = Transform( Point2f{ r.left, r.bottom + r.height } );
	vertices[2] = Transform( Point2f{ r.left + r.width, r.bottom + r.height } );
	vertices[3] = Transform( Point2f{ r.left + r.width, r.bottom } );
	return vertices;

void Matrix2x3::Transform( const Rectf& r, Point2f* transVertices ) const
	transVertices[0] = Transform( Point2f{ r.left, r.bottom } );
	transVertices[1] = Transform( Point2f{ r.left, r.bottom + r.height } );
	transVertices[2] = Transform( Point2f{ r.left + r.width, r.bottom + r.height } );
	transVertices[3] = Transform( Point2f{ r.left + r.width, r.bottom } );

std::vector<Point2f> Matrix2x3::Transform( const std::vector<Point2f>& vertices ) const
	size_t nrVectices{ vertices.size( ) };
	std::vector<Point2f> transformedVertices{ nrVectices };
	for ( size_t idx{ 0 }; idx < nrVectices; ++idx )
		transformedVertices[idx] = Transform( vertices[idx] );
	return transformedVertices;

void Matrix2x3::Transform( const std::vector<Point2f>& vertices, Point2f* transVertices ) const
	Transform( vertices.data( ), transVertices, vertices.size( ) );

void Matrix2x3::Transform( const Point2f* vertices, Point2f* transVertices, size_t nrVertices ) const
	for ( size_t idx{ 0 }; idx < nrVertices; ++idx )
		transVertices[idx] = Transform( vertices[idx] );

float Matrix2x3::Determinant() const
	return dirX.x * dirY.y - dirX.y * dirY.x;

Matrix2x3 Matrix2x3::Inverse() const
	//Calculate Determinant
	float det = Determinant();
	//1)calculate matrix of minors
	//2)Use the alternating law of signs to produce the matrix of cofactors 
	//4)the inverse matrix is 1/Determinant * the resulting matrix
	return Matrix2x3{
		Vector2f(+dirY.y, -dirX.y) / det,
		Vector2f(-dirY.x, +dirX.x) / det,
		Vector2f(dirY.x * orig.y - dirY.y * orig.x, -(dirX.x * orig.y - dirX.y * orig.x)) / det

bool Matrix2x3::Equals(const Matrix2x3& other, float epsilon ) const
	return dirX.Equals(other.dirX, epsilon) && 
		dirY.Equals(other.dirY, epsilon) && 
		orig.Equals(other.orig, epsilon);

std::string Matrix2x3::ToString() const
	return std::string( "Matrix2x3( x( ")  + 
		std::to_string(dirX.x) + ", " + std::to_string( dirX.y ) 
		+ " ), y( " + std::to_string( dirY.x ) + ", " + std::to_string( dirY.y )
		+ " ), orig( " + std::to_string( orig.x ) + ", " + std::to_string( orig.y ) +  " )  )";

void Matrix2x3::SetAsIdentity()
	dirX = Vector2f{1, 0};
	dirY = Vector2f{0, 1};
	orig = Vector2f{0, 0};

void Matrix2x3::SetAsRotate(float degrees)
	float radians = degrees * 3.1415926535f / 180;
	dirX = Vector2f{ cos( radians ), sin( radians ) };
	dirY = Vector2f{ -sin( radians ), cos( radians ) };
	orig = Vector2f{ 0, 0 };
void Matrix2x3::SetAsTranslate(float tx, float ty)
	dirX = Vector2f{ 1, 0 };
	dirY = Vector2f{ 0, 1 };
	orig = Vector2f{ tx, ty };

void Matrix2x3::SetAsTranslate(Vector2f pt)
	dirX = Vector2f{ 1, 0 };
	dirY = Vector2f{ 0, 1 };
	orig = Vector2f{ pt.x, pt.y };

void Matrix2x3::SetAsScale(float scaleX, float scaleY)
	dirX = Vector2f{ scaleX, 0 };
	dirY = Vector2f{ 0, scaleY };
	orig = Vector2f{ 0, 0 };

void Matrix2x3::SetAsScale(float scale)
	SetAsScale(scale, scale);

Matrix2x3 Matrix2x3::CreateRotationMatrix(float degrees)
	float radians = degrees * 3.1415926535f / 180;
	return Matrix2x3( Vector2f{ cos( radians ), sin( radians ) }, Vector2f{ -sin(radians), cos( radians ) }, Vector2f{} );

Matrix2x3 Matrix2x3::CreateIdentityMatrix()
	return Matrix2x3( Vector2f{ 1, 0 }, Vector2f{ 0, 1 }, Vector2f{} );

Matrix2x3 Matrix2x3::CreateScalingMatrix(float scale)
	return CreateScalingMatrix(scale, scale);

Matrix2x3 Matrix2x3::CreateScalingMatrix(Vector2f scaleVector)
	return CreateScalingMatrix(scaleVector.x, scaleVector.y);

Matrix2x3 Matrix2x3::CreateScalingMatrix(float scaleX, float scaleY)
	return Matrix2x3( Vector2f{ scaleX, 0 }, Vector2f{ 0, scaleY }, Vector2f{} );

Matrix2x3 Matrix2x3::CreateTranslationMatrix(Vector2f origin)
	return Matrix2x3( Vector2f{ 1, 0 }, Vector2f{ 0, 1 }, origin );

Matrix2x3 Matrix2x3::CreateTranslationMatrix(float tx, float ty)
	return CreateTranslationMatrix( Vector2f{ tx, ty } );

// Operator overloading functionality
bool operator==(const Matrix2x3& lhs, const Matrix2x3& rhs) 
	return lhs.Equals(rhs);

bool operator!=(const Matrix2x3& lhs, const Matrix2x3& rhs) 
	return !(lhs == rhs);

Matrix2x3 operator*(const Matrix2x3& lhs, const Matrix2x3& rhs)
	return Matrix2x3{
		Vector2f{ rhs.dirX.x * lhs.dirX.x + rhs.dirX.y * lhs.dirY.x, rhs.dirX.x * lhs.dirX.y + rhs.dirX.y * lhs.dirY.y },
		Vector2f{ rhs.dirY.x * lhs.dirX.x + rhs.dirY.y * lhs.dirY.x, rhs.dirY.x * lhs.dirX.y + rhs.dirY.y * lhs.dirY.y },
		Vector2f{ rhs.orig.x * lhs.dirX.x + rhs.orig.y * lhs.dirY.x + lhs.orig.x, rhs.orig.x * lhs.dirX.y + rhs.orig.y * lhs.dirY.y + lhs.orig.y }

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Matrix2x3& matrix )
	os << matrix.ToString( );
	return os;